chapter 1 the chocolates

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Julia walked towards the grocery store located in the subdivision where she is living. She knew that the boys across the street are looking at her. She didn't look at them but she knew that they are staring and making fun of her for the way they are laughing while watching her progress. 

She wished she had combed her hair before heading out. But her mother was already mad at her for not getting up and do the errands right away. So she scrambled to get out of the house to buy the necessary stuff her mother wanted in the kitchen sighing, she continued her way to the grocery store. 

Hurrying up she noticed one of the boys is following her. Looking at her shoulder she noticed it is Liam, the boy who would always find ways to irritate her. Just what kind of luck does she have to find him here in her street? Those rogues are his accomplice that's for certain. 

Walking faster, she tried to reach the store before Liam could taunt her in his usual manner. But it was to no avail he also chose to get inside the store and pretended to buy something. 

"Whoa... stop sweetheart! Why do you always make a run from me?" Liam asked as he caught up with her. 

"Obvious ba?" she countered. She hurried to the aisle where she can get the oil and fish sauce her mother asked her to buy.

"Honey, you know already I just want to say, "hello" and "I love you as usual"," Liam said smirking while he said those words at her.

"Liam, if you are serious about those words, you would have by now use them with sincerity and not as if you are just playing with it." she hissed at him. 

"But you said, you don't love me back so that's why I say those words to you every day so you will hear how my heart beats for only you," Liam said cheekily. 

Irritated, she faced him. "How do you expect me to believe you when you utter the same words to every beautiful girl you see in school." She spat. 

Liam finally laugh. "Haa..ha.. So you are saying, you are beautiful right? I doubted that though," Liam winked at her but she just rolled her eyes. Letting him know that she is not affected by his words. 

She hit him then in his stomach, as she made her way to the cashier. Looking at how Liam is clutching at his tummy she felt vindicated. 

"By the way sweetheart which of this is your favorite flavor?" Liam tugged her towards him as he inspects the boxes in front of him. 

Curious, Julia wore her eyeglasses to see better what Liam wants her to choose. Suddenly, she realized that all the other customers are looking at them, for right in front of her are the boxes of condoms with all the flavors and colors available being displayed. Irked at what Liam has put her through she grabbed him by his arms and further away from prying eyes she pinched his side as much as she can hurt him. This causes Liam to shout with pain. So she hastily left him and make her quick exit. 

While in the line waiting for her turn at the cashier. Liam bumped her from behind and casually whispered in her ear. "You may not be beautiful but you certainly qualify as the hottest girl in town and even hotter than the sun outside," Liam said as he moves forward putting her behind him so he can be served ahead of her. The cashier looked at her but all she can do at the moment was to nod at the cashier to let him be served first. 

When she finally walked towards the exit Liam was waiting for her. Bracing herself for another of his irritating and obnoxious display of affection Liam dropped the box of chocolates on her cart as he made to go outside the grocery store. The box has a note, "see you in the library tomorrow". 

Her emotions would always be in conflict when it comes to Liam. Sometimes she felt as though Liam was just using her to get back at his girlfriend who dumped him weeks ago or sometimes she felt him being sincere at his attempt of getting her to notice him but she knew he's a player so better be on the safe side than let Liam have his ways. 

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