Chapter 4: The Whomping Willow

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We were having a great time with the Weasleys. We never thought we will have so much fun during holidays. We never had those whenever we were with the Dursleys.

On the next morning we prepared our trunks ready for Hogwarts I took the locket which I bought for Hermione immediately when we were back from Diagnoy Alley. After a few minutes we reached at Platform 9 and 3/4. This was the most tricky part to Harry and I. What you have to do is walk through the solid barrier between platform 9 and 10. You have to do it carefully so that none of the muggles can see you vanishing.

After Mrs.Weasley and Ginny walked through the wall,Harry, Ron and I decided to go through the Platform nine and three-quarter together. I made sure my owl was safely wedged on top of the trunk. We bent low over the handles of our trollies and walked at a gathering speed towards the barrier. When we were just a few feets from it we broke into a run and crashed.

Our trolleys bounced backwards,everything was in a mess. Our trollies,trunks and pets. People all around us were starinfg at us and a guard nearby yelled, "What do you think you're doing?"

"We lost control sir."Harry answered at him.

"Why can't we get through?"Harry hissed.

"I don't know."answered Ron.

"It's seeled,"I whispered."..but I don't understand why?"

I looked up at the giant cloak with a sickening feeling in my stomach. Ten...nine....eight seconds remaining.

We took our trunks and put them back in our trolleys and I placed my owl on top of the trunk. I glared at the giant cloak again. seconds. It's over we missed our train. No more Hogwarts, no more friends for us and no more Hermione for me.

"I think we'd better go and wait in the car,"said Harry."We're attracting to much attention."

"That's it Harry...the car!"said Ron.

"What about the car?"I asked.

"We can fly the car to Hogwarts."

"..but your patents are still on the other side of this barrier...."I said."How will they get home?"

"They don't need to!"said Ron impatiently."They can apparate."

"Apparate that's it!"I boomed.
"We can go to Hogwarts by apparating."

"...Apparating...but we are underage."said Ron.

"And we are also too young to drive or fly a car."I aforesaid."..and besides your mother is going to kill you if we fly a car to Hogwarts so our best chance of getting less trouble is by Apparating. You never know your mother may be impressed that you can apparate."

"Alright we'll apparate to Hogwarts"-RON

"..but Albarus people are going to discover the truth about magic if we do it here"-RON

"May be we can hide in the car and apparate from there."said Harry.

"That's a good idea Harry!"I blasted.

We marched off through the crowds of curious muggles, out of the train station and went to where Ron's car was parked. We entered the Old Ford Anglia,turned to Ron and asked him,"Ron what do you know about apparating?"

"First theluser focus on a desired location in their mind."said Ron.

"Done..location Hogwarts."I replied.

"After the user is properly focused they then disappear from their current location and instantly reappear at the desired location."he added.

"Wait a minute Al!"Harry boomed."Is Hogwarts blocked from apparition?"

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