the fear of falling apart

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this is gospel / for the fallen ones / locked away in permanent slumber / assembling their philosophies / from pieces of broken memories
-this is gospel, panic! at the disco


"Morning," Arizona yawned, still half asleep as she snuggled into her girlfriend's side.

"We have to get up," Callie yawned as she sat up. "It's Thanksgiving."

"I didn't go home last night?" Arizona asked, rubbing her eyes as she fully woke up.

"You fell asleep at like 11 so I texted your mom and told her you were here. I didn't want you walking back so late," Callie shrugged.

"You're sweet," Arizona smiled, slipping her prosthetic on and standing up.

"What time should I come over?" Callie asked, tying her hair into a ponytail.

"We're eating at 1, so any time before that," Arizona shrugged. "Tim's friend Nick is coming over too.

"Okay," Callie agreed. "Dinner's at 5 over here and Meredith's coming at 4:30." Their original plan was to have a big thanksgiving all together, but Tim could only fly out for one day so the Robbins' decided they wanted to keep the gathering small.

"Mer's coming?" Arizona asked.

"Yeah, she felt weird about going to Ms. Montgomery's brother's and Derek is with literally his entire extended family so I invited her over," Callie shrugged. "Then she's gonna go visit her mom."

"Does she want someone to go with her?" Arizona asked. "I'd be happy to."

"She's private about that stuff," Callie shrugged. "You can ask her if you want but Cristina is the only person she really lets into her personal life. Cristina's her person." Meredith and Cristina had met when they were in kindergarten and had been with each other through every traumatic event in each of their lives. They were both hesitant to let people in but they had found their group and were glad all of their friends understood that there were some things they didn't want to talk about and that were private between the two of them.

"Well I guess that makes you my person then," Arizona smiled, taking Callie's hand and walking downstairs with her.

"Morning, tía," Callie smiled as the two of them walked into the kitchen.

"Oh Arizona, let me make you some breakfast," Elena said, setting the plates she was holding back on the counter. "I didn't know you slept over."

"She fell asleep, I didn't want to wake her up," Callie shrugged.

"Oh don't worry about breakfast, I have to head home and help my family cook," Arizona laughed.

"You'll be back for dinner with us though?" Elena asked.

Arizona nodded. "Thank you, Elena. It really means a lot."

"You make my niece happy, it's all I could ask for," Elena smiled in return.

"I'll walk you out," Callie said, linking hands with her girlfriend as they walked to the front door. "What do I wear today?" She asked nervously. "A dress? Skirt?"

"I don't know, a nice top and jeans," Arizona shrugged. "Whatever you feel comfortable in."

"Are you sure?" Callie asked frantically. "I should just wear a dress."

"Calliope Torres if you wear a dress then I'm going to show up at your house in my homecoming dress," Arizona said, crossing her arms at the brunette. "I promise you, it's not a big deal."

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