X. Dungeon

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I awoke to the sound of chains lifting. My eyes fluttered open to view the person in front of me, watching me closely with loving eyes. "Good morning, my little dove. I'm sorry to have had to restrain you, but you always give me no choice it seems." A single tear escaped my eyes as I slowly tried to sit up. My eyes felt heavy and I could barely move my limbs. "Oh, about that. I had to subdue you last night. Here, drink some water, it should help some." 

He brought a cup of water to my lips, and I smacked it out of his hands with all my might. It barely made a sound when it hit the floor. His lips drew in a tight line and he backed away from me, standing up. "Cassie, my darling, you're going to have to warm up to me eventually, or you won't be able to leave. Just cooperate and I will give you everything you want." He quietly leaves the room, locking the heavy door behind him. I searched the room around me, searching for anything to allow me to free myself. He left a lantern in the other corner of the room, impossible to reach with the chains that held me. The light flickered, revealing cold stone walls and rat droppings on the floor. My breathing quickened, and my hands became slick with sweat. I was having a panic attack. 

I grabbed my legs and placed my head in between them, my shackles only making it harder to do so. I breathed slowly, in and out, for hours, my vision slowly fading as I managed to fall asleep.

 I breathed slowly, in and out, for hours, my vision slowly fading as I managed to fall asleep

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I woke with a start, clutching at my wrists. The chains were still there- this wasn't a dream. I let out a long sigh and wiped my face clean of the dirt from the cold ground of my dungeon. I say my dungeon, but it's really just a room. A cold, dark room. I look to my left and spot a tray of freshly delivered food. I crawl closer to it, examining it. An apple, scrambled eggs, and buttered toast, a cup of orange juice sitting next to it. Searching the room for my captor and finding no one, I ate the food with a ravenous hunger. I gulped down the orange juice and threw the plastic cup at the wall, it barely making a sound on the hard stone. 

At that, a click of the door made me crawl back into the corner, hiding my face from Connor. He must have been watching me somehow. I'll have to remember to search the room for cameras. 

"Hello, darling. I see you've rested well. Did you enjoy the breakfast? It's no longer morning but I figured since you hadn't eaten earlier, it'd be a nice touch," he said while refilling the lantern with oil. "Would you like to begin the last section of your test?" I brushed my hair out of my face and just stared at him, not speaking a word.

"Ah, well I guess you'd like to know what the test entails," he muttered quietly, plopping down on the stool he dragged over to me. "If you allow me to remove your chains, and cooperate," he peered down at me as if he was a parent, daring his child to misbehave, "I will tell you."

A look of interest plagued my face and I quickly replaced it with a blank expression. "Alright," I half whispered, my voice sounding groggy with exhaustion. I offered him my chained hands and he removed a set of keys from his pocket, slowly unlocking them. As soon as the chains were off, I rubbed at my wrists, begging the circulation to return to normal. "What is it?" I humored. 

He grabbed my freed hands and looked at them, almost examining them. When he placed his eyes back on my face, the worst words I could've ever imagined escaped his lips. "The test is to determine if a regular human and the likes of someone like you can create a baby with powers like yours, or if the baby comes out just like any ordinary human. Basically, are people like you born from others like you? Or are they created randomly, no matter who its' parents are? This is the test we will be completing," he allowed me to soak in what he just said before continuing. "Yes, I know, it sounds awful to you. But this is for science, -and the world- and if you cooperate, I will not have to force myself onto you." He looked at me with a darkness in his evil eyes. His grin returned, almost as if he wanted me to resist. 

Horror washed over my face, and grief exploded inside of me- grief for the girl I used to be, for the woman I was supposed to be. He has made me feel so small, and helpless in a matter of 24 hours. Of course he wants to rape me! What wouldn't this man do?

Tears rolled down my face, an endless stream of sadness pouring out of me. I would make sure to purge all of my sadness today, replacing it with anger- and when the time comes, I will make sure I am the one to end this miserable, evil man's life. But for now, I will cry. I will grieve. And I will come out of this stronger than I've ever been before.

An idea popped into my head like a candle just being lit. Why have I not thought of this? A giggle escaped my lips, as I locked eyes with the man in front of me. "Let me go," I demanded, a wave of power surging through me. His eyes turned milky as he stood, leading me out of the room. I became excited, so excited that I almost ran into him. My power smacked me like a ton of bricks, hard, leaving his body and crashing back into mine. I fell to the floor and clutched at my head, a pounding in my brain taking over all of my senses. He turned around and gave me that same old smirk, as if he thought he was the smartest man in the world.

"You can't be that stupid, can you? Of course The E has created technology to repel your mind control, and other Special One's powers. Did you not think of that?" he laughed.

A groan escaped me, as I laid in fetal position, anger flooding my heart. And then, I was given another idea.

"I'm so sorry, Connor. You're right, and I am nothing without your guidance. I would love to finish this section of the test," I said in an apologetic tone, wiping the wetness from my cheeks. I stood, brushing off the dizziness still trapping my brain, and walked towards him, arms outstretched. He took hold of me, tightening his arms around me. 

"I'm glad you've changed your mind. With your cooperation, things will run much smoother and faster," he replied, lightly pushing me away to fully look at me. "Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day. Until then, I will make sure you are bathed and dressed comfortably. Please remember, things will be much better if you behave," his eyes sparkled as he said that last word, and he turned towards the door, closing it behind him. 

My hands shaking, I turned towards the room. Without the chains holding me back, it will be much simpler for me to plan my escape. 

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