Chapter 16: Kasey

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"Isn't crazy how you couldn't stand him to now marrying him" Bethany says in amazement. I smile as the thought of two weeks ago pops in my head. "What's with that face" she says pointing at my facial expression. "We said the three word phrase already" I mumble. She squeals in happiness. "Oh my god! I am so happy for you two! Ugh if only I can find my dream guy" she rambles off. I chuckle at her. She can change topics so fast. In the last twenty minutes we have talked about so many different topics. 

"What about Matt" I ask. She shrugs, "I don't know. He just doesn't seem to want to commit to a relationship right now. You know me, I am not going to push for something to have it be one sided." I nod in understanding. "Maybe at the wedding you can meet someone" I mention. "Ohh maybe" she claps her hands. "Can you believe your getting married in two days" she says. "Yeah, but I am actually excited. Its crazy to think I was dreading this when this whole arranged marriage came about" I tell her. "I know. Do you still think of this as an arranged marriage" Bethany asks curiously. I shake my head, "No. Our parents may think that, but I don't." "I'm so happy for you two" she gushes.

"So your parents come into town today don't they" Bethany comments. I nod, "Sadly." She pats my shoulder, "Hey, your dads not as bad." I love that she is trying to make me feel better, but when my mother is near its hard to be cheerful. "I love my dad, but he goes along with my mother and doesn't ask questions." She leans back in her chair, "I think you should tell him." My eyes widen, "Why? That would be the worst timing. My dad's heart would break." She rolls her eyes, "He is your father. If he cares for you he will defend you when he finds out just what exactly your mother is capable of." I nod non noncommittally.

"Speaking of your parents" Bethany mumbles as her eyes are looking past me. "What?" I turn around to see my Dad walking into the coffee shop. "Out of all the places" I grumble. I turn to face Bethany, having my back face my dad. 

"Bethany? Kasey?" I take a deep breath and turn in my seat to face him. "Hi dad" I give him a small smile. Bethany gives him a small wave. "What are doing here? I thought you weren't getting into town until later today" I ask. "I came earlier then your mother. I thought I could see if you needed any help with last minute details" he says with a hopeful smile. 

"Your timing is perfect because I had to check the floral shop to make sure they have everything handled. Why don't you take my spot" Bethany says standing up. I shoot a glare at her, but she ignores me. She grabs her purse. "I'll see you guys later" she says and leaves us before neither of us could say anything else.

"I'm going to grab a coffee real quick" My dad says then walks over to the counter to order. After a few minutes he comes back and sits where Bethany was. "So is everything going good" he asks. "Yeah, no problems so far" I comment. "I'm sorry we pushed the marriage on you guys so much. Are you happy" he asks. I nod, "Actually I am." He nods, "your mother told me that you didn't want to come back to Portland. Your planning to stay here in Bend." I sigh, "Yeah, I want to." He leans back in his chair, "Your mother wants me to change your mind, but I don't think I have ever seen you so happy." That brings a smile to my face. "Thanks." 

"I thought about it and I think it would be a great opportunity for you, but only if you want it" he says. I furrow my brow curiously. "I can sell off the main part of the company, but you can take in control of the design and art part. Set base here in Bend. You of course would have to hire a few people, but I would like it to keep this business in our family somehow."

"I'm don't know what to say" I tell him. I am in shock. The art and design department was always my favorite. "You don't have to make a decision now. I don't want you worrying about it now, but the option is there if you want it" he says. "I'll think about it and let you know. Thanks dad" I smile. He smiles, "So is there anything you would like me to help with?"

"Actually I have to finish the seating chart. You want to come and help me finish?" He nods, "Of course." We toss our cups in the trash and head out side. Crap. "Did you bring your car" I ask. He shakes his head. "I only have my bike" I explain. "Oh" he says eyeing the bike. "Wanna go for a ride" I ask him. "Will I fit" he chuckles. "I can take a cab" he adds. I laugh, "Yeah, come on."

I get on the bike and my dad sits behind me. I show him where the handle is to hold on to. "Are you sure this is safe" he grumbles. "Yeah, I will take the slower route" I tell him hoping to calm his nerves down. After twenty minutes we arrive at Ben and Jessica's place. 

We get off and place the helmets on the bike. "How was it" I ask. "Better then I expected. I can see why you like it" he chuckles. I start side of the house with him following. "This is Jacob's" he asks. I shake my head, "No, this is his friends Ben's property. To save on some costs, he said we can have the wedding here. Everything is in the process of getting set up" I explain. 

We make it to the back and we can see the men setting up the large tents. "How many people did you invite" he asks. "I think it came out to about 75 people not including kids" I tell him as I lead him to one of the barns. "Honey do you need more money" Dad asks confused. Everyone I knew back in Portland was having weddings with over hundreds of people. "No, we got it handled" I tell him reassuringly. "Well if you need anything, there is plenty of money in your account" he tells me. "No that I can use it" I grumble. 

"What do you mean" My dad asks. I act like I didn't hear him. "Kasey!" I turn to look at him. "My account was frozen because my mother likes to take things to far" I snap. Once its out of my mouth I regret it. "Why would your mother freeze your account" he asks confused. "She is mad at me for not going back to Portland to run the company. She showed up a few weeks ago and stated that I would regret making this decision. Trust me, I had the bruise to prove it" I yell. 

My dad's eye widen and he looks like his surprise is now turning to anger. Now I was worried were the anger would be put. My mother or me. 

"She hit you" he grits out. I nod looking at the floor. How has this day gone so wrong. Surprisingly he wraps me in a hug. "I am so sorry Kasey" his voice cracking. "Don't apologize for her. She is the one who did it" I tell him. He steps back. "I had a security guard come to me when you were in high school telling me some of the things your mother was doing, but I didn't believe it" he explains. I take a few steps back from him realizing he could've stopped what my mother was putting me through.

"I heard your mother on the phone yesterday. I couldn't believe the things she was saying. When I confronted her she said she was just upset. She wasn't going to do anything harmful, just wanted you back" he states. He runs his hand through his hair repeatedly. "For some reason I couldn't believe her. I came early to ask you if it was true" he adds. My head shoots up to meet his eyes. I nod. So many things were running through my head, I couldn't form any words.

"Your mother will pay for what she did, I promise Kasey. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you like I should've been" he says pain clearly in his eyes. "I forgive you" I hug him. "You mother won't be here for the wedding" he says as he puts me at arms length. "Thank god." We both chuckle. Yes, its odd, but I am just happy I now have my dad on my side after so many years. 

"Your uncle would be so proud of you Kase."



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