4 - Grateful for You

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I could feel Daniel's body was hot as hell. I meant like literally hot as in having fever hot. I tried to support his body, but he's so heavy, obviously, he's like all muscle. Until one of my classmates helped me to stand him up, and bring him to the nursery room. Suddenly, "Oh, where did I see this guy before, he seems familiar", she said.

"Well, if that isn't what they always use as a pick up line for beautiful people. Real smooth girl, but cliche. Come on! Use your brain. I bet you could come up with a better one. Besides, I think you're suppose to use a pick up line to sober people for it to work. They have to be awake to be able to hear your fucking pick up line", I thought to myself. I was annoyed or probably just jealous, well either way I didn't think this was a very good time to do that.

Anyhoo, after the nurse checked him out, she said that we don't need to worry, Daniel's fine, and he's just exhausted. "I already injected a vitamin in his IV, so he'll recover soon. By the way is he getting enough sleep recently?" the nurse asked.

"Oh, I remember now. He's a regular on my pie shop. He is always there even before the shop is opened. Maybe that's why he didn't get enough sleep", suddenly my classmate said.

Huh, since when did this bitch know so much about Daniel, wait "What.Did.You.Just.Say? The owner of my favorite pie shop is my classmate? And I didn't even know that? Wait, that's not what's important here. You said he what?", I asked. Gosh I was really having trouble sorting out my thoughts ever since I met Daniel. The importance order seems to get all reversed.

"Yeah I'm the owner of the pie shop right at the corner. So you like the pie from our shop? Wow! I'm honored", she said.

As I was getting impatient, I clenched my teeth "Like I said, that's not what's important here, but yeah I freaking love your pies. They're amazing. So now could you please answer me, did he really do all that?". I said in a slow and screeching note.

"Yeah he came every single day. I even remember the first time he came to our shop, we're sold out, but he begged so hard to get just one pie, so I ended up gave him the pie that I made for my friend. I remember him because he made such an impression. So those pies are for you? Wow! You're so lucky," she said.

Her voice became inaudible after the part that Daniel begged so hard to get the pie. I was touched by what he did. Tears were slowly coming out of my eyes, before I knew it. I didn't know he'd do that for me.

No wonder he was huffing and sweating like crazy the first time he brought the pie, no wonder the pies tasted so good that day, wait not that, no wonder he's always already in the library before I do, and fell asleep.

He must have other things to do, but he still managed to do all that. He must be so tired and restless, and I didn't even notice. God, I must have saved a country in my past life to deserve being treated like this.

Suddenly, Daniel opened his eyes and shocked to see me in tears. "(y/n), are you okay? Why are you crying? What happened?" he asked in a raspy voice. Oh my my his raspy voice, the sexiest thing ever. God damn it (y/n), focus.

"Nothing. I'm just so glad that you happened", I said as I hug him tightly and cried my eyes out. I was so happy that he's alive and awake. He chuckled lightly and still puzzled, but he patted my back and said that everything is alright. Gosh I love him.

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