Chapter 20: Jacob

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"What? There is no way" I run my hand through my hair in frustration. I walk out to the back patio. I woke up to a phone call from Ben. Kasey is still sound asleep in our bed. "I'm sorry Jacob, but she posted bail. She has to wait til court date. She will get charged, but I have a feeling she will try and buy her way out of jail time" Ben explains. "Kasey's dad is divorcing her. How does she have the money" I huff. "Divorcing she gets half of everything. They never had a prenup, so half of everything" Ben emphases everything.

I look out over the beach unsure of what else to say. I can't believe this. "Jacob there is more" Ben interrupts my thoughts. "How could there be more? Please tell me there is no more bad news!" I hear Ben sigh, "Sorry bud, but before she was released she had visitors. Trey has been keeping a tail on her where abouts and also saw her meeting with the same men again." 

"Okay, so what is the significance of these men?" I know its something awful, otherwise Ben wouldn't bother bringing it up. "They are the security men that work for me. We went through and checked the backgrounds on the men. One has a basic clean record and has been working for her for over ten years, but the second guy that she has been meeting with has a list full of charges. Assault, attempted murder, attempted rape, rape" Ben lists off all the information. 

"Why would she let someone work for her like that" I ask in disbelief. "He was just hired" he answers. "Why?" "He is a hired assassin." "What the fuck?" I realize i just screamed, I look through the back door and notice no movement. I really don't want to wake up Kasey. 

"We looked back at his records and dug deeper. He has a lot of prosecutors trying to charge him with murders, but they never have enough evidence. Grant went around talking to some people that he knows through some friends and confirmed it. That's not the worst part though Jacob" he states.

"What could be worse then her mother hiring a armed gun man" I groan. "He booked a flight to New York." "So?" "The flight connection there takes him to Greece." What the fuck! "You gotta to be shitting me!" "Grant and Brandon are on their way. They should be there within the next six hours. I need you to pull cash out. Book another place with it and stay there until you here from us. I have a friend in Greece that will meet you in two hours that will lend you weapons. It won't be much but something to protect yourselves."

"Can't the court connect this and put the women in jail? And this guy?" "I'm working on it, but it is taking time. We have sent everything over to the judge and the issue would be that the guy is already out of country so they would have to ask for a favor overseas. Its going to be a process. His flight lands in four hours" Ben tells me. "Okay" I finally realize that now is not the best time to freak out. "Get out quickly. I will get in touch soon" Ben says then hangs up.

Putting my phone in my pocket of my jeans I walk back into the house. Heading into the bedroom I look to see Kasey sitting up with her legs to her chest with her arms wrapped around them. Her chin resting on her knees as she looks like she is trying to stay awake. 

"Morning" she says with a yawn. "Morning Kase" I say trying to act normal. "What is going on? I heard you yelling" she asks. I sit down next to her, "We gotta go Kasey. Please pack everything up. Get dressed. I will get you food on the way" I tell her then kiss her forehead. She stands up and starts pulling out clothes from her suitcase. "Can I know why" she asks. 

I start packing our belongings, "I promise an explanation, but right now we need to get moving. I will when we get on our way." She nods and gets dressed. Once dressed she starts helping me pack everything. She tosses me a shirt. I raise my eyebrow at her. "You going to leave the house without a shirt" she smirks. I look down realizing I never put a shirt on earlier. "Thanks" I chuckle as I put it on.

I call a cab and it arrives right when we make it outside with our luggage. "Please take us to a bank" I tell the cab driver. He raises a brow curiously but does what he is asked without questioning. When he makes it to the bank we ask the driver to wait and he obliges. Kasey follows me without questioning, but I know the longer I don't explain the more worried she is getting. I pull out four thousand of the bank and give half to Kasey. Once we leave the bank I have the cab driver take us an hour away to a hotel. 

"Thanks" I say giving him the cab fare. We book a room near the stairs. Once in the room, I text Ben letting him know we left the rental house. He sends me an address and to be there in an hour for the weapons. 

"Are you going to explain" Kasey says watching me from the bed. I slide the phone in my pocket and walk to sit next to her. "Ben was the person on the phone with me. Your mother posted bail" I tell her. "So?" I almost want to chuckle since she is pretty much repeating what I was saying to Ben. "You mother hired a man that has quiet a record and is known as assassin, but could never prove it in court" I explain. "Why? What does that have to do with us on our honeymoon" she asks. "He is on his way to Greece" I look at my watch. "His plane lands in half an hour" I add.

She stands up and takes a few steps away. Then she turns to look at me, "My mother sent an assassin after us" she asks with wide eyes. I open my mouth to answer her, but before I could my phone goes off. Checking it I see it is Ben. I give Kasey an apologetic look and answer the phone.

"Ben?" "Put the phone on speaker for Kasey to hear" He demands. I do as told and Kasey walks to me. "Hi Ben"Kasey says. "Hey Kasey." "Okay Ben, whats going on" I ask. "We were still digging and came up with what a whole shit load of new information." "Go on" I urge. "Kasey, the women who raised you isn't your mother. Your mother died in child birth. Your dad remarried when you were two years old. We confirmed it with your father" Ben says. 

"What" Kasey whimpers. I pull her to sit on my lap and wrap my free arm around her. "We thought there was no prenup, but apparently there was a contract stated that even through divorce everything that would've been your mothers goes to you. So even in the divorce half of everything goes to you instead of the crazy women" Ben explains further. 

I notice tears streaming down Kasey's face. "That's why she hired him. She wants to kill me for the money" she says softly. "Not just you Kasey. Jacob too" Ben states. "Why Jacob" she croaks. "Your married. If you die everything that would've been yours from your mother, would then go to Jacob" Ben says. "Good this seems like some horror movie" Kasey murmurs. I kiss the side of her head.

"Grant and Brandon will be there soon, but until then do what I texted you. If anything happens call me. As soon as they land Grant and Brandon will be in touch." With that he hangs up. 

"I'm so sorry Kasey" I hug her from behind. "I'm not" she murmurs. "What?" She sighs, "the part where the crazy women isn't actually my mother. Of course the part of my dad lying to me my whole life and wanting to be killed part defiantly a whole different feeling" she says. 

"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise Kasey" I tell her. She turns around and wraps her legs around my waist. She lays her head on my shoulder. "What was Ben talking about in the text" she asks. "I meeting a friend of Ben's. He has a few weapons I can use while we are here. Grant and Brandon will have their own equipment" I explain. "Equipment" she rolls her eyes. "What?" She chuckles softly, "Only you would describe guns, knifes as equipment." I couldn't help but smile.

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