Chapter 5 Poison of a Preditor

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Miu continued to lay on Deidara's chest and griped his shirt with one hand in a fist. She burried her face in his chest while he was sleeping and slightly snoring. Deidara was on his back and had one arm around Miu and the other folded under his head. He still wasn't sure of what happened he just knew he had to keep a hawks eye on Miu so she doesn't get taken again or Pein'll have his head.

Unlike Deidara, Miu was awake and barely had any sleep from the fear of what had happened last night. Every night on the night of the new moon Demons attacked earth bond Angels, dragged them into the darkest part of the forrest and ate them. They were terrified of humans for some reason, at least the weak young ones were. They choose to feed at midnight and love the darkness.

They can't stand sunlight and even the moonlight burns them. The strong ones however don't mind moonlight and will attack humans, they were to be feared most. When an angel of light is born so is a demon of dark. They were conected like ying and yang, twins of oppisites. As for earth bound angels like Miu (the half angels) they didn't have dark twins since there half human meaning they can choose to be evil, stubborn, disobiediant, and so on.

 Miu's mother had cast a spell on the abandoned village and that's why Miu never left it. There was a barrier around it that kept demons out. She had forgotten about it up until now. The alarm clock suddenly went off and scared Miu. She quickly got up and hid in the closet after pushing off of Deidara's chest causing him to wake up with a "UF!"

Pissed, Deidara turned off the alarm clock and glared at the closet door.

"Miu-Chan what the hell!" Deidara yelled and got up to open the door.

When Deidara opened the door and saw Miu hugging her bandaged legs he suddenly remembered what had happened and his look sofened . Deidara sighed with closed eyes and looked back at Miu who refused to face him.

"Are you going to tell me what happened last night or not un?"

Miu stayed silent and kept looking at her feet as if she didn't hear a word Deidara said.

"Hey at least acknowledge me un!"

Miu kept still and Deidara banged his fist against the closet door.

"Answer me!"

Miu flinched then carefully looked up at Deidara sadly but he only crossed his arms and glared at her for not listening to him.


Miu looked back at her feet and Deidara yelled in frustration.

"Miu you are such a child un! I can't wait until Leader-Sama is done with you so I can kill you myself!"

Miu may not have looked it but she heard everything Deidara said to her and those last sentences made Miu flinch and she gave Deidara a sad look while tears filled her eyes. Deidara flinched from the sound of her trying not to cry and realized he should of just kept his big mouth shut.

'Shit! She's gonna cry!'

Miu pushed passed Deidara to get out of the closet and she ran down the hall crying. Deidara face palmed and ran after her.

"Wait! Miu!"

Miu stopped when she bumped into something and she looked up to see Sasori. She gave him a sad look and gripped his cloak in two fists as she sobbed into his cloak. Sasori sighed and looked up at Deidara boredly.

"What did you say to her?"

"Oh uh...Nothing! She completely over reacted un!"

"He said he can't wait to kill Miu-Chan!" Miu sobbed into Sasori's cloak and Sasori looked at her while she spoke then looked back at Deidara.

"You said that and now you think she's over reacting?"

"Well...I er...I uh.."

Sasori looked back down and noticed Miu had a hard time standing, then he noticed her legs.

"What happened to her legs?"

"She was attacked by something last night."

"Attacked? By what?"

"She won't tell me un!"

Miu suddenly stopped crying and fell silent and the two Akatsuki members noticed this so they stopped to look at her.

"Miu? What's wrong?" Sasori asked in his emotionless voice but with a bit of concern.

Miu swayed a bit but kept standing until she finally fell. Sasori caught her quickly and lowered her to the ground.

"Deidara, check her temperature."

"Why don't you do it?!"

"I'm a puppet, remember? Idiot." Sasori said softly glaring at Deidara from the corner of his eye and barley whispered the last word.

Deidara sighed and put a hand on Miu's forehead.

"She's burning up!"

"Miu can you hear me?" Sasori asked Miu and she barely nodded.

"What happened?" Sasori asked calmly yet damandingly.

"D-Demons....P-Poisonus....Cl-claws." Miu struggled to say with closed eyes.

"Demons?" Sasori asked with furrowed brows.

"She said something about Demons wanting to kill her yesterday when I tried asking what happened un."

"I guess that makes sense, for every prey there is a preditor."

Miu opened her eyes but her vision was blurry and the room spun. She closed her eyes again feeling sick and started breathing heavily through her mouth.

"Miu listen to me carefully, what can we use to heal you and get rid of the poison?"

"Ba-Blue doves...blood..." Miu struggled to say feeling her throat get dry.

"Blue doves what?" Deidara asked.

"Blue doves blood, it's a special medicine made by lapis lazuli."

"Well where do we find that un?"

"I'm not to sure...Miu is the poison fatal?"


"How much time do you have before it kills you?"

"A-A few d-days..."

"Where do we find lapis lazuli?"

"H-Home..." Miu said before passing out.

"Damn..." Sasori said to himself and picked Miu up. "You'll have to go back to the abandoned village and find the lapis lazuli." Sasori said and Deidara looked concerned.

"Why me?! What about Miu?!"

"She'll be fine, I've learned about manny different poisons before and know how to make the antidote, besides; I may know a way to slow the poison down a bit..."

Deidara looked at Miu one last time then sighed and nodded.


Sorry peepz I got lazy again, I have alot of updating to do so sorrys! (Sorry 4 mistakes, me 2 lazy to edit today)

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