Chapter 11 What Is He?

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(Hanji's P. O. V)
Well all I saved you from was a broken heart on seeing your son that you loved for three years et taken away. I say sadly

Hanji what is the point in the photo and the stuff animal that you were trying to point out. He asked

Well the stuff animal I made personally so that means that kid found it by luck or he knows where my son is. I say with a serious tone

When he wakes up well ask him some questions for now he seems to be traumatised and knocked out. Levi pointed out

Okay. I say as I pick up the photo of me and Samson When he was a baby in his crib. I put it in the box and put the box up in my closet and smiled slightly then turn and left.

(Samson's P. O. V)
I wake up my head ached from the drugs I slowly fell right on to the floor and got dressed. I tried to shake the medicen from my system but they wouldn't leave. I stumble down stairs and was walking past Levi's office then was pulled back and dragged to his room. When I was dragged through the door he put me on a couch and Hanji was sitting at the end of a bed.

We are going to ask you some questions and your going to answer them. He said with a cold tone

I put my hands to my head because it was throbbing from my memories slowly coming back from the Underground.

1st question where did you get this? He asked

I see a double smug my sight is still drugged from what I see I thought they were holding a book or something. My sight is terrible and fuzzy.  What did you give me I have a horrible head ache I'm remembering thing I don't want to remembering! I yell

All I gave you was a she looked at the bottle and she thought she grabbed a human trank but she actually grabbed a wolf. That needs twice as much a normal human it would kill a human within hours. Her eyes widen and ran to the kid Hey! Hey! K-9 or who ever your name is stay awake were going to get this out of your system right away! She yelled

I was suddenly picked up and ran across the campus to the E. R. my eye's were droopy. I close them and fell asleep and then I had a dream a peaceful dream not a nightmare. A actual peaceful dream I smiled in my sleep.

(Hanji's P. O. V)
I saw it was a wolf trank I ran him to my E. R. to pump the liquid out of him when I laid him down he was asleep. I hooked him up to the monitor and saw he was fine his vitals and everything. Levi enter the room and gave me a questioning look.

Levi this kid should be dead right now! I yell

What do you mean. He asked

Well I currently gave him a wolf trank which is twice as much of a human it would kill Erwin if I gave him that! He would be dead within the last 12 hours like 1 hour after giving it to him! But this kid has been alive for the last 12 hours when he should have died 11 hours ago! I yell in astonishment

Well let's let him rest when he wakes up well ask him, okay?

Okay, Oh it's Friday of a new month you know what that means! I say excitedly


Fine but next time you are for me please. I begged

Fine but you know the rules newbie has to sing tonight then well ask him the question? Levi pland

Fine let's get going before Jean signs up make sure he doesn't or else he'll ruin tonight. I cried Jean like to sing horribly for the fun of ruining the night so we all made sure he never signs up for singing night. As we got there we found a seat and waited everyone was having a great time this was are chill day. We all tell stories that make people cry of laughter. Everyone got quite when the stage was starting to be set up for the newbie who was running late so we started without him. Then at the last minute he came in and waited for the person who was singing to get done with their song. Tradition has it the newbie had to had to sing their own song. I've sang one of my two original songs I have the otger I sang privately to my baby. Armin was the only one who heard it and he promised never to sing it.

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