Chapter 10

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Alex's POV

It had been weeks since we heard anything. The reports from the news were always the same. All of the L.A. cartel was caught and arrested, but Austin still hadn't been found. Jack and I were nervous. Me more than him. He was constantly looking after me and reassuring me, but I didn't feel safe knowing that Austin was still out there and could find us at any moment.

I sat in the living room after we got home. We had just come from my mom and dad's funeral. I had seen a lot of people that I thought I'd never see again. People were awkward around me. I was always the type to relax a situation, but this time, I was the one who needed my situation turned around. Jack got along with everyone, so I guess that was good.

"You alright?" Jack asked as he walked in the room with food. He sat down and handed me my plate.

"Yeah. I'm just.. Well, you know." I said glumly. It didn't need saying at this point. I was distraught. I was depressed. I couldn't handle the stress or the grief and I needed something to distract me. We had been over this a million times by now, and Jack could tell exactly what I meant.

He pulled me into his lap and held me. "I know I've said it before, but I swear to god we're going to get through this. No one else is going to die, I promise. Okay? The police are on Austin's tail."

"No, they're looking for him. They have no idea where he is." I argued. "I can't handle the thought of more gunfire around me, I just can't." Jack knew what I meant. Ever since my parents were killed, I'd been having nightmares. Almost every night, I would shoot straight up in bed, heart pounding, the sound of gunfire so real in my ears that sometimes I would even try to duck behind something.

"God, I wish I'd never put you through this..." Jack sighed. He constantly felt guilty.

"It's not-"

"Yes. It is my fault. Stop saying it's not. It's my fault for all of this. I may not have shot your parents, but I'm the reason Austin is chasing us. I'm the reason he found your parents, and I'm the reason that the people closest to you are dead!" I looked up at Jack, who now had tears in his eyes.

I shifted off of his lap, pulling him onto mine. "I don't care that you're the reason he's chasing us. If he hadn't started doing illegal shit, none of this would've happened." I said, hugging him tightly. "You shouldn't feel guilty. I'm just glad you're here for me, okay?"

He just nodded, and we began to eat our food while watching Home Alone for probably the millionth time. Once it ends, we switch to the news, hoping to see something new. We hadn't checked for the past two or so days.

"Austin Carlile, who was arrested yesterday, has now escaped the prison in which he was sent to. Police reports say that not even 24 hours after he was arrested, the leader for the drug cartel from L.A. Somehow wrestled a gun from one of the cops, and shot his way out of the prison. Police are now searching for the man, and warn citizens to be careful when going out of their homes."

We switched off the tv, and I sighed. "Well, that's something..." I said defeatedly. "I can't believe he escaped already."

"I know. But hey, he still hasn't found us, so that's something." Jack said, trying to lighten the mood. I half smiled at him, and got up, taking care of our dishes.

I put the dishes in the sink and started to rinse them, humming a song that was stuck in my head. I grabbed the soap sponge, only to drop it when I heard a loud crash. I looked around just in time to spot Jack running into the kitchen, holding his gun. "Get down." He whispered, and I just nodded.

"Is he here?" I whispered, my heart starting to beat faster.

"I saw him wandering outside."

"We should call the police." I whispered, and grabbed the home phone off the counter. I dialed 911, and waited for their answer.

Jack the Ripper (Jalex)Where stories live. Discover now