IV. Like a Robot

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I sat across from Xander on my couch, throwing a piece of popcorn at him, laughing playfully. "Really? You're sexual as hell!" He chuckled and caught the popcorn in his mouth, shooting a grin at me. "I'm sorry! I'd just do so many things to him. Brad Pitt is such a handsome man," he sighed. "So... did the stalker ask you out yet?" I blushed slightly and looked away. "What are you talking about?" I tried to avoid the question. He let out a hearty laugh. "Ohhhhh no! You know what I'm talking about." 

"I hardly know anything about him. Plus, he's only texted me a few times," I muttered. "Let me see!" He exclaimed, grabbing my phone. He went to my messages with Enzo and read them to himself.

Text messages with Enzo:


E: Hey beautiful. What are you doing tonight?

Me: Probably just going to watch a few movies and go to sleep, honestly.

E: Oh... okay. Maybe next time.


E: Hey Eden. What's up?

Me: Hanging out with Xander. Girl's night, and you?

E: Oh, just really bored. Wanted to know if you'd like to hangout later?

Me: Soon, okay? Just not tonight.

E: Sure.


E: Hey. You busy?

"Hey! That's from today. You should totally go over there!" He exclaimed. I shot him a look. "Well, it's our night. Plus, I have fun with you," I stuck out my bottom lip, pretending to pout. He pat my cheek and said, "Girl, we have 'our night' all the time. Go hangout with him! Give him a chance." I frowned when I looked in the bowl and found two pieces of popcorn and a massive amount of kernels at the bottom. "Only if you go get us some more popcorn." I batted my eyelashes at him and clasped my hands together. 

"You can't make me!" he said playfully. I rolled my eyes and sarcastically yelled, "Xander, go make us some popcorn!" His eyes glazed over and he shot up, robotically. Taking the popcorn bowl from my hand, he walked into the kitchen and disappeared from sight. My jaw dropped as I followed him. He grabbed the handle to the cupboard, pulled it open and snatched one of the bags, ripping it open and popping it into the microwave. His automatic movements startled me. "Xander? Dude, it was a joke." I tried to laugh awkwardly, a weird sound escaping my lips. He said nothing, waiting for the microwave to ding. When it did, he popped it open and poured the contents of the bag into the bowl, handing it to me. 

When I hesitantly grabbed the bowl, staring at him in awe, he snapped out of it. His eyes coming to life, he looked at me. "What? Why am I standing in here?" He looked down at the popcorn and exclaimed, "Ooh! You made some more popcorn! Thanks, babe." He grabbed a handful and waltzed back into the living room, plopping down onto the couch. "Uhh... Xander?" He looked back at me. "Yeah, Edie?" he asked. The way he just did that, without even realizing it shook me to the core. "Um, nothing. Never mind."

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and shot Enzo a text.

Me: Girl's night is over. Where can I meet you?


Shutting my car door, I pulled my coat tighter around me, walking under the buzzing street lamps. A few people passed me as I made my way to Evening Tavern, a dimly lit bar and grill. When I got inside, the hostess greeted me. "Hi! Welcome, how many?" I shook my head and said, "I'm actually meeting someone here. Enzo?" Her eyes lit up in recognition. "Yes, right this way." She led me to the back of the pub, past two bikers playing pool and a family of four eating a late dinner. Enzo stood up as he saw me, and offered me a seat. After I sat, he pushed my chair in and sat in his own "Thanks, Everly." She dismissed herself, leaving the two of us alone.

"You look beautiful," he smiled at me. I blushed a little and looked at him. "You don't look so bad yourself. So, why'd you want to take me out so bad?" I asked. "You intrigue me," he hummed. "Oh?" I challenged. "And why is that?" Looking directly in my eyes, he said, "You just... There's something about you. Something special." His eyes twinkled with amusement. I laughed awkwardly, thinking back to what happened earlier. "Oh, I'm special alright," I sighed, shaking my head. He shot me a quizzical look, but dismissed it. 


After we got our food and drinks, I was feeling more confident. We laughed and made jokes together, getting more comfortable as the night progressed. "I really hated working with that guy. I swear, everyday I'd come into work, he'd have a new type of food that just smelled so bad. It was unbearable, so I just quit," he laughed. "I couldn't do it anymore." I tittered, not able to hold back my smile. "I would, too," I joked. After his laughter subsided, he looked into my eyes. "I knew I was right. About you I mean." I looked down at my plate and a small smile spread on my face. "So tell me about your day," he smirked. I started, "Well, uh, it was really interesting." I paused and laughed uncouthly. "Well, my friend, Xander- he did something really weird today, and it made me think, like... I don't know," I shook my head. He looked at me, his brows furrowed in confusion. "It made you think what?" I started playing with my hands, looking at them as if they were the most interesting things in the world. "Well, he- uh... played a joke on me today. And it made me think I had... like, done something. It just scared me, but he's really good at making me feel gullible." He sat back, a serious look enveloped his face. "What happened?" 

"I told him to go make popcorn, and he did it, almost immediately. But he did it... almost automatically. Like he was programmed to do it- like a robot. It just scared me for a second. And he acted as if he didn't remember what happened." I finally looked up at him, only to find him giving me that same intent look I saw when I first met him. "How do you know it was a joke?" he questioned. "What?" I laughed. "No, it was totally a joke," I paused. "Wait, you aren't serious, are you?" His face never faltered- no hint of a smile. "What, like super powers?" I suggested, half laughing.

"No, more like, mind control." Then he came closer. "Don't you feel it?" I sat back, chills running up my spine. "Feel what?" He flung himself back, unable to control his laughter any longer. "I'm just teasing you, Eden. You should have seen your face," he chortled. I glared at him. "It wasn't funny. Stop laughing." 

His face instantly went slack, and he sat up straight. Not saying anything, he looked at me with the same glazed-over look that Xander had. My eyes widened in fear. "Laugh?" I asked. He immediately started bellowing loudly, slapping the table to the beat of his laugh. I sat up slowly, horror washing over me. "Stop." He stopped again, initiating his poker face. He looked almost like a soldier. 

I backed up slowly, then spun around, running for the door. What the fuck is going on? I made it outside, my shoes slapping the pavement rhythmically. Making it to my car, I slammed the door behind me, trying to catch my breath. What was that? I rested my head on the steering wheel, staring at my lap. I stayed like that for what seemed like forever, when I heard a light tap on my window. 

I looked up, gasping. Rolling down the window, I sighed, "Hi."

"Hey." We looked at each other for a moment. "That wasn't funny," I glared at him. 

"I didn't do anything. You did," he claimed. I scoffed, and started to roll up my window. He stuck his phone in between the door and the window, stopping it. "You did that. I swear, I'm not playing any games." I faced him, venom dripping from my words. "Yeah? Well if I did, then how would you have remembered it? Xander didn't." I pushed his phone out of the window. "Just leave me alone, alright?" I finished rolling the window up and started the car, pulling away from the curb, and away from my Dreamy Stalker. 

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