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"Hey Charlie, can we talk?" Millie said as she walked into the living room. Charlie was watching TV in there and he looked up when he saw Millie come in. He noticed the worried look on her face and turned off the television. He nodded at her as his little sister sat next to him on the couch.

"There's this boy at school. No, I don't have a crush on him and I'm not asking for dating advice. This boy is a depressed person. He gets tortured by people at school, has anxiety, has rumors spread about him, and I just saw him get abused by his aunt. He's cutting himself too! I don't know what to do!" Millie explained. She started tearing up as she thought of Finn. She couldn't believe that what has been happening has gone this far to make him cut himself.

Charlie's eyes widened as she told the story. "Oh my god. That's insane. Do you know his name?" He asked.

Millie nodded. "His name is Finn Wolfhard," she said. Then she looked down into her lap before speaking more. "This whole situation reminds me of home. What if he kills him self? What if the same thing happens to him like it did with Sadie?" She said. Sadie was Millie's best friend back in London. She killed herself due to rumors spread about her, despite Millie trying to help her. Her death had broken Millie that she would do anything from having something like that happen again. She had to do the same with Finn.

Charlie put an arm around his sister and rubbed her back. "I know you're still upset about Sadie. It won't happen again with this boy. We can do something," he said. "You did the right thing by telling someone."

Millie nodded. "I think I have an idea in mind too," she said. Then she explained her plan to her brother, who offered to help in anyway he could.


Both Millie and Charlie sneakily looked out the window in Millie's room to look into Finn's. Millie had binoculars and Charlie had his phone to take pictures. Finn didn't see them, as he was busy drawing in his notebook. They couldn't tell what he was drawing, but he was drawing a picture of Millie again. He felt like he was being a stalker by drawing her, twice, but he couldn't help it. In his opinion, she was pretty and awesome.

Once Finn finished his drawing, he closed his notebook and went over to his bookshelf. He pulled out a book and sat down on his bed to read it. But he could barely pay any attention to his book because he kept on thinking. He thought about his pain, mostly, just thinking about how awful his life was. He put down his book and walked over to his dresser and pulled out his blade. He left some marks on his arms before putting it back in the drawer and closing it. Finn then heard a car engine and looked out his window. He could see his aunt driving away in her car.

Finn ran downstairs to the kitchen to grab some food. This was one of his only chances to leave his room, whenever his aunt left the house. He grabbed a few pieces of food and went back upstairs. He ate the food, fast, in order to not let his aunt know he was eating in his room. When he was done, he went to check outside the window to see if his aunt pulled up. She didn't, but he stayed in his room just in case.

The boy then felt like someone was watching him. He got that feeling all the time, but he had to make sure that no one was. He looked out his other window that led into Millie's room and saw Millie and her brother looking in to his room with binoculars and a phone. Finn's eyes widened and he started breathing heavily and shaking. They were watching him and taking pictures of him. They were stalking him. Even though he felt like he was stalking Millie by drawing her, he wasn't. This was the real kind of stalking. Finn quickly ran toward his closet, went in it, and closed the door. 

He stayed there for a long time until he heard a knock from downstairs. Finn knew that it wasn't his aunt, for he knew she would just open it with the keys. It was someone else. He wouldn't get up from the closet, fearing that he was still being looked at and who it was at the door. But there was another knock. Finn gulped and slowly got out of the closet, seeing that no one was watching him at the window anymore, and slowly walked downstairs to the front door.

Finn stood by the front door for a few seconds before hesitantly opening the door very slowly. There stood Millie, who had a concerned look on her face. The boy freaked out and slammed the door in her face. He ran back up the stairs, into his room, and hid back in his closet. 

Millie wouldn't let one slam in her face stop her though. She took a hairpin out of her hair and wiggled it around in the doorknob. Then she opened the door and went up stairs and walked in to Finn's room. She heard heavy breathing coming from his closet, giving her a clue that he was in there. She slowly opened the door and saw Finn curled up in a ball, breathing heavily and sweating. He immediately saw her and tried to hide underneath some clothes that were in his closet.

"Finn, please talk to me. I know what's wrong," Millie said. Finn wouldn't answer and he wouldn't come out. She sighed and continued, "I know you noticed me looking at you and I'm sorry that I freaked you out. You were just worrying me and I had to make sure you were okay. But you're not. You're not. You're in pain and I saw what your aunt does to you. You don't deserve this. Please, Finn, let me help you."

Finn still wouldn't come out of the closet and out underneath the clothes. He was scared of Millie now, considering how she was stalking him and how she broke in to his house. He didn't want to look at her or even hear her. He didn't want to be scared of her, but his anxiety was taking over. But she wouldn't leave. He felt her hand on top of him and he bolted up, accidentally. He crawled into the far side of the closet, which was darker, and tried to hide there. But Millie just crawled in the closet herself and sat in front of Finn. 

He was trapped.

Something in the Way - Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now