III. Operation Stalker

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Each day that went by, the same man came into The Steam. He'd order an americano and then sit in the corner of the café, always alone, and always keeping an eye on me. One moment I'd be sweeping or cleaning the coffee machines and I'd look behind me, only to find the man looking intensely at me. Finally, Saturday came- my first day off. 

I lounged around the house all day, sporting a new pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt. Flopping down on the couch, I turned on the TV and started flipping through channels, settling on a Live talk show. The host was interviewing some celebrity, droning on and on about upcoming movies, and so on. I stared at the TV and groaned, "Dude, shut up!" The celebrity cut himself off and refused to talk any further. I furrowed my brows and leaned in. The host laughed awkwardly and asked him another question. The famous person instantly shook his head and said nothing. The TV show continued like that for another 3 minutes or so, and then it cut off suddenly, flipping automatically to another channel. 

I sat in a stunned silence for a moment and sat back. Huh... That was... really weird. After collecting myself, I decided to forget it and keep watching TV.


My phone vibrated and I looked down at it. It was my coworker.

New text message from: Xander

X: Hey that weird guy showed up and asked for you today. When I told him you weren't working, he just left. Wtf lol

My blood instantly ran cold. What the hell is this dude's problem? I shot him a text back.

Me: Well, I'll be there tomorrow so I guess I'll confront him!

X: You're working tomorrow? Me too! Can't wait xx

I locked my phone and sighed loudly. Tomorrow was going to be more problematic than I wanted it to be.


The next day, I parked on the curb a block away from The Steam and started the short walk to the door. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I snuck a look behind me. The same man was walking 10 feet behind me, smoking a cigarette and watching me. I slowed my steps, convincing myself it was time to confront him. As he got closer, I whirled around and got in his face. "Do we have a problem?" I asked. The corners of his lips tugged up slightly, a low chuckle escaping them. When he spoke, his honeyed words startled me. "Do we? I was hoping not." 

"Why do you keep keep staring at me?" I demanded, my eyebrows knitting together. He looked around for an answer. "I wasn't trying to, I just love people-watching." I instantly knew it was a lie. "Really? Because my coworker told me that you came in yesterday and left when you found out I wasn't working. So you just like people-watching me, then?" He wasn't expecting that. The man stayed quiet for a second and finished his cigarette, rubbing the lit end on the ground and sticking it in his pocket when it was extinguished. "Okay, maybe I've been working up the courage to ask for your number. I'm sorry," he sighed. "I didn't mean to come off as creepy." I searched his dark brown eyes for any sign of a lie and found nothing. 

I settled for that answer. "Fine. But, just so you know, for future reference, girls don't like being stared at with no explanation. I don't think anyone does." With that, I turned on my heels and continued walking to the door of the café. "Wait!" He exclaimed. "What about your number?" I turned back to him. "What about it?" His eyes widened and a faint smile threatened to show. "Can I have it?" I looked him up and down. He really was attractive. At roughly 6'2", his dark, wavy hair and deep brown eyes reminded me of the man who broke my heart. "I haven't decided yet. I guess I'll let you know when I do." 


At the end of my shift, I turned off the coffee machines and put all of the mugs and cups away. The man sat at the same table he always sat at and unapologetically watched me. When I finished, I pulled my apron off and turned to my coworker. "So when are you working again?" I asked. He smiled at me and laughed. "Hopefully whenever you're working." I shook my head, giggling at him. "Xander, you aren't flirting with me, are you?" I leaned my head in and wiggled my eyebrows. He looked at the man and then back at me. "I'm more interested in your friend, honestly." My eyes widened when I realized what he meant. "Oh!" I exclaimed. "Just kidding!" We both laughed and he grabbed his car keys, heading for the door. "Just let me know when you're done with 'Operation Stalker'." He called out, then shut the door behind him, jingling the bell softly. 

I shook my head, chuckling to myself as I grabbed my coat. "Wanna walk me to my car?" I asked the man, stopping in front of his table. He slowly got up and made his way to the door, holding it open for me. "I take it I'm 'Operation Stalker'?" I held back a smile and walked through the open door. "Yep."

When we made it outside, I locked the café doors and stuck the key in my pocket. "So... you gonna tell me your name?" I began as we started walking. "Enzo. And you're... Eden? Pretty name." I clucked my tongue as I remembered something. "When you first came into the café, you called me Valerie." I looked at him, waiting for a reply. He glanced at me and back to the sidewalk in front of him. "I was just guessing, really. I'm not very good at guessing." I slowly looked down at my shoes and let out an obviously fake laugh. "No, you're not." It couldn't have been just a guess.

We made it to my car and stopped simultaneously. I looked over his features, studying him. Above his gorgeous, chocolate eyes sat well-kept, but thick, eyebrows. His left eyebrow had a small scar through the middle, and on his right cheek laid two light-pink, symmetrical scars. A light stubble sprinkled his face, displaying that he groomed himself often. "Have I earned it yet?" He asked. I looked at him in confusion. Oh yeah! I looked him up and down, and after a minute of making him wait, I laughed. "No, Enzo, but you seem familiar, so I'll give it to you anyways."

He handed me his phone and I quickly tapped in my new number, only recently remembering it. "Seriously, stop stalking me. It gives me the creeps." I laughed. He looked down at my number and locked his phone, putting it into his pocket. "I won't, Eden. Again, sorry about that. But do I really seem familiar?" He asked, a secret dancing behind his eyes. The corners of my mouth tugged up in a slight smile, and I unlocked my car, getting in. "Yes, someone I loved." With a small wave, I closed the door and started my car, driving under the soft glow of the street lights above. 

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