It's Hard To Pretend To Be Okay

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Woo-jin was still as a statue.

He stood by the door staring at Somin for a long while.

Somin kept waiting for him to speak to her, trying not to blush. She was actually gripping her fingers tight together, in fear or nervousness, she wasn't sure.

He was in a tuxedo, wearing a black shirt, no tie, the shirt opened at his throat, looking breathtakingly handsome.

She was wearing a strapless midnight blue dress that clung to her body in all the right ways and exposed a whole lot of leg. Her hair was swept up in an elegant chignon and on her feet were a pair of strappy high-heeled sandals.

She knew she was beautiful. She always tried to dress to impress. Woo-jin knew that. So why did it seem such a surprise for him to see her like this when she opened the door for him?

Not that she was complaining. Still, she wondered.

Woo-jin was holding a bouquet of beautiful red tulips, she belatedly noticed. Her hands trembled as sharp dismay coursed through her. It was clear he was taking this date seriously. It was clear how this night would end.

And it was clear that someone was going to end up hurting tonight.


Woo-jin was waiting for her outside her classroom. Somin gritted her teeth, bracing herself. How unfortunate that she had to see him this soon. If it weren't for the term exams, she wouldn't have come to school and risk seeing him after what she saw last night.

He was looking worried and Somin could easily guess the reason. Gathering all her courage, she approached him, molding her features into polite confusion.

"Woo-jin," she greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you broke up with Tae-hyung last night," Woo-jin said to her.

"Ah. I guess you heard it from him."

"You..." he hesitated, his gaze roaming all over her face, his eyes showing confusion. "You look... alright."

Thank god. She had pressed ice cubes against her eyes all morning just to reduce the swelling from crying herself to sleep.

"Because it wasn't a bad break up," Somin said quietly. "It was mutual. And we promised to each other that we'll still stay as friends."

His expression turned guilty. And she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Woo-jin, what did you do?"

He flinched. "I... I may have punched Tae-hyung."

Her jaw dropped. "Oh, my God."

"When he told me the news, I sort of... blacked out," he said defensively. "I thought he'd hurt you."

Somin whipped out her phone from her bag. "Where is he?"

"In the apartment. I... I gave him a black eye."

"You're such an idiot," she scolded. But she couldn't help but feel loved, even though it wasn't exactly the kind of love she needed from him.

I guess this was always how it was going to be, she thought forlornly.

Woo-jin was staring at her, his face still showing regret and she sighed. "Let's go to your apartment. I have to make sure Tae-hyung is still alive. And," Somin looked at him sternly, "You're going apologize to him."

Woo-jin was quick to nod at her. "I will."


Somin was the first to give in when Woo-jin still continued to stare at her. She moved forward, her palm extended to him.

"Are you going to give me those flowers anytime soon?" she asked with false enthusiasm.

Woo-jin blinked. "Oh. Oh, right. These are for you." Then he smiled. "I'm sorry. You're just so beautiful tonight that you took me completely by surprise."

Oh, dear. Maybe she shouldn't have worn this dress.

"And," he went on. "I couldn't help but think how fortunate I am."

Her chest tightened as a tremor of warmth shook her entire body.

"Why?" she asked breathlessly.

"Because tonight, I'll be dining with the most beautiful woman in the world."

She wanted to joke, to tell him it's not like this was the first time they had dinner together or that this wasn't the first time she'd dress up this good but words failed her. Because she understood what he meant.

She was all his for tonight. And he was hers.

Only if she'd let him be hers.

And despite all her misgivings, Somin felt herself beginning to thaw towards him.

His smile was enchanting when he proffered his arm to her.

"Let's go, Somin."

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