Chapter 7

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A/N: Trigger warning: Panic attacks

Jack's POV

We got up the next morning and quickly got dressed. "Alright. I disposed of the phone last night, we should be safe, but we have to leave quickly." I said, and Alex nodded silently. We finished packing up and headed out, planning our next destination.

"Alright." Alex said, reading a map. "We should be able to get to Oaklahoma by tonight. There's a hotel right on the way, so it shouldn't be too difficult."

"Sounds good." I said. I felt a little paranoid despite the fact that I had gotten rid of anything that could lead Austin to us. We drove for hours, only stopping for meals and bathroom breaks. We had barely passed the border of Oaklahoma when Alex spoke.

"Jack.." He sounded worried.


"That black car has been following us for a while..." He said nervously. I looked in the rearview mirror, catching sight of a small black car. It wouldn't look suspicious, except for the fact that all of it's windows were tinted. I didn't want to worry Alex though, so I tried to remain calm.

"Well, we are on the interstate highway. They might just be going the same direction." I said, but kept one of my hands on my gun, just in case. We drove for another couple hours before we pulled into a small town. I noticed the car had followed us.


"I know.. I see them. Try to keep calm, Lex. You know I won't let anything happen." I explained. We drove past the motel we'd be staying at, and almost to the edge of town. "Alex, stay in the car. If I get shot, you drive. Drive and whatever you do, don't fucking stop, you got that?"

"But Jack, I-"

"Promise me, Alex! I need to know you'll be safe!" I said, worry coursing through my entire body. What if I couldn't protect him? Reluctantly, Alex nodded. He leaned in, hugging me tightly, and planted a kiss on my lips.

"You have to promise you'll be okay.. Please."

I smiled, kissing him again. "I love you." I said, then grabbed my gun, jumping out of the car. Two guys jumped out of the other car, and I recognized them as Phil and Tino. "Hey guys. Long time no see." I said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, how you been? Having fun betraying the guys that took you in?" Tino asked menacingly.

"No, but I'm having a lot of fun protecting the love of my life." I said, smirking. "Look, I'll cut you a deal. Turn back, and I won't kill you." The adrenaline started pumping through my veins. My mind went straight to how it was usually set. No emotions at all, just the kill.

"I don't think so." Phil said, and raised the gun. He shot at me, missing and almost hitting my foot. I ducked behind a restaurant sign, and aimed, shooting towards him. I missed, and had to duck again as both Phil and Tino shot at me.

It looked like some movie. I would shoot a few times, missing, and then duck just in time for them to shoot back. They were getting closer, and I took a deep breath. I peeked out again, shooting toward Phil. I shot the gun out of his hands, then Tino's.

I walked out from my hiding place, and shot Tino right in the head, leaving him to fall down, lifeless. By then, Phil had grabbed his gun, and aimed it toward me. We were in a stand off at this point, daring the other to shoot first.

"This is it, Barakat. I'm going to kill you, and then I'm going to kill your precious boyfr-"

He was cut off by a gunshot. We both snapped our gazes to look at Alex, who had picked up Tino's gun and shot it into the air. I rcovered quicker, aimed, and shot Phil, leaving him to fall next to Tino. I ran over to Alex, swiping the gun from his hand. "You're fucking crazy! He could've shot you!" I yelled, but hugged him nonetheless. "But also thank you..."

Jack the Ripper (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now