Chapter 9 Meet Tobi!

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Miu sat in the livingroom boredly. Deidara was on a mission so she had no one to play with.

"Miu-Chan is booooooreda~ Soooooo boooooooreda~ Wants a frieeeenda~ To play with till the ennnnnnda~!" Miu sang.

Miu looked around still having nothing to do until she spoted an orange swirly thing.


"Weeeell, you must be that angel girl that's helping us right?" Tobi said and Miu nodded. "By the way, Tobi's name is Tobi."

"Pumpkin-San." Miu said.

"Heh heh, Tobi heard you like to give names....How about Awesome-Kun instead?"

Miu shook her head.

"Pumpkin-San." Miu said and Tobi sweat dropped.

Deidara walked in getting back from a tiring mission and saw Miu sitting on the floor holding her plushie while talking to Tobi. Deidara suddenly got annoyed and gave Tobi a soft glare.

"Tobi, what are you doing?" Deidara asked and Tobi tensed.

"Oh! Uh...T-Tobi was just talking to Miu-Chan!" Tobi said and was suddenly glomped by Miu.

"YAY!!!! Pumpkin-San called Miu, Miu-Chan!" Miu said happily.

Deidara couldn't quite put a finger on it but he felt pissed off about this. Something about seeing Miu happy with Tobi made him quite angry. Instead of yelling or something like that he just walked passed the two down the hallway to go in his room.

Miu jumped down from Tobi's back and grabbed her plushi to go after him but Tobi stopped her.

"Wait don't you wanna play with Tobi?" Tobi asked and Miu shook her head.

"Tobi's nice but Tobi's a lil annoying. Me wants Dei-Kun!" Miu said and darted happily down the hall.

"Annoying? She sure is random..." Tobi said sweat dropping.

As soon as Miu entered the room she saw Deidara laying on his bed without his cloak so she jumped on him and he made an 'oof!' from the impact.

"Play!" Miu yelled happily.

"I'm tired so no un."

Miu titled her head to the side.

"Pweety please?" Miu said using her really cute voice.

Deidara rolled on his side still a bit upset and Miu fell off the bed with a thud.

"Dei-Kun angry at Miu-Chan?" Miu questioned.

"Stop talking in third person un. Your sounding more and more like that idiot Tobi."

"I'm sorry..." Miu said looking down sadly.

Even though Deidara was facing away from her he sensed this and felt a bit of guilt.

"Is you asleep Dei-Kun?" Miu asked trying her hardest not to speak in third person.

Deidara didn't answer but just laid there silently with his eyes closed. Miu stood up from the floor and crawled under the covers in his bed.

"What are you doing un?" Deidara asked now looking at the angel girl.

"Sleepy..." Miu said with closed eyes.

"Well go sleep on the couch then un."

"But Miu no wants to get raped by fishy-San or Vampy...." Miu trailed off falling asleep.

She was really tired from staying up for so long. She hadn't slept since her recovery of the demons attack. Deidara's eyes softened and he turned around completely and layed down starring at Miu. He brushed a stray hair from her face and caressed her cheek.

"Sleep tight Miu-Chan un..." Deidara said before going to sleep himself.


GAAAAAHHH!!! TOO SHORT!!! -_- mesa sry, I'll do better next chappy me promise!

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