He got on one knee..

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A/N: Ayyy so I'm writing this chapter on my computer so I can't make the letters bold so sowwy.

Brendon's pov: 

I walk to my tour bus to go to sleep after this long night, at least my dream came true and met a cool fan. She is beautiful and has a great personality as far as I know, I know I will see her again, I just wished I could see her face when she opens that piece of paper. I finally reach the tour bus, I open the doors and head to my room but I was stopped. "Who was that fan you we're with?" Dallon asked me while getting sassy. "She was just another fan, just another fangirl." I say back, I finally get to my room as I close and lock the door. I can't believe I called Y/N an "Another fangirl and fan." I'm so mad at myself for saying those things cause she wasn't, yes she was a fan but she wasn't just "another" she was a special one, that's why I gave her some things in that paper. I change into my pajamas and flop down on my bed while posting that picture of me and Y/N at the concert

Your pov:

I finally decide to go to bed but I start to hear my phone, it kept going off, I looked my notifications "BrendonUrie has tagged you in a post!" I start crying. Is this really happening?? Did he tag me in one of his post?! He sure did, oh my god I feel so special. I liked the post and turned my phone off and tried to get some sleep. Wait I forgot that Brendon gave me that piece of paper! How could I forget about that?! God Y/N your so stupid, I grabbed the piece of paper and unfold it "Hi! it was so nice meeting you! When I first saw you I thought I was imagining things, you look like a complete angel! I don't want to forget about you here is my number and a little present for you. Meet me at my tour bus, its around the building of the concert. Meet me there at 8:00 am! xoxo -Brendon" The note said. OMG AHHHH THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!! IT IS?!?! I'M PROB JUST DREAMING! BUT I'M NOT!! I close my eyes so the morning could faster. *BEEP BEEP BEEP* Ug my stupid alarm, I was about to press snooze when I realized I had to meet Brendon his tour bus! I jump out of bed and brush my long/short hair, and put on some black skinny jeans and a band shirt and run out the door. I run across the street to see Brendon waiting for me. "Y/N!" he yelled while pulling me into a huge hug. "Beebo!!" I screamed while hugging him back. "Beebo??" He asked while laughing. "Just a nickname I came up with!" I said while he took my hand and led me down the sidewalk. "Where are we going??" I asked while laughing. "I'm taking you to a trail at the end of it is a waterfall!" He said like a little kid. We soon reached the trail and it took a hour to get to the waterfall, soon we arrived. "Y/N? There is something I need to show you. "What is it babe?" I said back not realizing what I just said. "OOPS UM NO THAT WASN'T MEANT TO COME OUT! I'M SO SORRY!" I said while face palming myself. "HAHAHA its okay anyway I need to ask you something." He said while getting on one knee. WAIT WHAT WE JUST MET YESTERDAY HE CAN'T ASK MY TO MARRY HIM!!! WHAT DO I DO?! "Y/N I don't want to leave you so.." He said while pulling out loads of vip tickets for his concert. "Will you go on the rest of my tour with me?" He said while showing me his biggest smile. I stood in silence, I couldn't talk or move all I would do was think. "I'm sorry this was a stupid idea, we just met yesterday and I'm asking you to go on the rest of my tour with me. I'm so stupid." He said while staying on knee. "YES!!!" I screamed while making him fall over into a hug. "YES! We leave tomorrow morning at 4:00 am!" Beebo told me while returning the hug. 

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