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Finn was currently in his room sitting on his bed. He had picked up the guitar from Millie's house and was waiting for a good time to start playing. If his aunt heard him play, she would break the guitar and then hit him too, so he had to wait till she left. Even though he was able to stand up for himself at school now, he was still too scared to stand up to his aunt. She was scarier than everyone in the school combined.

After what felt like hours of waiting, Finn heard the car in the driveway pull out. He went over to his window and watched as his aunt drove away. Then he pulled the guitar from under his bed and sat down with it on the bed. He planned to play a couple of songs that he had in mind to practice for playing at the talent show. 

Finn sighed and began playing a few notes. He smiled to himself, glad that he still had it in him to play. He then started playing more notes, both high and low, and was getting better. He smiled wider and paused for a minute before continuing. Then he started to sing the song he was playing out loud. After a few minutes of playing, Finn stopped to take a break.

Yup, he still had it.

The boy went downstairs to the kitchen to get some food and brought it back upstairs. Once he was finished eating, he started to play more. He played for what felt like hours due to how much fun it was, that he didn't realize that his aunt pulled in to the driveway. Finn was too focused on practicing that he didn't even hear the front door open. But he did realize it went his bedroom door opened, revealing Lina with an angry look. Finn jumped and his eyes widened when he saw her.


Finn took a few deep breaths before responding, "Playing the guitar. I'm practicing for a talent show." He couldn't help but say it in a small voice. His aunt really scared him. Lina angrily stomped towards him and tried to grab the guitar from him. Finn quickly pulled it away from her reach, not wanting to have a guitar that belonged to Millie getting broken. "Please don't break it. It belongs to someone else and I'm borrowing it," he explained.

"I told you the rules. You are not allowed to do anything in this house but work, study, and sleep! No more guitar!" Lina said. Then she kept on trying to take the guitar, but her nephew wouldn't let her.

"Don't break it! I can't let this one break! You already broke the one I got from Dad!" Finn begged. Then words came out from his mouth that he didn't expect to ever come out. "What is wrong with you?! You broke one of the best memories of my dad! He gave me that guitar when I was little to cheer me up after a day of bullying! He knew how much I loved music so that's why he gave it to me! Then he leaves and you come along and break it! Why do you torture me?! Do you do this with every kid you meet?! Torture them?! You can't do that! What did I ever do to you?! The first day we met, you hated me! And all I did was say hi! You were told to take care of me after mom and dad left and what do you do? You abuse me! It hurts me Aunt Lina! It hurts me! I have feelings too you know! And it feels like no one ever knows that I do and I'm tired of it! So stop doing this to me because I'm sick of it! I'm playing this guitar whether you like it or not and I'm doing that talent show! No one is going to stop me from proving that I am a person just like everyone else!"

Lina was shocked at what he said. Finn was shocked too, not expecting to have ever said any of that to his horrible aunt. But everything he said was what he had been thinking for years. It seemed to have affected his aunt because she stopped trying to take the guitar. Instead, she left the room and closed the door behind her. Finn then sat back down and continued practicing on his guitar. 

What he didn't notice was that Millie was watching him through the window.


Millie was in her room, looking through songs to sing at the talent show while listening to them. She loved way too many songs so it was taking her a while to decide on what songs. She decided to take a break from choosing and went on her 3Ds to play MarioKart for the millionth time. When she was in the middle of a race, she heard a noise. She looked over to her window and saw something that amazed her.

Finn was sitting on his bed, playing the guitar. Not only that, but he was singing along to the tune. Millie was amazed, not expecting his singing voice and guitar playing to be so good as it was. She knew that he was going to do amazing at the talent show.

She noticed that Finn stopped playing to take a break. He set aside the guitar and put it back under his bed. When he stood up, he noticed Millie at the window. Instead of freaking out like he did the day before, he waved at her and smiled. Millie waved and smiled back. Then she gave him a thumbs up at his guitar playing and he just smiled wider.

Then Millie saw that Ava came into her room and she waved a small goodbye to Finn before closing the blinds. "Yes Ava?" She asked.

"It's dinner time! I was yelling for you to come down for five minutes!" Ava said.

Millie facepalmed and sighed. "I'm sorry. I was busy talking with a friend and working on homework. Also, I was wearing headphones," she said, pointing to her earbuds in her ears.

Ava rolled her eyes. "Well come on down!" She said. Millie nodded and smirked. Then she ran over and picked her up, much to Ava's protesting. She carried her all the way downstairs, laughing. Once they reached the kitchen, Millie put her little sister down and kept laughing. Ava was glaring while trying to hide a smile. "Don't do that!" She said.

Millie just kept on laughing. "Love you too Ava!"

Then she went to eat dinner and afterwards choosing more songs. She ended up picking something that would speak well with the audience. 

Something that sounded close to Finn.

Something in the Way - Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now