XII. Bruising

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Xander's POV-

Xander sat on the couch in Oliver's living room, his face covered by his hands. His world had quickly changed within the past few weeks, from the happy, bubbly barista, to a now worried and fearful friend to Autumn Carter, who is actually Cassie Hock.

When the two men had found Cassie, they'd quickly sped through the city streets, barreling towards Oliver's expensive home. Once inside, they took Cassie into Oliver's room, burying her in the silken sheets strewn across his bed. When touched, Cassie would scream- from pain, or emotional trauma, neither man knew. Xander would periodically check on his friend, sitting on the edge of the bed. She wouldn't look at him. All she could do was sob, not a sound escaping from her lips. The immense pain of seeing his best friend in a state such as this was emotionally screwing with him. No one, especially his dear friend, should have been through what she experienced. Xander just wished he knew what happened to her, and who the man was that screamed after the car that sped away with his prey.

Xander knew he had to be patient, and would never, try to damage Cassie more than she already was. He vowed to stay by her side until she was strong again, and vowed to protect her from any man who wished her harm for as long as he lived.


Oliver's POV-

He woke with a start, a cold sweat dripping down his back. The guest bedroom- that Xander refused to sleep in and instead took the living room- hadn't been used ever since Oliver moved in here. Quickly getting out of the bed and throwing on a T-shirt, Oliver made his way to his bedroom where the woman he adored slept, covered in bruises from head to toe. Only when Oliver opened the door, Cassie wasn't sleeping. She was staring at the ceiling above her, her cheeks slick with fresh tears. He knocked, alerting her of his entrance. Her eyes darted to the figure in the doorway and she curled up into a ball, new tears rolling down her face.

Oliver quickly left the doorway and made his way beside the bed, kneeling on the floor to face the vulnerable woman. He spoke, quietly, "You don't have to speak, but I just want to let you know, that whatever happened at that warehouse, will never, ever, happen to you again. I will find that bastard, and I will personally kill him myself." She quickly turned to face him, a scary look in her eyes.

"No," she breathed, "I will be the one to end his miserable life." She turned back over, wiping the tears from her cheeks and sitting up, still holding her legs like a lifeline.

"That's okay. But I will be there by your side when you do it," he replied.

She glanced at him briefly, then stared up back at that ceiling. She didn't say a word.


Cassie's POV-

He kept invading my mind. Whenever I closed my eyes, he was there to taunt me, to touch me. I willed my eyes open, never letting him control me from here. I was safe here. I was safe here. But His smirk was forever burned into my mind.

 But His smirk was forever burned into my mind

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Days flew by me, each day the same.

Waking up crying, his chuckle still haunting my dreams. Sobbing from the pain my aching body was still enduring. Crying myself to sleep. Waking up screaming, Oliver bursting through the door, Xander following. Them consoling me, trying to touch me. Me screaming again, forbidding them from touching my dirty skin. I won't allow Him to taint them. Lunch time, forcing myself to take a few bites before violently vomiting it back up. Staring at the ceiling for a few hours. Xander feeding me medicine and telling me stories with a soothing voice. Oliver pacing the room, promising to restore what I've lost, followed by a longing look of love brimming in his eyes, and a swift exit. Back to staring at the ceiling. Dinner time, me actually managing to hold down some warm food, but tasting nothing. Then finally sleeping again. Repeat.


It's been a week since He happened. My bruises are turning an ugly yellow, but they're fading. It still hurts to urinate, but the pain is dimming. My ankle is healing, ever so slowly. Sprains hurt, but at least I didn't break it. Eating is coming easier, bile never rising up my swollen throat. The memories of Him are the only things that stay fresh in my mind, the emotional wounds he caused not healing in the slightest.

I am not a victim. I want no pity. I am no toy to be played with. All I want is revenge. I want him to suffer, and he will. But first, I need to stop crying.

I wipe the drying tears off my cheeks and slowly turn to get out of Oliver's humongous bed. Stepping on the warm floor, I ready myself, and stand. Wincing in pain from my ankle, I plop down on the ground. Massaging my pulsing injury, I stand again. It doesn't hurt as bad. I limp my way down the hallway and find my way to the kitchen. Oliver and Xander are standing on either side, leaning on the counters with mugs of hot tea cupped in their hands.

When they hear me, they turn and both have looks of bewilderment cross their faces before they replace the looks with kindness. Placing down his mug, Xander walks over to me, about to lay his hand on my arm before quickly thinking about it, and deciding against it. "Did you want some tea?" he asks with a soft tone.

We all plop into chairs at the kitchen table, steaming mugs of tea in our grips. Oliver looks at me, not saying a word. I know what his eyes are saying, 'I'm so sorry this happened to you'. I clear my throat and look away, retreating from the pitiful stares on their faces. "I'm going to tell you exactly what happened. But I refuse to be pitied," I declare. They look at each, nod slightly, and turn back to me.


After spilling my guts, one last tear is shredded for the old me, and I quickly wipe it off my face. No more tears.

Xander stares at me, his mouth agape, not knowing what to say, Oliver's face looks similar. I sit in silence, staring at the tea in my cup that is slowly growing colder. I take a sip, wetting my dry tongue. "Now, all I want is to end his fucking life. After that, I say we take a trip to The E and confront them about this. Can you guys help me, or not?"

Oliver is the first to reply, "Anything you need, I'm there." He reaches for my hand on the table, and I recoil. Then, I reach back for his hand, gripping it like a lifeline. I use my other hand to grab Xander's and he locks eyes with me, a hard nod answering my question.

I turn to the only people I can trust, and begin plotting my revenge. I'm coming for you, Connor.

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