Chapter 15: Kasey & Jacob

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The ride home was silent. The microwave goes off so I grab the popcorn out and dump it into a bowl. Grabbing my black cherry sparkling water, his beer, and the bowl I head into the living room. 

"Did you pick a movie" I ask. "Yup." I sit down and he sits next to me and places a blanket over our laps. I hand him his beer. "Gonna tell me what it is" I ask. "Nope." I roll my eyes playfully and look to the tv. After a few minutes the name of the movie comes across the screen, How to loose a guy in 10 days. "Nice pick" I comment. "Thanks."

"Did something happen earlier" Jacob asks after  a quarter way through the movie. "What do you mean" I ask. "When I picked you up. You seemed upset" he explains. "Oh." He puts his arm around around me. "Kase, its up to you whether you want to share or not. I am here for you" he kisses my forehead. I nod and we go back to watching the movie. 

After another thirty minutes I turn to look at him and see him focusing on the movie. "My card was declined" I say barely above a whisper. I knew he heard it because he quickly looks at me. "Which card was it" his facial expression showing worry. "Its my debt card. Well the one that my parents oversee. Luckily when I moved out I created a account at another bank that they don't know about" I tell him. "Why would your parents have access to your account in the first place" he asks. "Well it was the account I had since I was born. My parents put money in it monthly until I graduated college. In high school they froze my account, so I created another one at a different bank. Since then I always made sure to make deposits in the account they don't know about."

"That's crazy. So they froze your account again" he asks. I nod, "My mother did say I was going to regret it." I run my hand through my hair in frustration. "If you need money for the dresses or anything I have enough" Jacob tells me. "Oh no I covered it. I have plenty of money saved up. I deposited my pay checks in there plus money I have taken out from that account and put in my personal one" I explain to him. "Thanks though. I appreciate it" I peck his lips. 

"Sorry you parents are being difficult" Jacob says as I rest my head on his shoulder. "Me too. I just hope she doesn't pull anything else." "What ever happens I will be here for you. Promise" he says kissing the top of my head. We continue watching the movie. Within minutes I fall asleep cuddled up against Jacob.

Feeling movement, I open my eyes to see Jacob carrying me bridal style. "I'm just taking you to bed" he says softly. A smile spreads across my face. I close my eyes and snuggle into him as he continues to carry me to the bedroom. I feel the bed beneath me. "Sleep. I will be back shortly" Jacob kisses my cheek and I hear him walk out of the room.

Jacob's POV

Heading to the kitchen I sit at the bar and pull out my phone. I know its late, but I call Ben.

"What's up Jacob?"

"Sorry its late. Are you free to talk?"\

"Give me a second." I hear movement.

"Had to leave the room, so I don't wake up Jessica."


"Its okay. So what's up?"

"Jessica's parents are causing problems. I know I told you what happened with her mother showing up, but now she froze one of her bank accounts."

"Damn. You think they are going to do more?"

"Her father I am not sure, but I am betting this isn't the end for her mother."

"Does she feel safe?"

"She hasn't said she does, but they way she always seems to be looking over her shoulder. It worries me. Finding out that her mother is abusive mentally and physically just makes this much worse. I don't want them any where near her."

"I will make the round calls to the guys and we will figure out details. We will keep eyes on them."

"Thanks Ben."

"No problem. Talk to you later."

I hang up the phone. I lean over the counter and sigh. I will do whatever I can to keep Kasey safe. I can't imagine all that she has gone through. When we were in high school, she never showed that she went through so much. I mean she went through so much at school, I could understand why she never shared anything. 

I dial another number. 




"Yeah. Sorry to be calling this late."

"No it's okay. Is Kasey okay?" I can hear her yawn.

"Yeah, she is. Do you know anything about her parents?" I know this is probably breach of trust by going behind Kasey's back, but the worry is pushing me to find out more.

"Plenty. What about them?"

"Her mom hits her?"


"Dad doesn't know?"


"Why hasn't Kasey told him?"

"Afraid he won't believe me." I turn around to see Kasey standing  behind me. Shit! She walks up to my and takes the phone from my hand. "Bethany, he will have to call you back" she says then hangs up. She sets the phone on the counter.

"Why?" I run my hand through my hair. "I'm worried. I think your mother is going to go father then just freezing your account. I want to make sure your safe. I apologize for going behind your back. I should've just went to you."

"I want to trust you Jacob, but you can't go behind my back like this" she says sternly. "If you have questions about my parents, don't you think I would be the best person to ask" she states. I nod, "Yeah. I just didn't want to stress you out. You've gone through so much. I just-. I just want to make sure they don't do anything reckless against you" I tell her. I reach out for her with both my arms. 

She sighs and walks into my arms. "Promise me. Promise me you won't go behind my back again" she says softly. I nod, "yes." 

"What did you want to know about my parents" she asks. "You said your more has hired men that would make sure you stayed where they wanted you in high school?" She nods. "Did they ever use force and did they carry weapons" I ask. She leans back so she can look at my face. "Yes. They would physically restrain me. Once they used and shot to knock my out. I don't know what exactly it was, but it defiantly had me out for twenty four hours" she explains. 

I grit my teeth. I feel her hand on my cheek. "Jacob, it was years ago" she says softly. "Still doesn't make it better" I state with frustration. "I know you will keep me safe" she leans forward and her lips cover mine. It was slow and short, but meant so much. 

"Is there anything else that I should know about your mother" I ask. "She doesn't care if her hands get dirty" Kasey says. How could a mother like that raise this beautiful women. 

"I love you Kasey."

"I love you too Jacob."


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