Chapter 17: Kasey

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Today I am getting married. The wedding preparations went great, without any issues. Everyone was a great help including my dad. Sadly I haven't able to see much of Jacob in the past few days due to being busy with different tasks, but we text constantly. 

"Are you ready to do your makeup" Belle asks. I nod. She had just finished doing my hair. Luckily she went to cosmetology school and defiantly has the talent. "Yup." Belle does as asked and does a neutral look. After fifteen minutes, she states she is finished and turns me to the mirror. 

"I love it! Thanks Belle!" She hugs me, "No problem. Now lets get you dressed. We have twenty minutes until you are suppose to be ready" she states. Jessica and Bethany help me slide into my wedding dress. It fits perfect. Just as I remember it did in the store.

"I think my fingers are going to fall off" Bethany mutters. "What" I chuckle. "These buttons. Now I feel bad for the consultants in the bridal shops. They have to do this multiple times daily" she says dramatically. We all burst out laughing. "Finished" Bethany announces. "Let us see" Belle claps her hands. I take a few steps back so they could see the finished look.

"Aww your gorgeous" Bethany whines. "Why are you whining" I ask. "Because when I get married there is no way I can compete with this" she pouts. I roll my eyes as the other chuckle. Someone knocks on the bedroom door. Jessica cracks the door to see Ben on the other side. "So just making sure its not Jacob trying to peek" Jessica jokes. "Don't joke about that. I caught him a few times trying to" Ben chuckles. "You look pretty Kasey" Ben adds. "Thanks" I smile. "Pretty" Belle asks. "Stunning! Gorgeous! Magnificent! Look at her" Belle points at me. "You did amazing Belle" Ben sighs. Jessica pecks his cheek. "So since your here, does that mean its time" Bethany asks. Ben nods, "Its show time!"

We all head down stairs to the back patio. The ceremony is behind the barn so no one can see me until we make it over there. "Okay lets go" Bethany announces. We make our way to the side part of the barn with the girls help making sure my dress stays flawless. 

Ben heads over to his spot next to Jacob. The music plays and the bridesmaids start heading down the isle. Belle, Rachael, Bethany then Jessica and Nala. It was adorable watching Nala drop the petals as they walked. She was so serious about making sure she dropped petals every step she took.

"Ready?" I turn to see my dad offering his arm. I nod as I put my arm in his. We start walking and make it the isle. Jacob looked ready to break down in tears, which made this so much more real. I truly love him. As we make it half way the music stops. Everyone in front of us looks straight behind us. Before I could turn my head to see what they were looking at I feel myself being pulled backwards by my hair. I scream out due to the unexpected pain. I'm dragged a few feet before I feel the pull in my hair released. It happened so fast, I had no idea what exactly was happening. 

Bethany is by my side in a second. "Are you okay" she ask worriedly. I sit up and place my hand on my head. I nod as I look up to see my dad, Jacob, and Ben standing there having a screaming match with my  mother. "Kase?" I look back to Bethany, "I'm okay." She helps me get on my feet and I notice the rest of the bridal party making their way over. 

"You ever touch my wife again, you will regret it" Jacob yells.

"Ha you are no threat to me" my mother screams back.

"You are insane" Jacob states running his hand through his hair.

Ben walks over to me and Bethany. "Cops are coming."

"Leave or I will leave you with less then what I was planning" My dad shouts.

"Kasey stop hiding behind the men" My mother snarls.

I go to take a step forward but Bethany grabs my arm while giving me a concerned look.  I give her a small smile and pull my arm free. I walk over next to Jacob and he wraps his arm around my waist giving me a worried look. 

"Leave. No one wants you here. You are done controlling my life" I grit out. "You have no idea what your talking about" she yells talking another step towards me. Jacob tenses in response. "I think I know enough from the amount of times I was put on lock down, the hitting, getting knocked out with a syringe. Not to mention the more serve shit I went though after my uncle, your brother died! You have no right to show up here at Jacob and my wedding!"

I hear gasps from surrounding people including those in the bridal party. Sirens are heard, but before anyone could react, cops are running toward us. "Excuse me, we got a call" an officer states. Without hesitation I step forward. "This women is trespassing on private property. Also I would like to press charges of assault" I state. Jacob gives me a kiss on the top of my head. 

"Who is the owner of the property?" the officer asks. Ben steps forward, "I am." He nods, "Do you want to press charges? This is your property?" I flinch feeling like I put Ben in a bad spot. "Yes, charges will be pressed" Ben states. "Was there any witness to the assault? And when was the assault" The officer asks me. "Yes, Jacob was there for the most recent. How far can I go" I ask. "How far? What do you mean ma'am" The officer looks shocked. "The first time was in when I was in high school" I state. The second officer reads of the the rights to my mom as they place her in handcuffs. She rants off about random things and how I am such a horrible daughter. 

"You no longer have a daughter" I snap at her, tired of hearing her. "We will take her down. If at some point you could come by the station and write a report that would be helpful. I understand that you are in the middle of your ceremony" he states. "Of course. If anything do you have an email where I can send the report or fax" I ask. He nods and hands me a card. "Thank you officer" Jacob says. "Actually I have a file that you may help our case" Ben states. The officer looks confused until Trey walks over and hands Ben the  file. He hands it over to the officer. "We will be in touch" the cop says and walks away.

We all watch the officers walk away. Now it all made sense. Why a few days ago Jacob asked me about all the abuse I was put through. Even down to the dates. Luckily I had a old journal I would write in almost daily in middle school and high school.

The bridal party goes and stands in their spots. Jacob turns to me, "Are you okay?" I just wrap my arms around his waist, "Yeah." He embraces me and kisses the top of my head. "Do you want to reschedule? Or you want to still marry me today" he jokes. "Let's get married" I smile. We walk to the where the pastor stood and with a nod of confirmation, he begins. 

Twenty minutes later the ceremony is over and all the guests head into the barn. Jacob and I stay outside. "This has defiantly been an eventful day" I chuckle. "I'm sorry it didn't go smoothly" Jacob places a hand on my cheek. "It was perfect" I tell him. "Where you at the same wedding" he raises his brow. I laugh, "Yes, but you are my husband are you not." He nods, "Yes." I smile, "Then it was perfect." A grin spreads on his face and he leans down. "I love you" he says before his lips cover mine. We break apart due to loss of breath. "I love you too."

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