Chapter 12: Kasey

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Rolling over my hand hits something hard making my eyes open up to see what I have hit. Jacob eyes are wide open watching me. "Sorry" I mumble. He gives a small smile and leans forward kissing the tip of my nose. He sits up and stands up not bothering to cover himself up. I advert my eyes as I sit up.

"I am planning to meet up with the guys today, if that's okay?" Jacob walks over to the bathroom door, "I'm going to shower." I nod, "Okay." He closes the majority of the way after walking in.

I check my phone and notice a message from Bethany. 'Your gettin married in like little over a month! And you didn't tell me!'

I roll my eyes. 'Don't be dramatic. Your my maid of honor.' Sent.

I hear the shower turn on. My phone beeps notifying she responded. 'your forgiven'. I chuckle at her response. I look to the bathroom door and can still hear the shower on. I stand up and hesitantly drop the sheet onto the bed. I slowly walk to the bathroom door trying to make no noise. When I reach the door I bite lip as I slowly push the door open enough for me to slip through. I peek over to the shower to see the walk in shower walls covered in steam.

Should I? Oh what the hell! I walk over to the shower and open the door. I step into the shower and notice Jacob's eyes are closed and he is standing under the stream of hot water. "Mind if I join?" I bite my lip, trying to muster up all my courage.

Jacob eyes shoot open and slowly a smile spreads across his face. He reaches his hand out and I place mine in his. He pulls me to him and switches places so now I am under the stream of water. He smashes his lips on mine. We break the kiss due to lack of air. "You keep surprising me" he whispers. A smile spreads on my lips, "Good." I cover his lips with mine.

We wash up and exit the shower. Jacob hands me the towel and I wrap it around my body as he does his. "I think I am going to go riding" I tell him. "Any destination in particular" he asks. I shake my head, "no. Since I will be living here, what better then to check it out." He walks over to me and places his hands on my cheek. "You have no idea how happy that makes me" he murmurs then kisses me passionately.

Dressing in skinny jeans, black tank top, and black leather jacket with my black boots I walk into the kitchen, hoping to catch Jacob before he leaves. I notice he must've already left seeing no sign of him in the kitchen and living room. Grabbing a small backpack Jacob got out for me earlier I put my wallet in it along with small things like chap stick that I like to keep on hand. I go to head to the door, but notice a paper taped to the door.


Sorry I was running late and had to get going. If your still out and about in two hours, come by the Mud hole.



Love? Is it to soon for the love word to even be written. God, I am defiantly over thinking this. I walk out side, closing the door and locking it with the key Jacob had given me. After putting my jacket and helmet on, I get on the bike and rev it up.

Within seconds I am on the road. I always loved riding. Just the feeling alone is amazing. It also made me feel closer to my uncle. Driving around, I realize I may have to actually have to figure out what exactly his the 'Mud Hole'. I make it to down town Bend and notice there are a lot of people out and about. Taking a few minutes to find good parking, I park my bike and begin exploring. I notice a clothing store and go in to take a look. Majority of the clothing was shirts and sweatshirts that had Bend, Oregon on them or something related to the area or Oregon.

I end up giving in and purchasing a t shirt and pull over sweatshirt. The shirt was a dark blue with a quote that says 'love her but leave her wild'. The sweatshirt just said Bend, Oregon. I put my purchases in my back pack and make my way back onto the strip. Window shopping I stop at a place called goodies and get an amazing tasting shake. Yum! Then I notice a toy store. I ended spending at least a half an hour looking around. It noticed a cute horse stuffed animal and couldn't help but think of Nala. So I bought it. I think made my way and found a cool looking arcade. It had all the classic games and even had beer! Of course I passed on that since I was driving, but still it was cool.

I walked around the few blocks and noticed a park, but decided against it since it has already been two and half hours. Shit! I was suppose to meet Jacob half an hour ago. I pull out my phone and look up Mud Hole. A local bar on the outskirts of town pop up. Well this better not be sketchy" I murmur to myself, but stop in my steps realizing this must be the place we dropped Matt and Trey at when we came to town from Portland.

Reading over the general directions, trying to remember where to go. I slide my phone back in my pocket and drive away. I realized I had taken a wrong turn and had to fix my direction, but twenty minutes later I pulled up to Mud Hole. I noticed Jacob's truck right off the bat and park next to it.

Getting off my bike I take my helmet and check to see if Jacob has his car locked. It's not. I place the helmet and backpack inside. Walking inside I notice all the guys sitting at the bar laughing. "Mind if I join" I ask when I get right behind Jacob. He turns around swiftly falling from the bar stool. I burst out laughing immediately along with the others.

He stands up quickly trying to recover. "Drink enough" I smirk. He smirks and kisses my cheek. "Thought you weren't coming" he comments. He sits back down and picks me up placing me on his lap as I hold in a squeal being surprised at his actions. "Congrats!" I turn to look at Ben. I raise my brow curiously. "Your getting married here and Jacob says you want to stay" he says with excitement.

I look at Jacob surprised he is already sharing with his friends, but not angry. He shrugs his shoulder with a sheepish smile. "Yes, that is the plan. Speaking of the wedding, when is Jessica due" I ask. "Oh she is due after the wedding. I believe three weeks after" Ben answers. "Okay, thanks."

The guys continuing talking and chatting about random stuff including some wedding talk. About an hour later I slide off of Jacob's lap. "Hey, I am gonna get going" I tell them. "Where you going? I was thinking we could go get dinner" Jacob mentions. "I want to swing by and see Jessica and Nala. Could we just order pizza" I ask. After all the exploring I did today, I am defiantly feeling tired. "Of course" he says and kisses me. I hear a whistle and Ben smack Matt on the back of the head. I roll my eyes at their childish actions.

"I'll walk you out" Jacob says and follows me outside the building. I open his truck and grab my backpack and helmet. "Thanks for coming by" Jacob says as he watches me. "Thanks for inviting me. See you when I get home?" He nods. I kiss him on the cheek then put my helmet on. He waves by as I drive off.

Twenty minutes later I pull into Jessica and Ben's long driveway. As I park out front I notice Jessica pop her head out the door. Once I take my helmet off she make her way fully onto the front porch. "Sorry I came unannouced" I say as I walk up the steps. "No problem. Your welcome anytime" she says as she ushers me inside. "I hope you don't mind but I got something for Nala" I say taking my backpack off my back and opening it up. I pull out the horse and show Jessica. "She will love it. She is in here playing" she leads me to the living room.

"Nala, Kasey is here" Jessica announces. Nala looks in our direction with a large smile. I sit down next to her. "I got your something" I take the stuffed horse and put it in her hands. She slowly runs her hands over it. "Horsey?" She says curiously. "Yes, a horsey just for you" I tell her. "Thank you" she turns to me with her arms open. I embrace her in a hug, "of course Nala." I stand up and sit next to Jessica who is seated on the couch watching our exchange.

"Jessica, I know it may not be ideal, but I was wonder if you could be one of my bridesmaids" I ask her. "Ben said you were due a few weeks after when the wedding would be, so I totally understand if it's something that would be to much" I ramble off. "Of course Kasey. I would love to" she says giving me a side hug. "Also, we need a flower girl. Jacob and I would love to have Nala be in our wedding" I add. "Of course! I am so excited for you! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help" she tells me with excitement clear on her facial features.

"If possible I would love to get together with you soon, but I should probably head home. Jacob is probably on his way there" I tell her. "Of course, I gotta start dinner also." She walks me to the door and we say our goodbyes.

When I make it home I notice a four door Bentley sitting by the sidewalk in front of the house. I park in the driveway and hesitate whether or not I should get on the bike and leave. A nice car either means his parents or mine. I am hoping neither, but I don't have that luck.

I walk inside to hear my mother. Shit. The wicked witch of the world has landed. "She is coming home!" "I am sorry I can't make that decision, its Kasey's. Like I said she should be home soon-" before he could finish I walk into the kitchen revealing my self.

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