VII. Electric Love

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I awoke in my bed, surrounded with blankets and pillows, encasing me like a chrysalis. Last night's talk with Oliver gave me a new perspective on my life: I wouldn't allow The E to create a new life for me, as if my old one was wrong. Determined, I wiped the drool from my cheek and made my way to the closet to get dressed. When I was finished, I found myself in the living room, staring at the new letter sitting on the coffee table. Someone's been in my home.

Slowly, I reached for the envelope and brought it towards me, reading the front:

To Cassie

I tore open the letter, letting the ripped paper float to the floor.

We see you have met one of us; congratulations, you have begun what you were meant to do. The confusion that you must be feeling will pass, once you realize the process of what is to come: discovering what happened over the last 3 years. This is your first trial, and we are giving you free reign. If ever you want to reach us, be it for help or just someone to talk to, say "entwickelt". You are being watched.

My hands began shaking, dropping the letter. I looked warily at the corners of the room. No cameras there. I ran into the kitchen, scanning the room with my eyes. No cameras. Where could they be? I was getting scared. Getting my phone from my pocket, I shot Oliver a text.

Me: Can I see you? Now?

When and where?


I pulled into my usual spot down the street from the Steam. The door swung open and the bell dinged when I walked in and sat across from him at his favorite table. There was a Mocha Latte sitting in front of me, and I reached for it, grateful for the warmth against my lips. He raised a brow at me. "So, how did you sleep last night?" My eyes darted down his face. His lips were slightly turned at the ends, giving me a small smile. "Honestly, I thought I slept bad until I woke up with drool on my face, so I guess I slept fine. What I can't get out of my mind is everything you said to me, and how it all makes sense now."

He looked at me, concern in his eyes. "Cassie, did something happen?" My eyes darted to his when he said my real name, just like the letter had. "The E sent me a letter this morning. Well, actually, it was just sitting on my coffee table. Someone was in my house," My eyes swept the room, searching for anyone watching us. "They knew I'd talked to you, and they told me this was my 'first trial run'. They want me to figure out what happened to me. And I want you to tell me." He sighed, crossing his legs and bringing his coffee to his lips."Cass, I can't do that. They wouldn't be very happy with me if I did. You're supposed to figure this out on your own."

"I'm trying!" I raised my voice, then brought my volume down to a whisper. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do in order to do that, though. I need help; guidance. I don't know, maybe a hint. I have no clue where to even begin." He gave my hand a squeeze. "Start by trying to hone your powers- your telepathy." I raised my eyebrows and scoffed. "Telepathy? Seriously? This isn't a movie, Oliver. Or a silly game. I'm scared, here. I want to go home."

Giving me a sad smile, he sipped his coffee again and stood up, placing his cup back on the table. "Follow me, I want to show you something." I warily took his hand and he led me out of the Cafe, as I said goodbye to my manager. We walked down the narrow sidewalk, side by side, him keeping hold of my hand. I looked down at our fingers intertwined. "You know, I'm not a child. I know how to walk without you holding onto me." He grinned at me, his green eyes twinkling, almost telling me something. "I know, Cass. I want to hold your hand." I looked down at my feet, putting one in front of the other. My cheeks flushed and we continued silently to his car. He opened the passenger door for me, and I got in, holding his gaze until he shut the door and made his way to the other side. Turning his keys in the ignition, he passed me a glance. "I'm going to take you to my place."

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