Chapter 4: Kasey

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"Kasey this is unacceptable" My father shouts through the phone. I roll my eyes. "You want me to marry him, I need to get to know him" I snap. I hear my mothers voice in the background. "Fine, but no more fighting about the wedding. You have two weeks off" my father states. "I only need a week-." He hangs up before I could even finish my sentence. "Ugh!"

"Your really going to go" Bethany asks. I flop down on my couch, looking at the ceiling, "I guess I am." Bethany smiles and claps her hands, "Great. I'll help you pack." I shake my head and chuckle, "I think I can manage." She shoots me a glare and I give in raising my hands in surrender. 

"You said he went to the same high school as you" Bethany mentions. I nod. "He wasn't one of the ones who picked on you, was he" she asks. I shake my head, "No. He just never stood up for me like all the others." Bethany stands up, "Can't believe would stand by. Now lets go pack your bags." I slowly get up and follow her to my bedroom. 

I pull out a black duffel bag and place it on the bed. Bethany begins pulling out clothes. "I don't need anything fancy" I tell her. She rolls her eyes and continues to pull clothes out. I look through what she grabbed. All undergarments have lace someone on them. My tops are fitted and revealing. Jeans tight and shorts short. "Really? Its not like he is going to back out. Its a done deal. This marriage thing" I tell her. "You know you could always try to get to know him. You never know, you could end up falling in love and live happier ever after" she rambles off.

I start putting the clothes into the duffel bag when she hands me my over sized shirt I sleep in. Bethany gives me a small reassuring smile. "Thanks" I mumble and place it in the bag. The shirt was a special to me because it was my Uncle's. I have about ten of them, but this was favorite because it was his favorite. His college shirt. The logo was center in the middle of the large grey shirt.

"Is Trey okay with all this? Its kinda weird" Bethany asks. "The more we talked, I think we are meant to be friends. Kinda like a brother if I erase the way we danced" I chuckle. "You were grinding on him" she adds with a smirk. "Hey! It's not a blood sibling thing. We are just friends that had fun" I tell her. "Fun" she repeats with her eyebrow raised. I glare at her, "not that kind of fun." She laughs.

"When are they picking you up" Bethany asks. I look at my clock on the wall, "Anytime now." I close up the duffel bag and go to the bathroom adding the necessities that I need for the next two weeks. I plan to only stay a week, but I am thinking about traveling the second week. Once I have everything I walk out to the living room to find Bethany feeding Knight a hot dog. "Bethany" I snap. "Hey, one won't hurt" she laughs. "Let's go. Knight come."

We head down stairs to see the guys pulling up in a truck. "You gonna be all nice and cozy with the men" Bethany shrieks. "Im jealous" she pouts. "Behave while I am gone Bethany" I tell her. Jacob gets out of the drivers seat and walks over to me. "You can have the passenger seat if you want" he says as he takes my duffel bag then places it in the bed of the truck and trying it down. "Sure, but Knight" I ask. "Right" he says running his hand through his hair. "Either he can sit in front. The middle goes up for another seat. Or he can sit in the back with Trey and Matt" he explains. "If he can sit up front for at least a little bit" I say. He nods, "Hey. I was curious if you wanted to take you bike." Confusion shows on my face, "my bike?" He chuckles, "Well I can get called in at any point, so just in I though we could put it in the bed of the truck and tie it down. I have the extended bed so it would fit" he explains. "Sure. Thanks."

Bethany, Knight, and I walk to the car port while the guys bring the truck to where I parked the bike. Trey and Matt get out of the truck and help load it up. Once they finished Trey walks over and give he a side hug. "Glad you could join us" he smirks. "I'm sure you are" I smirk. "Hey get off Jacob's woman" Matt shouts. Jacob's head snaps to us he still as me embrased in the side hug. His lips are pressed in a think line. His eyes are look straight at Trey giving off a harsh glare. Trey leans over and whispers in my ear, "I think some one is jealous." I chuckle at his childish antics. "Let's go" I hear Jacob grit out. Trey laughs and leads me over to the truck door. 

Bethany gives me a hug, "You better call me everyday." I smirk, "As long as you promise not to touch my car." Her eyes go wide in suprise. "Give me the keys Bethany" I say putting my hand out. She grumbles and pulls them out of her back pocket. I toss them in my purse. "I hate that you know me so well" she pouts. I kiss her cheek and wave bye. 

I notice how small the middle seat is so I decide to slide in the middle to give Knight the passenger seat. Yes, this will put me extremely closer to Jacob, but at least it will be more comfortable. I call Knight and he hops in next to me. Trey clothes the door while smirking. 

Trey and Jacob get in the truck. Matt was talking to Bethany. Jacob smirks and honks the horn. They ended up both jumping being scared shitless. After another minute Matt gets in the truck. "Really" Matt growls as he gets in the truck. "Yup" Jacob laughs. "Let's get on the road. I want to be there before dark" he announces. He looks at me and gives me a small smile. "Of course he gets the comfy spot" Jacob chuckles. We both look at Knight to see him rolled up comfortably on the seat. "It was that or he would make us all uncomfortable being on the tiny seat" I laugh.

"So Bethany says you dad gave you two weeks off work" Matt spoke up. I turn to glare at him, but stop when I notice Jacob's eyes on me. I sit back around and fiddle with my hands. Jacob's eyes go back to the road as he leaves the parking lot.

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