chapter six

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"Two sugars?" Tris asked Sarah

"Mhmm" she nodded and took a seat to our kitchen island.

"How was school?" he asked, stirring the tea.

"Are you really wanting me to answer that?" she giggled

This is too awkward.

"I'll..urm, be in the front room with the guys" I casually told them and walked off, making sure they didn't notice that I felt uncomfortable.

I walked into the living room and sat down next to James. I can't believe how they're acting towards each other. This is unbelievably weird. She has his bracelet, they're basically flirting right in front of me. Jeez.

My mother and Brad were in mid discussion when Brad caught me looking at him. Oh god, his eyes, his hair, his smile..just his everything. Wow. He flashed me one of his tongue smiles, baring his teeth and sticking his tongue through the gap. Oh jeez.

He turned back to face my mother and continue their conversation. I'm still not over the fact that my best friend and brother were flirting right infront of me. I looked at the burgundy coloured clock above the diamond shaped mirror, 35 minutes to go. I wonder if anyone has noticed anything strange between them two, as well as myself.


"Yeah, Abe?"

I lowered my voice, "Have you noticed anything..urm weird or different between Sarah and Tris?"

He opened his mouth straight away to respond to my question, but stopped himself, squinting his eyes as he was thinking.

"Not-not really no. Why?"

"No reason"

I reached for the newspaper from the coffee table infront of me to avoid the awkward silence after mine and James' conversation.

I felt his eyes upon me and saw his reflection is the blank tv screen from the corner of the room. He was looking at me with a sympathetic expression, as he chewed on the inside of his cheek. Hmm.

I heard laughing from the kitchen, making my mid overload on thoughts of what the hell is happening between them. I slouched back into my sofa chair and brought my knees up to my chest, burying myself in the magazine. Trying not to think about Tris and Sarah.

~25 minutes later~

A sudden movement made me jump out of my gaze, switching my eyes to whoever shook their hand infront of my face furiously. Brad.

"Sup?" he asked

"Nothing, just was in a day dream." I replied with a smile.

"Ah good"

I nervously started to pick at my black chipped mail varnish, I seriously suck at communicating with attractive people.

"I see that you and Tris have a good relationship, sort of thing" he chirped up,

"Yeah, I guess. We have banter and we just understand each other. It's weird. But a good weird." I smiled to myself.

He kept his eyes on me and I started to fidget, feeling uneasy. He must of noticed that I was trying my best not to seem anxious, since he shifted his gaze towards the photos placed on the mantelpiece.

Giggling, he pointed at a photo of a young girl with dirty blonde hair sat in a plant pot, with such chubby cheeks that they looked like mini golf balls as she smiled.

"Is this you?" he asked as he walked towards the fire place.

"And if it is?" I joined him at the fire place, as I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow jokingly.

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