If it means I have to suffer

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A/N: I'm on my period and I'm hurting really bad and my dad's still making me do school. He's taking my phone away while school is on so I will update this again later after school~ (Trigger Warning Absive relationship)
Your pov:
"OH MY GOD BRENDON I'M SO HAPPY!!" I yell still hugging him crying of happiness. "I'm so glad you are Y/N! Go start packing, we are leaving tommrow at 3 in the morning!" Brendon said walking me back to my hotel. We both arrive at my door and unlock it not wanting to leave Brendon, I didn't want to leave him alone after Ryan's death, he might so something he will regret. "Brendon?" I ask turning to him. "Yeah?" He said started the shake, I think he is scared that I would change my mind about the trip. "Don't do anything you will regret while I am gone. You got that?!" I say holding his two hands. "Yes Ma'am!" He says giving me a big hug wrapping his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck. We say our goodbyes and go into my freezing hotel room, I walk over and turn the heat up so I won't freeze to death. I open my suitcase and start throwing random cloths in it, until I see a red short dress. I've never had this before.. did room service mistake the rooms? I call the room service and ask them of they put a red dress in room 201 on floor 3. Your pov but in calling mode
Rs: (Room service) Hello? How can we help you?
Me: I think you guys accidentally put a red short dress in room 201 floor 3.
Rs: Let me look, no Ma'am we didn't, He got the right room.
Me: okay thank you.
Rs: Our pleasure
Your pov out of calling:
I mean the dress is really cute! (See the dress from the beginning of this chapter) As I twirl the red dress around being immature a note falls out, I was have anxiety while bending over and picking it of the ground. It read,
"Dear Y/N,
If you are reading this then you got the dress! Sorry if it is a little short but when I saw it I knew it was made for you! Don't worry Brendon isn't that kind of guy,
I just thought you want a dress
For the big day tomorrow for
Italy! Hopefully he told you before
You read this if not
Oops.. anyway have a fun time you
Two love birds! ♡ -Ryan"
Your pov:
I start sobbing on the note and holding it tightly to my chest and screaming Ryan, I start to calm down and I start thinking how I wish I knew Ryan before the incident, I really wish I could have been his friend. I go out of my room while whipping my years walking to the elevator going to the lobby. I finally arrive at the Starbucks in the hotel and order my favorite drink and a muffin, I head back up to my room to finish packing. I open my door to see a man standing in my bedroom with his hands in fist ready to fight. "Hello?" I say in a very shaky voice. "Well well well I finally found you." A man said. "Dallon?!" I scream slamming into the wall. "Who the hell is Dallon slut?!" The man screams at me grabbing my shirt lifting me off the ground. "James..?" I say started to sob. "The one and only! Now who is Dallon?!" James screams spraying spit all on my face. "He was my friend but he's now a murderer, he's in prison now." I say with tears staining my cheeks James drops me on the carpet floor and walking over to the note Ryan wrote to me, "James! Don't you dare touch that note!" I scream at him, I didn't want him to rip it, it was the only thing I had left of Ryan. He picked it up anyway reading it out loud. "Have fun you two love birds?!?!" He scream putting the note in his pocket. "So you have 3 boyfriend's now?!" He yells slapping me across my face. Horrible flash backs kept coming back to me, all the times he used to hit me and all the names he called me and all the times he cheated on me. I have no boyfriends, I'm still single.. "Do you want me to slap you again for lying?!" James yells putting his arm up and swinging it toward me.
Brendon's pov:
I walk over to Y/N's hotel seeing if she got Ryan's present, I really hope she likes it me and him tried to get the perfect dress for the perfect girl! I finally arrive at her room and I am welcome to yelling through the door and Y/N screaming. "WHAT'S GOING ON IN THERE?!" I yell pounding on the door. "Brendon!" I hear Y/N yell to me. "Quite you slut!" I man said from the other side of the door. The door cracks open's to a tall man with blond hair and blue eyes. "Hey Y/N one if your boyfriends are here!" He yelled dragging Y/N by the arm. Y/N has been crying I could tell by her red stained eyes and her cheeks we're stained with tears. "Let her go!" I yell at the man grabbing Y/N away from him. I then noticed that she was wearing the red dress we gave her, I look at her and flash a smirk. "Don't give that look to my girlfriend!" The guy says. "J-J-James.. Your not my boyfriend I would never get back with you after all the times you have beat me and all the names you called me and all the times you cheated on me said "It was just a experiment!" You don't do that, at least Brendon is a amazing person and hasn't hit me and hasn't called me any names but I can't say he hasn't cheated on me because we aren't together." Y/N said running into my chest crying more. "You little!-" James said trying to hit Y/N but he ended up hitting me instead. I run to my tour bus while carrying me Y/N on my back. I can't believe he would teach a angel like This, Having Y/N love you is the best gift ever and he abused it! It's my job to keep Y/N out of harm and protect her from this cruel world even if it means that I would suffer.
A/N: I'm so proud of this chapter! Okay but one thing "The things we used to share" by Thomas Sanders, go listen to it now! It's totally Ryan and Brendons song! Okay love u babes 🖤🖤

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