They Saw You

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"Did that just happen?"

Somin broke out of her reverie and turned to the voice. Na-eun, her best friend since high school and her co-worker in the Finance department, was looking at the bouquet in her hands with wide, amused eyes. Somin wagged a finger her way.

"This isn't what you think it looks like."

Na-eun's eyes shot to her.

Then she grinned like a Cheshire cat and Somin knew this wasn't going to be good.

"Hey everyone!" Na-eun whirled around, shouting. "Woo-jin just asked Somin out. And she said yes."

"No, he wasn't asking me out—"

But her voice was drowned out by the loud burst of cheers from the people in her department.

"Shut up," she hissed at them.

"No, this is a cause for celebration," Na-eun told her, clapping loudly. "With you taken, you won't be able to steal our boyfriends now."

Her best friend was just joking but she said it so the spiteful women in her department could hear. Said women indeed looked happy and were tapping away on their cell phones, possibly spreading the news to everyone in the company. But the men looked heartbroken. They had been aiming for her after all.

Somin liked attention. But she didn't like this kind at all. Covering her face with her palm, she groaned and cussed Woo-jin in her mind.


Somin was feeling smug.

She had just landed the lead role in their musical.

Her upperclassmen weren't happy about it. They said all sorts of bad things and even started a rumor that she slept with a teacher to get the role. She didn't care to correct them. Let jealous bitches think like jealous bitches. She'll soon show them why she got it anyway. And that was because she had talent.

Na-eun elbowed her side and Somin looked at her.

"You aren't thinking about business calculus, are you?" Na-eun asked.

Somin smiled and leaned her back against the tree. They were in the campus grounds, taking in the fresh air and going through their books and notes for the term exams.

"Nope," Somin replied. "I'm thinking about the musical. You will watch right?"

"Somin," Na-eun began patiently. "When have I ever not watched your musical plays? Hey, how did you work back on this solution?" she went on, tapping the book on Somin's lap. "I can't seem to get it."

"Well, I..."

Somin trailed off when she saw the man who she bumped into last week walking the path in front of them. Na-eun followed her gaze.

"Why do you have googly eyes for Kim Woo-jin?"

She looked at her. "You know him?"

"We share a class together. why?" Na-eun raised a brow.

"Nothing," she answered defensively. "We bumped into each other last week. And I may have been rude to him. I was thinking of apologizing."

Na-eun frowned. "You're not the type to apologize, Somin Jeon." She gasped, then leaned into her to say, "You like him, don't you?"

"No," Somin denied lamely.

"You are such a bad liar."

"Well, maybe I have a tiny crush," she admitted in a small voice.

"Oh, God." Na-eun started laughing. "The mighty has finally fallen. Oh, if those assholes could see you right now, they'll be wondering why they think you're so experienced when you're so pure when it comes to love and relationships."

"Shut up, stupid," Somin snapped, pushing her to the side. "People will hear you."

Na-eun rolled to the side, clutching her stomach, still laughing. Somin thought of punching her to get her to stop her from attracting attention. She liked attention as a star, sure, but not at the expense of a joke. But when Somin glanced away she saw Woo-jin staring at her from the tables. And her mind went instantly blank.

"Oh, you got it bad," Na-eun muttered.

Somin grinned at her. "Just shut up."


"You don't look happy," Na-eun noticed.

Somin glared at her then turned to walk to her desk.

Na-eun knew.

She knew that what Somin felt about Woo-jin before wasn't what she felt about him now. They were just friends. Period. She didn't want to have anything more than that with him anymore.

"Don't do it," Na-eun whisper-shouted. She had followed her.

"Do what?" Somin snapped.

"Throw the bouquet away. Aren't they your favorite flowers?"

"I haven't thought of doing that but thanks for the idea." Somin opened the trash bin with her foot and would have dumped the flowers but Na-eun was quick to get it from her.

"I'll find you a vase, you cruel monster."

Somin tried to swipe it away from her but Na-eun was faster to dodge her.

"Remember when you liked flowers?" her best friend asked sarcastically.

"Give them back Na-eun."

But Na-eun just laughed at her. Somin watched with disgruntlement as her crazy best friend walked out of the department, holding the damn flowers.

Then she sat on her chair, cussing Woo-jin.

Again and again and again.

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