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A/N: Ayyy sorry for not updating I've been having 2 deal with a lot of drama :P anyways I'll try to make this chapter not so sad.
Brendon's pov:
"RYAN RYAN NOOO PLEASE!!!" I scream while hugging him still on the ground. "Brendon..." Y/N said to me while falling to the ground hugging me and Ryan's corpse. "HE CAN'T BE GONE he can't.." I say choking on my sobs. "Brendon.. I can't say that everything is okay because it's not but I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, if I didn't come back to you this wouldn't have happen, it's all my fault." Y/N says sobbing with quilt. "It's not your fault Y/N, you tried to make things right, I'm glad you came back." I say trying to calm her down. "Okay, who's next?" Dallon says walking slowly toward us. "GO AWAY YOU BASTARD!" Brendon yells running to Dallon ready to fight. "Brendon STOP!" I yell holding him back. "Let go of me!!! He's not going to kill my best friend and get away with it!!!!" I scream sobbing even more. "Let him go Y/N, I want to stab his pretty little face." Dallon says chuckling.
Your pov:
"NEVER!!! I MEAN DO YOU REALLY THINK I'M GOING TO LET BEEBO GET HURT?!" I scream in anger. "Beebo?" Dallon asked giving me a weird look. As I start to answer Brendon ran out of my arms to Dallon. "Listen Dallon, I don't know what to do, but you killed my best friend and I'm going to let you get away with that. You understand me?" Brendon says with more anger then me. "H-h-h-help.. Y/N.." Brendon whispers as I see Dallon choking him. "LET HIM GO!!!" I scream running to them. "Fine." Dallon says dropping Brendon on the concrete. I don't know what to do, Brendon's coughing up blood.. "CLEAR THE AREA!" A swat member screamed. "Thank God! Please help us!!!" I scream sobbing with Ryan and a passed out Beebo in my arms. "IS ANYONE HURT?!" I swat member asked me. "I think this one is.." I say sobbing while pointing at Ryan. The swat member runs over to me and picks up Ryan and puts him in a helicopter. "This one I think is just passed out, he was coughing up blood though." I say choking on my sobs. Then the swat member picked up Brendon and put him in the same helicopter as Ryan. We all drive to the closet hospital to try to save Ryan.
Skip to 6 hours later~
Your pov:
It's been 6 hours and the doctor's are still trying to save Ryan, Brendon is fine though and is worrying with me. "Brendon, are you okay?" I ask while putting my hand on his shoulder. "No Y/N I'm not, My best friend might be a murder and lied about a girl that I want to be mine! And my other best friend for YEARS might die ant minute!" He screamed trying to hold back his tears.  "Mr. And Mrs. Urie?" A doctor asked us. "Oh um we're not-" I say getting cut off my Brendon. "Come on babe." He said winking at me while grabbing my hand. Omg omg omg Brendon holding my hand AHHHHHH. We both walked into Ryan's room to see him with his eyes barely open. "RYAN!!" Brendon screamed letting go of my hand while running to Ryan's side. "Hey dude." Ryan says with a smile. "How are you feeling??" Brendon said crying of happiness. "Really bad, the doctor's said that the stab is really bad and I lost a lot of blood." Ryan said to us sadly. "I'm really sorry about this, Ryan." I said with quilt. "It's not your fault beautiful." He said winking at me and with Brendon laughing. "In your dreams Ross." Beebo said laughing. "Haha ah my leg really hearts." Ryan said gasping in pain. "Brendon, Y/N?" Ryan said about to cry. "What is it??" Me and Brendon said at the same time. "The pain is so mad and I told the doctor's to unplug me. Without this machine I can't breath, guys I don't want to live the rest of my life in a hospital bed." Ryan said tearing up. (If you don't know what "unplug me" is it means the doctor's will unplug the machine that it keeping you alive. With your permission of course.) "Ryan..." Brendon said frozen. "Are you sure..?" Beebo asked starting to sob. "Better say your last words to me baby." Ryan said laughing. "Haha Ryan you are my best friend and I hate to see you go like this. I've known you for many years and those years as been amazing, you helped me up when No one did. I think your my best friend." Brendon said choking on his sobs. "Wow, that's amazing I never thought you felt that way about me thanks Brendon." Ryan said hugging him. "Now your turn beautiful." He said pointing at me. "Um Ryan I know we haven't really met but for years I was in love of you, like I had posters of you all over my room. Thank you for being there when no one was." I say hugging him. "Damn." He says hugging me back. "Well guys I have to go, it's time for me to die.." he said with the biggest smile. "Bye Ryan, I WILL MISS YOU SO MUCH!!" Brendon yelled sobbing uncontrollable.
Ryan's pov:
"I'll miss you too buddy, oh and do you still have those plane tickets?" I ask whispering to Brendon so Y/N can't here. "Yeah, I just wish you could come and not die." Brendon said crying. "Me too well goodbye Brendon Urie and Y/N Urie." I say jokeing as a Doctor walked in and unplugged my monitor.
Brendon's pov:
I can't speak or move, Ryan Ross my best friend is dead.. What am I going to do without my cheezwhiz loving best friend..?
A/N: Okay you know how I said that I will try to make this less sad? I think I made it more sad, oops. Well sorry babes! Have a good day/night 🖤🖤

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