chapter eleven

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Walking across the street to meet the others, I noticed that Brad had hold of my hand the entire time after kissing me.

"So, you's two finally sort things out?" Con asked looking down at our hands which were still intertwined with each other.

I was unsure of what to say, I looked at Brad,

"Yeah, could say that" he murmer while his cheeks turned a pinky red.

Sarah gave me a thumbs up and I looked at Tris, he didn't look too happy.

"Let's go then guys, better get going" James chirped up.

Following him and the rest of the guys I walked beside Brad and saw that Tris was walking on the other side of

"You okay?" I asked him.

His jaw tensed up,
"Mhm" he muttered not making eye contact with me.

"You seem abit tense Tris, you sure?"

"Yeah, aren't I Brad? I'm fine with everything"

I looked at Brad, confused.

"What?" I mouthed to him.

He shrugged his shoulders and then looked at the floor.

"Doesn't seem it" I trailed off.

"Well, Brad. Would you say I'm fine?"

He shrugged his shoulders again.

"What's up with you two?"

"I don't know, why don't you ask your friend Brad" he spat, still not looking at either of us.

"What the--What?"

"Brad will understand" he replied.
Brad's head shot up immediately as well as Tris'. They both stopped walking and locked eyes.

"Guys?" I raised an eyebrow.

After what seemed like a minute or so of them staring at each other angrily Brad stormed off without saying a word, jogging up to catch up with the group, to avoid any tension.

"What the hell was that about?"

"Something I and Brad have spoke about before" he said bluntly.

"Which is?"

He sighed frustratedly,

"Abe, you and Brad aren't a thing. You never can and never will be. There's nothing between you two. I said it, there. Now stop pestering me."

Completely speechless I stood in front of him to stop him in his tracks.

"What the hell are you on about? Why would you say that Tris?!"

"Because it's true"

"Because you're an asshole, that's why" I clenched my fist.

"What is the real reason?!"

"He's my friend, Abe. You can't be with him."

"And Sarah isn't my friend?!"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"I know that you two are obviously something, so stop being such a hypocritical twat, Tris. And actually be happy for me, for at least once in your life."

"I can't and I won't"

"Why do you have to be such a god damn fucking asshole?!" I shouted, losing my temper and making the rest of the guys stop and turn in shock.

I began walking off in the opposite direction when I turned my head to see if anyone was following me. I saw Brad looking at me and then starting to jog after me, but Tris stopped him by putting his hand on his shoulder so he could not move.

"Leave her, she'll be fine" I overheard him say.
Brad looked at me with puppy eyes and mouthed the word "sorry". I looked back at him with a shrug and a nod of the head, I turned on my heel and followed a road to wherever it goes.

A/N: sorry it's short, I wanted to update at least once before I go back to college as next week is an important week😁 sorry for not updating for like years lol but here ya go, hope you enjoy!😌

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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