(Samson's P. O. V)
I walk in and she tells me to sit down in a chair so I sat she checked my eyes and all then asked.How could you see in the dark?
I could see in the dark since I was little I guess I don't know? I say
Where are your parent's? She asked
I don't know I was to little to remember them so their only a blur in my life. I say
Okay do you have any sibling? She asked
No! I have no one it's just me! I yelled
Fine the last thing I need to do is check your breathing so lift up you shirt. She said
N-no I'm fine I can breath. I said
Well I need to make sure ypi don't have any broken bones or anything like that. Plus I got to give you a shot for the flue and stuff like that. She said
I have the worst fear in needles basically I'm fine on the out out side but inside I'm broken. I now realized I'm in a corner of the room with my knees up to my chest and I had a tear slip out of my eye.
P-please no shots. I say
Hanji walked over and sat next to me rubbing my back in circles to make me feel better.
Hey now it's time for your mental test I can make it tommorow if you would like. She said
Tomorrow I- I can't talk about it it maked my head hurts when I think about it. I say
Okay you can go to your room or head down to the mess hall and eat. She said.
Okay. I say I get up and head to Hanji's door I open and leave her room.
(Hanji's P. O. V)
I head to Erwin's office to tell him what I just witness I knocked and he invited me in.What do you need Hanji? He asked
The new cadet K-9 I call him is physically okay but mentally he's not something happen to him and now he's scared in his mind. I say
Well what do you think we should do? He asked
Well we need him to tell us or we could let him be and he can forget about it what ever one you think is better? I say
Well let him be just in case. He said
Okay I say I get up and leave then and head to the mess hall I see K-9 with Erwin and all of his friends. I walk over and sit with Mike and them
(Samson's P. O. V)
I walk down stairs to get something to eat then when I finally got my tray I walked to an empty table and sat down. I was eating when a man named Jean walked up with a smirk on his face.Well Marco look what we got some fresh meat and according to Levi his name is Mutt. They started laughing and tease me on biting and dog stuff.
Then a man and his friends stepped in and I turn to the man and said.
Horse shit I'd shut you mouth before I rip out your throat and you will only be able to talk through paper. I say with venom in my voice.
You know what ass whole you just got here and I am always up for a fight. He said getting in my face.
Listen up old fart you may be 23 or something and I'm 15 I'm not afraid to through your ass out into the mud! I yell.
At this point everyone was watching us there was no adults around so the fight went out side.
When we were finally out side it had started to rain so I turn to him and asked if he wanted to walk away but he refused. He through the first punch and I turn and yelled. Three rules of fighting for survival!
1 Always be smarter than your the person your fighting!
He came charging while I was turn around as he was about to punch the back of my head. I turn grabbed his arm and flipped him into the mud everyone went OUCH.
2 show that your not afraid of them!
I turn and gave him a stone cold face while he was on the floor with a hint of anger.
3 Show no emotion and scare them shit less.
He came charging at me with a knife instead of attacking him I jumped up and distracted him from his knife. I swiftly got the knife and walked away from him.
The fights not over! He yelled
I turn and throw the knife right above his head and cut some hair off with it and he stiffed up. I think it is I could have killed you that's just a warning throw. I walked away and nobody said a word they were amazed at what they just saw.
(Thanks for reading)

Hanji's Lost Son
FanficHanji and Levi get drunk in a celebration everyone drinks even Erwin was knock out from alcohol. The next day Hanji wakes up and sees she and Levi are naked in bed she gets up quickly and quitely. She runs to her room with a massive hang over she co...