Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

I woke up on a couch, and blinked a couple times, trying to get my bearings. "Where am I?" I asked no one in particular. Suddenly, it came rushing back. Jack had taken me. He killed Tay, and he was supposed to kill me.

"You're awake." I jumped, startled at Jack's voice. He looked worried. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for doing that to you, I panicked, I didn't want you to have another attack."

"Okay.. Okay, just let me get this straight..." I said, looking at him warily. "You work for that drug cartel." He nodded. "And you were sent to kill me, and you killed Tay."


"And then you.. you fell for me?"

"Yes... I'm so sorry, Alex. I swear I would never hurt you. Look, I know you probably don't trust me, and you might even hate me, but we have to run. We have to go, or we'll both be killed." Jack said quickly.

"Baltimore. My parents own a summer house there that they said they'd give me if I ever wanted to move back." I said. I didn't understand why I still trusted him, but I did. He nodded, and packed some clothes. We stopped by my house and grabbed some of my clothes.

"We can't take my car, they'd find us." Jack said. We hopped in my car, then went to the bank, getting all of mine and Jack's money in cash before driving off. I noticed Jack had put the keychain I gave him on one of his guns, the one he kept with him.

"I still can't believe this." I said, my fear turning into anger.

"Alex, you have to understand. It's my job, I-"

"Your job? Is anything you told me even true?" I asked.

"Yes.. I'm actually from Michigan.. My parents were actually abusive, but I didn't move to get away from them. I-I killed them... Um, I really do love John Green, and I really do love books, and Green Day and Blink... I don't have an assignment for school, every time I talked about my project, I was talking about you... Um, also I'm not shy and stuttery like I portrayed myself the first day. That was an act..." He explained. "Alex, please don't be upset."

"Don't be upset?! You killed one of my best friends! You were sent to kill me! I fucking fell for you, hard, and you've betrayed my trust beyond measure! Hell, you practically kidnapped me, and the only reason I'm even listening to you or going with you is because they'll kill me if I don't, and I still don't trust that you won't kill me."

Jack sighed, and stayed silent after that. I was left to my own devices, wondering if Jack was telling the truth about not hurting me. He'd made no move to kill me so far, but it could always change...

We drove through Arizona, and were almost on the border when we decided to stop at a motel for the night. Jack paid for a room, and we settled down for the night. I sat on the separate twin bed, looking down and twiddling my thumbs. I noticed Jack pacing the room, turning to me once in a while as if to say something, but always shook his head and went back to pacing. After a few hours of silence, He finally turned to me.

"Look, Alex, I-" He was cut off by his phone ringing. His expression darkened when he saw who was calling, meaning it was probably one of the drug people.

Jack's POV

"Look, Alex, I-" I tried to say something, but was cut off by my phone. I looked down to see that it was Austin calling. My expression darkened, and I picked up. "What?" I asked, venom dripping from my words.

"You'd better be killing that boy." Austin snarled. "I swear to god, you'll regret it if you don't."

"Come after me all you want." I shot back. "The deal's off, and I don't work for you any more."

"You'll regret this, Jack! You've officially betrayed the cartel, and you and your precious boy will be killed for it."

"Chase us all you want. I'll protect Alex until my dying breath. I know how to kill, and you will lose your team. Good luck even finding us." I shouted, then hung up. "I'll dispose of this phone tomorrow so they can't track us." I said, looking up at Alex. He looked frightened.

"They're coming after us?"

"Yes, but I swear to god I won't let them get to you. As long as I'm alive, you'll stay alive, too. I swear to you." I said, coming up to him. I hugged him, but he stayed frozen in my arms. "Please, Alex... Please believe I would never hurt you."

"How can I believe you?" He asked, pulling out of the hug to look into my eyes. "How am I supposed to trust you, Jack?"

I sighed, looking down. "You're not... But trust me or not, I'm making this promise. I promise we will get to Baltimore safely. I promise you that I will not hurt you, and I promise to protect you from them, even if it means I lose my life." I said, looking into his eyes.

He sighed, as if contemplating my promise. Finally, he looked up, tears in his eyes and an expression of fear. "I'm scared, Jack... I'm really fucking scared." He said, and hugged me tightly, sobbing into my chest.

I stood there, stroking his hair soothingly. "It's okay. We're gonna be okay, I promise. I love you, Lex. Even if you don't trust me on anything else I say, please trust that I love you..." I whispered, kissing the top of his head. After a while, he calmed down.

He looked up at me and took a deep breath. "I-I love you too." He said, and stood on his toes, planting a kiss on my lips. "I'm choosing to trust you. As much as I can, so please, please be honest with me..."

"I promise." I said, and kissed him again. We got dressed for bed, and he chose to sleep in separate beds, which I understood. I said goodnight, and waited until he was asleep before getting up. I took the hotel key and went outside, driving a few blocks away.

I took out my phone and my gun, and set the phone on the ground. I shot the phone, four or five times, before throwing it in the nearest dumpster. I knew Austin could track us up to here, but we'd be gone by morning. I went back to the hotel and crawled into bed, quickly falling asleep.

Yay, another chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed it. I have access to a computer frequently now, so I should be able to update more often. Thanks for reading, love you guys!

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