I Felt Drained of My Strength

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"Did Woo-jin really ask you out?"

Somin glanced in the mirror. She was in the ladies' room, washing her hands after using the toilet. Jiwoo was standing next to her, her expression thoughtful as she stared at Somin.

"News travel fast, I see," Somin deadpanned.

Jiwoo smiled. "I actually heard it from Woo-jin. He came to our department after lunch and was extremely happy about it."

Somin plucked a paper towel from the dispenser and dried her hands.

First Na-eun, now Woo-jin. Will they ever shut their mouths and stop spreading this around?

"Then why ask if you already knew?" she asked, turning to face her.

Jiwoo shrugged. "Because you don't look excited about it like he is."

Perceptive, Somin thought.

But wasn't Jiwoo acting too familiar with her right now?

Staring at her, Somin folded her arms and leaned into her. "Listen, Jiwoo. I don't know what Tae-hyung and Woo-jin told you about me but... why are you talking to me?"

"Why?" she looked hurt. "I'm just trying to be friendly."


"Well, can't I be friends with you?"

"You want to seriously be friends with your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend?"

Her hurt expression turned to confusion. "What's wrong about it?"

Somin blinked furiously. "What's... what's wrong about it? Are you seriously naive or are you just pretending you don't know?"

"I don't... I mean, of course Tae-hyung has had girlfriends before," JIwoo replied with a chuckle. "But there's nothing to be gained by dredging up his past relationships when he's with me right now."

Somin stared at her in disbelief.

Because this wasn't what she had expected at all.


"Stay away from my boyfriend."

Dang, Somin thought with a sigh. Not again.

She closed her book, placed it on the table and looked up at the indignant girls in front of her.

"I don't know you," she said calmly. "And I don't know who your boyfriend is."

The girl scoffed in disbelief. "This bitch. I'm Hyun Ryu's girlfriend."

"Hyun Ryu told me he's single."

"Well he's not."

"And we are only lab partners."

"My friends saw you flirting with him."

"Talking is flirting now?" Somin raised a brow.

The girl leaned into her and snapped, "I swear to God if you steal my boyfriend I will destroy you."

Then saying that, she and her minions stomped away.

Destroy her? Somin would like to see her try.

She irritably opened her book.

Was it her fault they talk to her? Was it her fault she was friendly? Was it her fault she was beautiful?

Damn them for ruining her day.

"Do you get that often?"

She looked up again and her face instantly went hot when she saw Woo-jin. He was staring off at the direction the girls had gone.

Humiliated, Somin tried to play it off like she didn't care.

"I do," she smirked. "Just the downside of being beautiful and popular."

Woo-jin took the seat in front of her. "You are beautiful and popular. But you are more than just a pretty face, Somin."

Dear God, he remembered what she told him the first time they met.

Be still my heart.

"A coffee for that compliment? Somin joked to hide her embarrassment.

He grinned. "If it's a coffee for a compliment, I'll shower you with compliments everyday. That way I can save money."

She laughed. "You are such a jerk. But only for you, Woo-jin."

Only for you.


"Wow, you're pretty understanding," Somin told Jiwoo. Somin still remembered when she used to get bullied by all those petty girls who were jealous of her. "And confident."

"I don't want to lose Tae-hyung again on a misunderstanding," Jiwoo replied. "So do you want to be friends?"

She hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'm... I'm not a good person, Jiwoo."

"That's not what the guys say." Jiwoo smiled. "And that's not what I think. Remember when you told me you were going to get Tae-hyung back? I thought it was amazing, how you were so brave and confident. And when I found out that you pretended to be the bad guy to help Tae-hyung and me, I was so grateful. You're a kindhearted person, Somin. Don't let the guys hear you say that you aren't. Because I'm pretty sure they'll be mad."

For the second time, Somin fell quiet and just stared at her.

"So do you want to have dinner with me later?" Jiwoo offered. "To get to know each other better?"

"S-sure," she answered. She couldn't exactly say no right now.

JIwoo's smile widened. "Great. See you later, Somin."

Somin gave her a tiny smile and waved as she left the ladies' room. Hoping she wouldn't regret this dinner, Somin checked her appearance in the mirror before she followed Jiwoo out.


Thank you for reading! (*^▽^*)

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