Secret Homelife

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The final bell had rung for the school day and everyone was rushing outside to go home. Finn was in no rush, as he slowly left the building and slowly walked home. He lived only a few blocks away from the school, but he liked to take his sweet time to get home. He never liked going home after school. He kept his head down as he walked down the sidewalk to his house.

As he looked up to see if anyone was watching, Finn could see all the kids hanging out together, talking and laughing. He wanted to be like that, but he was always too nervous. He looked back down and kicked some of the pebbles on the sidewalk as he walked. When he looked up again, Finn noticed that some of the kids had paused talking to each other to look over at him. His eyes widened as he pulled his hood over his face more and walked a little faster.

But he couldn't get very far away, and he realized that when he felt something hit his head really hard. Finn nearly fell to the ground when he felt the pain. He looked to see what could have hit him and he saw a rock. He picked up curiously to examine it, knowing that it hit him. Then Finn noticed that one of the group of kids had thrown the rock at him. The group was right across the street, holding all kinds of rocks in their hands.

"DIE YOU FREAK!" One of them yelled, hurling another rock at him. Finn barely dodged it as it took off running, getting hit by a few rocks as he ran. When he got away far enough, he stopped behind a bush to take a breath. He wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall, not wanting to cry in public. 

He looked up. He was now at his house. Finn took a deep breath as he quietly walked up to the front door, unlocked it, and went inside. He quietly closed the door behind him and quietly took off his shoes. Then he went upstairs in his room, no one noticing that he was home. Finn locked the door to his room and sat down on the bed. He looked over at his nightstand and picked up a picture. It was a picture of him and his parents, all three of them smiling and looking happy. It was a family portrait of them all together, the night before things became worse.

Finn thought about that night, after the family portrait. It was a few years back, when he was in third grade. He was still picked on, even back then, but he had people to turn to during that time. His parents. They were always there for him and they would do anything for him. They would even try to do something about the bullying when some of it got worse. The night of the picture was when it was his parents' anniversary and they decided to have a photographer come and take a picture of them. But the next night was when things went worse. His parents went out to a party hosted by one of his father's friends. They never came back. No one, to this day, knows what happened to them, but everyone thinks they are dead, even Finn himself. He teared up as he looked at the picture, wishing that they never left him.

The moment was gone when he heard loud pounding at the door. Finn jumped when he heard it, put the picture down and walked over to the door, not opening it. He jumped back when there was more pounding at the door. Finn took a couple of deep breaths when he opened it. There was his aunt, standing outside the door. After his parents left, she had to take care of him since she was the only family left that was eligible to care for him. But it wasn't good for Finn, because she hated him.

"Yeah, aunt Lina?" He asked in a small voice.

"What are you doing here back home?!" Lina yelled in his face.

Finn took a couple steps back. "I-I came home from school... A-And I live here..." he said. He was nervous as to what she would do to him today.

His aunt opened the door more and had an angry glare on her face. "You didn't clean your room like I told you to yesterday. Why not?!" She yelled.

Finn's eyes widened. "I'm sorry. I j-just had a l-lot of homework to do and I couldn't find time to. I'll do it right now," he apologized in a trembling voice. He walked over to go clean some stuff up, but then felt his hair being tugged. He yelled in pain as his aunt pulled his hair really hard.

"YOU ARE A USELESS PILE OF SHIT!" Lina yelled in his ear. Then he grabbed his arm, dragged him to the staircase, and threw him down the stairs. Finn cried out in pain as he hit each step and had trouble getting up when he landed at the bottom. Lina came over to him and stomped on his crotch.

Finn started to cry. "P-P-Please stop! Please!" He sobbed. But that earned him a punch in the face, making him yelp. Lina then left the room, leaving Finn to lie in pain and trying to sit up. He hoped that it was over, but it was far from over. His aunt came back holding a bunch of knifes. Finn screamed as he backed up against the wall. She threw the knifes at him, some missing him and some scratching his arms. 

When she finally stopped, Finn managed to get up, ran up the stairs, locked the door to his room again and sobbed. He curled up in a ball against his bed and sobbed into his knees. This made him hate his life more. This is what he thought he could escape from when he first went to school after the first abuse, but he just got similar torture at school. His parents disappeared, his aunt abuses him everyday, everyone at school bullies him. It was all too much for Finn to make him as depressed as he was now.

When Finn calmed down a bit, he stood up and went over to his dresser. He opened up his underwear drawer and pulled out a sharp blade. The boy then sat down on his bed and started cutting himself with the blade. It never hurt him much anymore since he had lost count on how many times he had done this. It was like a sport now.

When he was done, Finn looked outside his window, looking out at the nature. When he turned his head, he could see his next door neighbor's window. He didn't mean to look inside, but when he did, he could see Millie in there. She lived next door to him? Finn saw her playing a video game with a boy who looked older than her, who Finn guessed to either be her dad or older brother. They were playing on her 3Ds, from what Finn could tell. He didn't mean to look like he was a stalker, but he couldn't help but look at what life was like without being abused. He could barely remember what it was like.

All Finn knew was that he wasn't happy, but Millie was. At least she was happy.


A/N: I'm so sorry if I triggered anyone. It was important to the story, and if I triggered anyone by writing this, I'm deeply sorry. I never mean to upset anyone who could be going through something like this. Everyone deserves to be happy.

THATS WHY I GIVE STUFF HAPPY ENDINGS! Like, if you guys are thinking I'm going to have Finn kill him self at the end, you are just so wrong. I WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO MAH BOOTIFUL HUSBAND!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment!

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