2. A Broken Heart and Teary Eyes.

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Bismillahi Rrahmaani Rraheem.
I never pictured myself doing this. Authors' note stuff.
But then what to do when you have a sweet sis and her cute friends. It's alright to break rules for them, right?
I do hope you are enjoying my book as much as I am.
May Allah ease all your affairs.

Special shoutouts to my dear @shumarcruzd and the pretty beauty @muznatty

"When strength becomes your weakness and your weakness becomes your strength” ~Author.
"Assalaam Alaykum", announced a sixty eight years old Abdullah Ibn Salam as he entered his house which he currently shares with his guest.

"Waalaykum Salaam" Sulayman his friend, a man in his early fifties replied.

"How was Ummu Ashur?", asked Abdullah concerned of Sulayman’s wife.

"Alhamdulillah, I found her better today, her fever has subsided.”

"All praise to Allah, don’t worry brother, Allah is with her, He sees and knows everything.", said Abdullah.

"Shukran for all your goodness brother, I’ll never be able to repay you." Sulayman expressed.

"Look Akhiy the food is getting cold, come on and eat we’ll get late for Ishaa." Abdullah quickly distracted Sulayman as he wasn’t so comfortable to being praised in his presence.

Sulayman obeyed. Their mosque was a bit far, and the last thing he wanted was to miss Ishaa on congregation since Rasul salla Allah alayh wasallam taught us it equates to praying night prayers the whole night.

"Bismillahi rrahmaan Rraheem" were the last words to be heard in the next ten minutes that proceeded, as the pair silently ate their dinner both engulfed in deep thoughts.

While for others, this word meant the last people you see as you go to sleep, and the first ones as you wake up, to Sulayman and Abdullah it was a vocabulary for the people they’d give all they have to get even a single hug. And while others could go abroad away from home and post selfies with captions like, ‘having a great time, enjoying my vacation #awayfromhome’, Sulayman and Abdullah yearned to reunite with them and never ever part. But again, this was Dun-ya, and had Dun-ya been perfect, then the Holy ayah in Suratu Dhhuha
و للأخرة خير لك من الأولى
And the Hereafter is better for you than the first life.
and many other similar ones would have lost their essence.

With every second that passed, Sulayman’s mind drifted to his beloved wife, his helplessness made him more and more depressed. He only got to see her for ten minutes a day excluding weekends, and everytime he saw her, it killed him inside as he was reminded of the times when she was his strength, now this strength has become his strongest weakness. Everytime he met his wife, he wished he could hug her tight and take her with him forever, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t because his beloved Juwey was a prisoner. She was a prisoner serving a sentence for a crime she never committed, and this poor Suley’s hands were tied, with very little he could do to free her.

Abdullah had his own tons and tons of problems, including his own wife and his one and only beloved daughter whom he hadn’t seen for the past six years, but this wasn’t the time to think of them. Now he was concerned of his brother whom he loved. They both knew so well, what Sulayman was thinking of, his wife. Abdullah couldn’t stop being amazed by Sulayman’s patience, his patience could only be compared to what Allah stated, "Sabrun Jameel".
He wondered if it was his wife behind bars, what would have his state been, he silently muttered a prayer for his brother beseeching ALlah to hasten his wife’s release and easen their affairs.

As Abdullah started rehearsing the right words to say to his friend, Sulayman, the silence was suddenly broken by Sulaymaan’s "Alhamdulillaah" coming from deep down his heart. Abdullah looked up to find his friend’s eyes swollen with tears. This scene wasn’t new to him, in fact he himself cries too, and these tears were what made them respect each other more, as they both only cried for Allah and Allah alone. Tears are everyone’s weakness but to them this weakness had become their biggest strength.

Now, since they were done eating Abdullah got up with the plates, he knew better than trying to say anything to him at that state. He decided to leave him alone, for
When the hearts break and tears flow,

towards Arrahmaan’s Arsh the believers’ minds go,

With a sincere dua’ and a humble prayer,

Allah’s presence feels much more near.

He thought it wouldn’t be right to intrude such a sacred moment. He would never want to stop tears falling for Allah’s sake from soaking his brothers beards for just a single drop was sufficient to keep him far from Jahannam. "O Allah ease his burden, O Allah increase his Sabr"
He prayed for the 100th time in that day.

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