7. That is a successful trade, O Abu Ad-Dahdah!

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Here comes a new chapter, a special and unique one. I hope you will all love it like I do you. I'd love to know your views, on our characters.

@BookieHot and @salz_A lots of warm and lovely thanks for your votes. it really means a lot to me. 

And all the loud and silent readers I adore you too. Do say something though. I'd love to read from you.

Until then, May Allah ease your affairs.


"See, I told you not to come to the Masjid. The winter isn't good for your health." Sulaymaan told his brother in Islam, Abdullaah.

"Don't worry brother. I have entrusted my affairs to Allah. [cough] Whatever He decrees to happen, shall [cough] happen. Just pray that Allah is pleased with this slave of His. So long as my heart is at peace, I don't mind if the rest[cough] is in pieces."

"Yeah, as usual. You never fail to silence me, do you?" Sulaymaan accepted defeat with a faint smile on his face.

Abdullaah responded with a weak smile. Its' only been three weeks since they met, but Sulaymaan has already won himself a place in his heart. If there was something he liked about him, it was his humbleness and compassion. He was amazed that a man in this era of great trials can remain as patient as Sulaymaan has, after all that he has gone through. 

He thought that Sulaymaan indeed was among the true believers, mentioned in the Qur-an and Allaah knew best.

Allah azza wa jalla said:

 Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah . Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration

- Suratul Ahzaab 23.

"Yaa Allah ease his affairs" Abdullaah silently prayed. Something he did everytime such thoughts crossed his mind.

"So my old man isn't well today, I guess it's my turn to do the story-tellying" Sulayman spoke out his thoughts, trying to cheer up his old friend.

Abdullaah rejoiced at that. He was eager to know his brother's story. In the three weeks they lived together, Sulaymaan hadn't open up yet. If he wasn't listening to Abdullaah's tales, then he would be busy engulfed in his own thoughts, or either doing adhkaar -remembering ALlaah- or reciting Qur-an. 

"But first have your spoon of honey and black seeds." Abdullaah's doctor Sulaymaan ordered, with his eyes slightly narrowed warning Abdullaah that no disobedience shall be entertained.

"Again!? I just had some, its' enough dose for today." Abdullaah protested. He wasn't happy to reject The Prophet's prescribed medicine. But medicines are medicines. Abdullaah's number two enemies after oppressors.

After all, he didn't actually dislike honey and black seeds, he had a spoonful of it. A big table spoon full of it.

Sulayman wasn't accepting defeat this time. He shook his index finger in the air, along with head. 

Abdullaah kept on trying his luck, this time with puppy eyes, making the green pupils within shine like pearls in a shell. "I promise I'll take a spoonful of it, early in the morning." 

At this point it was hard for Ismail to suppress his smile, the curve kept emerging at both ends of his tightly closed lips, he decided to end the scenario with the same mood he began with, The Abdullaah's Dr. Sulaymaan mood.

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