this party's over

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no pain / inside / you're like perfection /how do I feel this good sober?

- sober, p!nk


"So what do you want to do tonight?" Cristina asked between bites of the coffee cake that Arizona and Callie had bought for Meredith that morning.

"We should go ice skating," Meredith said excitedly. "We haven't been since last Christmas."

"Oh my god, yes," Callie said excitedly. "We can get hot chocolate at the coffee shop right over there."

"I can't make it tonight," Arizona said apologetically. "I'm sorry, Mer, I know I said I'd be free but I just...can't."

"Basketball?" Mark wondered, looking up from his phone.

"No," the blonde sighed.

"Babe, what is it?" Callie asked, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I just...I can't skate," Arizona sighed. "Like I physically can't and plus if I fall and my leg breaks then I'll really be screwed, so you guys go ahead, I'll sit this one out," she said with a shrug.

"We'll find something else that you can do then," Meredith replied reassuringly.

"It's your birthday, you should go where you want to go," Arizona said seriously.

"What I want is for one of my best friends to be able to celebrate with me," Meredith said. "We'll come up with something else because I really want you there."

"Are you sure?" Arizona asked hesitantly. "I know being friends with the disabled girl isn't fun, you guys can go on without me."

"Arizona, I'm positive," Meredith said seriously. "What do you feel comfortable doing?"

"Anything besides most athletic stuff," Arizona said with a shrug. "Running and jumping are hard and apparently skating is super dangerous, but I can do pretty much anything else."

"How about we go see a movie and then walk around the city and look at all the pretty lights?" Meredith asked. "Does that sound good?"

The group collectively nodded and Arizona smiled apologetically at Meredith. "I promise that when technology advances enough to let me ice skate, I'll go with you all the time."

"I'm gonna go get in some practice before class starts," Mark said, standing up from the cafeteria table. "Arizona, do want to come?"

"Yeah," Arizona said, pecking Callie on the lips as she stood up. "I love you."

"I love you too," Callie smiled as the blonde walked away. "I'm so glad they're friends now," she said once the two were out of hearing distance.

"Why does she feel like we'd rather hang out without her?" Cristina asked with an exasperated sigh.

"She just doesn't want to hold us back," Callie shrugged. "It makes me so sad when she gets like that."

"We all love her, she's got nothing to worry about," Meredith replied. "Does she talk to you about it?"

"Occasional stuff here and there but not much," Callie shrugged. "We just have to keep reassuring her that we want her around. She's got trust issues."

"She trusts you," Cristina pointed out.

"We're always around each other though. She's always at my house and I'm always at hers."

"You're her person, I get it," Meredith shrugged. "Remember how long it took me to open up to you?"

"Months," Callie laughed. "Where's Derek?"

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