Chapter 3

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A/N:Trigger Warning: Panic Attacks

Jack's POV

I walked into the coffee shop the next day, a little bit nervous. I had to get him soon, before Austin got impatient. Alex smiled as I walked in, and I offered a shy smile back. He helped out the few customers in front of me before turning to me. "Hey, anything I can get you?"

"Yeah, just a hot chocolate." I said, knowing he'd know my order.

"Extra whip, caramel and chocolate drizzle?" Alex guessed, and I nodded. He made my drink while we talked about our day. "So how's that project coming along?" Alex asked.

It took me by surprise that he remembered me mentioning a project, but I brushed it off. "It's going okay." I said simply. In all reality, it was going no where close to okay. Ever since last night, I couldn't get second thoughts out of my head.

I was starting to actually like Alex. I was mad at myself for this, because I'd never gotten attached to a target, ever, and ever since I started to get attached, I started to have second thoughts about Alex, and about the cartel.

"Well that's good." Alex said. "I hope it works out."

No, you really don't. I thought, but I kept my mouth shut. "So, um... I actually wanted to ask-"

"Alex!" Jenna called as she walked in, interrupting me. I would've been more annoyed, but she was crying, and I wasn't heartless.

Alex jumped over the counter and ran over. "Jenna! What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"I-It's Tay! She's in the hospital!" Jenna cried. My heart gave a jolt, and I had a feeling I knew exactly who put her there.

"What?! How'd she end up there?!" Alex asked frantically.

Oh, well, my business partner Aaron probably killed her off. I thought. Aaron was an assassin that was brought in just after me, and I knew he'd gotten a new assignment. The problem was, he failed almost as much as he succeeded, because he was a hit-and-run guy who didn't bother to plan his assassinations out like I did.

"She got shot! They don't know who did it, but.. I think it was someone from that cartel! She was working the case after you turned in those two that night! She's in critical condition! I came to tell you because I know you've known each other forever! We have to get over there!" Jenna said urgently.

 Alex looked like he was trying to reply, but no sound came out. His eyes were wide, and there was grief mixed with panic in them. Suddenly, he dropped to his knees, and his breathing increased. "Holy- what the fuck!" I exclaimed as I watched tears run down his face. Suddenly, it clicked, and I knew what was happening. He was having a panic attack. "Alex!" I knelt down beside him and took his face gently into my hands. "Alex, come on. You have to take deep breaths."

"You know how to deal with panic attacks?" Jenna asked, kneeling beside me.

"I know when they're happening, but I'm no expert on stopping them. I just hope I'm helping." I said frantically. I took Alex into my arms and started rocking him back and forth as he clung to me. "Shh, it's okay. Focus on my heartbeat and breathe with me." I instructed, hoping I was helping. "in... out.. in... out.." I repeated the words, breathing with him, until eventually he calmed down.

"Alex, we need to go." Jenna said.

"So.. Who's Tay? What happened?"

"Tay's one of our best friends." Alex said as we walked out of the shop. "She.. She's a deputy at the police station, and they put her in charge of the case with the cartel... God, this is all my fault! If I hadn't turned those guys in, she wouldn't have had to work the case, and she would be okay!"

Jack the Ripper (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now