chapter nine

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Walking into the dressing room with Connor, we began chatting about the Harry Potter trilogy, as we were both huge fans.

"No no no, Snape is a cool guy" I kept repeating whenever he opened his mouth to disagree.

"He gives me the creeps, I don't like him"

I laughed at his opinion.

"Guys, you coming to dinner with us?" Tris interrupted.

"Yeah sure" both me and a Connor said at the same time. I hope we're going somewhere close and decent, I'm starving.


Ordering a chicken panini with a side of bbq sauce and a coke, I felt my phone vibrate in my jean pocket.

{ Tris✌️ }

How's you beautiful?💙

{ Me }

Fine, to say that I'm sat right in front of you but thank you anyways "beautiful"

{ Tris✌️ }

Oops, sorry. Wasn't meant for you..

{ Me }

No worries. So who's the lucky girl then? eyy

{ Tris✌️ }

And that my friend, would be telling you something you can not know.

{ Me }

Fine. Be like that

{ Tris✌️ }

You'll know soon, be patient you shithead.

{ Me }


My brother can be an ass sometimes.


"I actually miss you a lot Abe" Sarah whined down the phone.

"I miss you too dude. Like seriously. It sucks a lot"

Having a catch up with my best friend on the phone, I was beginning to miss her a lot more than I did before.

"How's Tris doing?" she asked.

"Urm..fine, he's fine, yeah"

Strange question to ask.

Talking about the newest episode of Criminal Minds, I noticed Tris walking into the room. I placed a finger on my

lips, indicating for him to be quiet in case I couldn't hear Sarah.

"Who are you talking to?" he half mouthed and whispered to me.

"Sarah" I mouthed back, turning my back on him so he couldn't distract me as I wanted to focus on Sarah explaining the episode for me.

All of a sudden Tris had yanked my phone out of my hand and put it to his ear.

"Sarah! I haven't spoken to you in ages! Yeah, it's Tris!"

He jogged into the bathroom and lowered his voice so I couldn't hear him. Pressing my ear to the bathroom door, I could just make out what he was saying.

"Yes, I miss you too. I've bought you a couple of things you may like. It's been great yeah. Would be cool if you were here though. Yeah babe. Yeah. Just text me and we'll talk. Yeah, you too babe. Bye"

Tris had opened the door causing me to screech out in surprise.

"You lil snooper, what did you hear?"

"I couldn't here anything" I lied, pretending to be annoyed.

"Oh, okay" Tris smiled and left the room.

"Coming to sound check?" James asked popping his head round the corner.

"Yeah sure, better than staying in the hotel by myself" I giggled.

I followed him out of the room, locking the door behind me and heading off to the van waiting for us downstairs.


"That was great, yeah! Sounds good, looks good. We're all set!" called Joe from besides me.

The boys began putting their instruments to the side.

"How are you liking the tour so far, Abe?" he asked me with a smile.

"It's brilliant. Yeah. I'm getting to know the guys better, some fans have been asking me for photos and it's just mind blowing." I smiled back.

"Glad to hear. I've heard about you missing Sarah, your friend."

"Yeah. Quite a lot to be honest. But we text and phone each other whenever we can"

"I've also heard that you and Brad have got some..tension"

"No, no no. Not at all. We're fine" I laughed off.

"Oh that's good, then you can both go get me and the team some coffee's from the down the road coffee shop." He flashed a smile at me and strolled off towards the lighting board at the middle of the room.

Sighing, I put my hand to my forehead, rubbing it and sighing once more.

God dammit.


Walking in silence, Brad and I reached the coffee shop quicker than I expected.

"How many was it?" he mumbled to me.

"13" I replied.

"13 medium coffees please" he asked the woman behind the till, once it came to our turn to order.

"Yes, that'll be $19.39 please"

I don't understand the whole dollar and cent thing, English pounds and pence are easier.

Making our way back, Brad actually spoke to me, like no mumbles or grumbles. It was slightly weird.

"Missing Sarah, huh?" he perked up.

"Y-yeah..urm, yeah" shocked at him speaking to me normal caused me to stutter.

"Would be nice if you could see her, I bet"


Just then a ping sound echoed around us, Brad pulled his phone out.

"You've gotta go into the dressing room once we're back. Tris wants you for something." he informed me. I nodded at him.


Showing my pass to the security guard outside the back door, I walked through the entrance and headed to where Tris will be. Handing the coffees to Joe and the tech team, I walked through a corridor, which lead to the lounge and the dressing room.

I opened the door of the lounge, to find someone I would never thought would be here.

"Sarah, oh my god. What the hell are you- Why are you- Oh my god" I shouted as we both ran to each other, pulling her into a hug.

"Well, Tris suggested 2 days after you left that I should. I paid for the flight, it wasn't too much as I had work pays and savings. But it took a little persuading from my mum I am!"

"How long are you staying for?!"

"Until the tour ends"

We both squealed and hugged each other once more. I looked over at the guys who we're sat on the two sofas, placed in the corner of the room.

"Thank you" I mouthed to my brother Tris.

He gave me a smile and a wink. Still with a smile on my face, my eyes met Brad's, but this time, he smiled back.

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