12 - I'll be Fine

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After we wore our clothes, my stomach growled and he laughed his ass off. I glared at him and cupped my hands on my cheeks to hide my embarrassment.

"Are you hungry?" he asked and I nodded. "Good, because me too. We better get something before we go home" he said and I flashed a wide smile.

We stopped by an authentic pizza place, they serve pizza on a pizza stone! DELISH!

Apparently, he was also so hungry he slurped his tomato soup right after it was served. I was about to stop him, because I could still see the soup was steaming, but it was too late.

"Ouch. It stings." he said while touching his lower lips.

"Are you okay?" I said while handing water for him to drink.

"No, looked at what you did! You bit me here, with your teeth, in our passionate kiss" he said slowly while pouting his lips, showing my teeth mark.

I was so embarrassed the side of my hand accidentally grazed the hot pizza stone making me whimpered.

He quickly took my hand and blew it, then suddenly kissed it slowly with his mouth. I could feel the inner part of his lips, teeth and tongue was grazing the skin of my hand.

"You sounds and looks so sexy when you whimper like that", he whispered.

I yanked my hand off him, the shut my legs tightly to control myself.


"Huh? Your hand is the one that touched the pizza stone, but why is your face become red ass well?" he asked pretending to be dumb.

He was basically fucking me with his words and minimal amount of touching.

It's not fair! So I kicked his leg lightly as a revenge. But he suddenly groan, because I accidentally grazed his inner thigh. "I just dug my own grave" I thought to myself.

Suddenly, someone called him. Tadaaaaaaa, it's the very girl, who danced with him before. She approached our table and talked to him like I'm invisible. My blood boiled, so I decided to be a meanie and had some fun. I touched his ankle with my legs and slowly moved up to his knee and continued with adding a little bit of pressure to his inner thighs. I could see he gulped and sweat ran down his temple. I bet he's having a hard time listening to this bitch, but I should applaud his skill in maintaining a calm face.

I was having a good time until I heard, "Oppa! Have you heard the news? Our teacher just informed me that we won the competition! He also said that we have to go to the city tomorrow morning and stay there for 2 weeks to attend the National Competition" she said while smiling and touching my boyfriend's arm.

I wanted to fucking puke! Wait, her words started to sink in. I just realized that Daniel would be gone for two weeks, together with this annoying bitch and as a cherry on top, she would have plenty of opportunity to touch and be touched by Daniel when I'm not even there to grabbed and pulled her hair? Are you kidding me?

"We're leaving at 5 a.m. by the way! See you soon oppa!" she said and finally left.

I froze, including the one under the table. I just stared blankly at the pizza in front of me that I no longer have the appetite to eat. I was having trouble digesting the storm that bitch just brought. But, I decided to hold all of my emotion in, because I know just how much he loves to dance and how much this means to him. But do I not mean lot to him too?

"No! I'm not going to be that girl who asks her boyfriend to choose between her or his dream. I will support him as much as I can, and I will deal with how I'm gonna cope with this later. I can do this!", I thought to myself.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked. I mustered all of my courage to flash a sincere smile and told him I was okay.

I asked him to continue our meal so we could go home soon, then he could pack his things for tomorrow. I stuffed my mouth so he wouldn't notice that I was not okay. Then I told him that I should go back to my place, so he can rest. I could see that he wanted to say something, but he didn't because he knew there's nothing that would make me feel any better right now.

It was silence in the car as I kept looking out of the window the whole trip. As he dropped me off my apartment, he kissed my forehead and said that he would be back as soon as he can.

"I will call you!" he said before leave and I smiled.

"That's what they always say" I whispered to myself and tears started flowing. I ran inside my apartment worried he would see me crying and felt bad. I was so happy for him, but I was also sure that I was going to miss him so much.

I puked everything that I ate and cried my eyes out. I was so tired, so I fell asleep.

Later on, I heard someone knock my door. It was almost midnight I wondered who's visiting at this hour.

When I opened the door, I saw him standing with his suitcase in front of my door.

"Can I spend the night here?" he asked and I just froze. He dropped his suitcase and pulled me into a hug. I could no longer hold back my tears, then I hugged him back tightly and nodded my head. He hugged me tighter.

"Here's a key to my car and apartment. You could do whatever you want with them. Also if you could please check on Kitty while I'm not there" he said as we're cuddling on my bed.

"Kitty?" I asked him puzzled as I turned my head to face him.

"Our cat, her name is Kitty" he explained and I nodded. I could feel the heat on my cheek and flash a little smile when he said "our" cat.

"And thank you for being understanding, I love you" he said then kissed my forehead. Then I turned my body to face him and pulled him into a tight hug.

The next morning I drove him off to the meeting point. I saw the girl, she was wearing a very mini clothes. In this kind of weather? Seriously? I couldn't care less.

Before he left he reminded me to wear thick clothes, eat a lot, study hard, and call or text him every time. I nodded and he hugged me tight. I patted his back and removed my self from his hug. I tighten his scarf and suddenly pulled him on a deep kiss. He was shocked but quickly kiss me back.

"Good luck and have fun! I'll be fine" I assured him and smiled at him. He walked backwards to look at me and wave at me.

"I love you" I mumbled

"I LOVE YOU (y/n)" he suddenly shouted. I replied with a smile.

Once he's about to get into the bus, I saw that slut keep touching Daniel. Look bitch, I have no energy to be jealous about you right now. All I could think of is my near lonely future without him. I'll be fine right? that's what I said to him. I hope I will.

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