Chapter 18 Where Am I?

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(Hanji's P. O. V)
My head hurt like crazy I woke up in a cell and I saw green liquid running into my veins. I was getting a pounding headache in my head I rolled over and groan because it hurt so bad. My hearing started to ring which hurt I sat up and heard chains move with. I see my chains are on my feet and arms. I look around and I see my cell isn't anything special I just have a toilet and a bed with a very thin blanket. I head a door open up and then foot steps walk down the stairs.

Aahh your wake that's good I thought that my men had killed you there for a second. The man said.

Who are you? What do you want and where am I? I asked

Oh I am known as Michle and I'm about to do to you what I did with your son, I'm going to break you. He said with a horrible look in his eye. I won't tell you where you are but I'll know if your a smart girl you'll just go right with it. He said walking was and yelling WELL START EXPERIMENTING ON YOU TOMORROW. Like it was another day at work.

This man has a sick mind to him I can already tell I was thinking then I felt nauseous. I almost throw up but I held it down there was no time down here the only light source was a candlelight. Nope! I walked quickly over to the toilet and barf into it I got up and walked over it's probably because of the water and coldness. I most likely got sick so I crawled back into my bed and fell asleep. I was awaken again to the door opening every time someone came into the room I marked it on the wall then time it. So I would see that they check up on me every 6 hours and so then 24 hours would be a day. I kept track on how often I puked into the toilet. Then I heard my cell door open and I see a man came into my cell and cuffed me. I was dragged out of my cell and into an infirmary room I think or somewhere with medical use though. They ran some test and they put me back in my cell with the hand cuffs on I thought about it every test they did was to see if someone was PREGNANT I- I mean me and Levi wanted to have another kid but that was after we found out Samson was alive. We wanted to start fresh and now these people are going to know I'm pregnant. I heard the door open and of course Michle walked down.

I see hear your pregnant but that's not going to stop me from doing test on you. Even if it kills all 8 of your children. He said

8! I said shocked

Oh yeah while you where knocked out we already did one experiment on you and that gave you the capability to give birth to 8 kids. Like in a wolf pack I guess he said walking away.

Months had past and I was now huge and he didn't stop the experiments he continued with them. I watched as in them 1 would die then another and two more. I was horrible watching the children you love die I am now 8 months pregnant with 2 babies left I've been gone for 8760 hours or 1 year. I've almost lost my mind I'm staring at the same wall I have been learning their tracking schedule. I write it down this is the last experiment I'll do then I bust out of here. I had something shoved inside of me it was a soul of some sort. But I grew ears and a tail like Samson and the last two children have it them to, I was dragged out of thoughts when I was slammed into a metal table. They strapped me down to it and I couldn't move my arms and legs just wouldn't move because of how tight they put it. I was given whips in my back and something injected into me. They would make me bath in the coldest of water and then through me into the hottest room there was it felt nice till it got too hot. Then I was thrown back into my cell and everyone left. Now was my chance I made a spare key and got out I know only felt one child was alive and I will make sure the child comes into this world alive as well. I turn into my wolf form and started running away and avoiding every bad person that would try and get me back. I finally got to the top and then I don't see a sky it was dark and brown it was dirt. Now that's where they took me the took me to the Underground I walk and leave the city coming to the entrance. You need the 3DMG to get out which I forgot to grab mine to escape because I didn't even know I needed it. I was walking around and looking up when I got an idea I ran and turn into my wolf form. I felt something shift on my back I look and I see WINGS! Now I can fly out of here I spread my wings and started flying. But because I was pregnant I couldn't fly for long because of the extra weight. I barley made it I need to work on flying with my wings for a long period time. I thought my wolf instinct kicked in being pregnant I walked and found a cave the flooring was dirt but the top was stone along with the back of the cave. This is where I'll stay I grabbed some dry leaves and sticks and made a nest. Then with luck on my side it started to rain now they'll never find me. The rain cover my tracks and I was home free now I have to wait a few days, week, or even hours to have my only pup. I can't go back to HQ because they'll look there first so I'm sorry Samson and Levi your going to have to wait a little bit till you see you new baby daugher or son a baby sister or brother. I thought as I fell asleep.

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