What's Wrong With You?!

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It was currently a free period for some of the kids, which included Finn. He enjoyed free periods most of the time because then he could get time to himself without having to talk to others. During free periods, he liked to spend time in the library to either read or draw. Those were two things he liked to do by himself a lot to try to distract himself from the pain he always felt.

Finn stopped by his locker before heading to the library to grab his notebook and a few books he had to return. Then he walked off to the library for free period. When he got there, he quickly dropped off his books before sitting down at a table by himself. He opened up his notebook and turned to a blank page to draw. He was a really good artist who normally liked to draw things that he liked, which wasn't that much. Normally it was nature or a part of a movie or a book he liked. But Finn had a different idea of what to draw today.

The boy took out a pencil and started to draw a picture of a person. He somehow remembered every detail of this person and what their clothes were like. When Finn finished his drawing, it turned out to be a drawing of Millie. Like before, he liked to draw things that he liked, but he also like Millie. She was the first person to be nice to him, other than his missing parents. She understood him, for some reason, cared about him, somehow, and would help him out no matter what. She would never hurt him and he would never hurt her back. Unintentionally, at least.

Unfortunately, his moment alone didn't last long after that when he saw the popular boys enter the library. Finn gulped nervously, still intimidated by these boys. He wanted to leave, but that would just draw attention to him, so he stayed where he was, trying to cover his face. But sadly, the boys saw him and came up to his table.

"Whatcha doing there you freak?" Caleb asked. Finn didn't respond, instead he tried to ignore them. 

"Answer us, weirdo!" Jaeden said. Finn still wouldn't speak to them. That made them annoyed, so they tried to grab his notebook. Finn tried to get it back, but they were stronger than him. He looked on nervously as they looked through his notebook. They chuckled at every drawing and then burst out laughing.

Finn's eyes widened as they started showing the whole room his picture of Millie. "Hey everyone!" Wyatt said, calling for everyone's attention. The people in the room looked over and saw the picture. 

"See this weirdo over here?" Noah said pointing at Finn, who was  trying to hide himself. "This guy is not only a weirdo and a freak, he is also a creep! He's stalking the new girl by drawing pictures of her! I bet he likes her, but there's no way that she would like him! Who would like someone as retarded as this guy?" He said. Everyone burst out laughing and they all started calling Finn names.

Finn started to shake, sweat, and breathe heavily. He hated all this attention for a simple drawing. He tried to hide himself more by covering his face with his hood and curling up into a ball, but that just earned more laughs. The boy jumped when he heard a pound on the table. Jack was slamming a knife down at the table that he got from the cafeteria. Finn knew what they wanted him to do before they even told him.

"If you don't want to hear us anymore, then kill yourself right here, right now. Everyone wants that because no one likes you and no one ever will like you! We would all love it if you killed yourself now!" Jack said.

Finn stared at the knife for a few minutes. Everyone had stopped laughing to pay attention in interest to what was happening. Finn knew that what Jack had said was right. No one likes him and no one will ever like him. Millie would start hating him after she sees the drawing. What was he thinking when he drew that? As he slowly picked up the knife with a shaking hand, the door suddenly opened. Everyone looked up to see Millie, who was standing by the entrance and taking a look at the scene. Her eyes widened when she saw Finn holding the knife.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING IN HERE?!" Millie yelled, furiously. Everyone jumped at the tone of her voice, including Finn.

"We're informing this retarded creep right here that he should just leave the world as we know it!" Gaten said, as if this was a thing that happened normally. Millie glared at him and stormed over to where they were and grabbed the knife out of Finn's hands. She snapped the knife with her knee, since it was plastic, and threw it out. Then she turned to the entire room.

"What is wrong with you?! All of you?! Picking on someone like this, telling him to kill himself?! What has society come to these days?! Can't you guys see that he has feelings?! Everyone has feelings! You guys have done ENOUGH torture to this poor boy! He doesn't deserve any of this! NO ONE deserves any of this!" Millie yelled. Then she turned to the popular boys. "You guys better stop bullying him. What has he done to you to make you torture him like this?! How would you feel if you were not as 'popular' as you think you are? How would you feel if someone tortured you like this?! How would you feel if someone spread rumors about you that weren't true?! Everyone is human, whether you like it or not, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect. No one should care about race, gender, sexuality, diseases, anxiety, or even how someone looks! So how about you guys stop being dicks all the time and act like decent people for once in your goddamn lives, huh? Finn has suffered enough and he doesn't need any of you to hurt him anymore!"

Everyone was left in shock of her speech. Finn was the most shocked out of everyone, not expecting for someone to stand up for him like this. Then he remembered the drawing, how he actually cut himself, and his abusive aunt. If Millie found out about it, she would hate him forever. He didn't care about what she said, her mind was going to change soon. Finn grabbed his stuff and ran out of the library in tears. Everyone watched him leave with Millie following him.

Even though Millie's speech left people in shock, it still wouldn't change their minds about Finn.


For the rest of the day, Finn was avoiding Millie. He was afraid that she would hurt him and that he would hurt her somehow, so he decided to stay away from her to avoid it. So that meant that every time Millie sat next to him in class, he would move down a couple of seats. Whenever Millie came up to him, he bolted away. If Millie wanted to eat lunch with him, he would leave the cafeteria. He felt bad for doing it, but he felt like he had to.

Millie, on the other hand, was confused as to why Finn was avoiding her. She suspected that he was just upset over what had happened earlier and that he would be better tomorrow. But she still couldn't help but feel a little hurt about his actions. She didn't know what she could have done or what he did to make him avoid her, but she was desperate for answers. No matter what, she was still trying to come up with ways to help him out with everything.

After school, Millie walked home by herself. When she got home, she went up to her room and turned on her 3Ds to play on it. As she played, she looked out the window for any sign of Finn. She finally caught notice of him entering his house, but looking like he was sneaking in. When he entered his house, Millie closed her 3Ds to secretly look out her other window that led into Finn's room. She saw him quietly close the door and sit down on his bed. He looked so sad and upset. Millie wanted to go in there and hug him, but he would just avoid her.

She kept watching as she saw Finn slowly walk over to his bedroom door and open it. There was his aunt standing at the door. She looked really pissed about something and Millie was starting to get worried.

What she saw next brought a shock to Millie's eyes.

Finn's aunt started hitting him and pulling his hair. Millie covered her mouth in shock, watching as his aunt threw him across the room and kicking him. The girl saw tears streaming down Finn's face and she could tell he was screaming. Then she saw him get kicked in the crotch and punched in the faces a couple of times. Millie wanted to do something, but there was nothing she could do at the moment.

After a few more minutes, his aunt left the room, leaving Finn to lock his door and to sob against the wall. Millie wanted to just jump in the window and hug him, but she couldn't. All she could do was watch. She watched as he finally calmed down and walk over to his dresser drawer. Her eyes widened when he pulled out a blade and started cutting himself with it. It didn't even look like he was in any pain or even react to it. It seemed like Finn had done this countless times before.

It was in that moment that Millie knew she needed to help Finn more than ever.

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