Chapter 14

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I rolled over to try and block out the sunlight shining through the opened window shade. As I rolled, I came in contact with a solid mass, that groaned afterwards,

“What the fuck?” I whispered as I opened my eyes to see Harry lying next to me, stark naked,

He looked over at me a smiled,

“Did we...?” I asked him, looking between the both of us,

“I’d assume so...on account that the floor is covered in our clothes, we are both lying next to each other naked, and that condom on the floor over there...” he said, becoming a bit quiet for himself,

“Oh God, what the fuck have I done? I’m such a whore, I know Louis likes me and I completely fucked it up, he trusts me and I knew it took a lot for him to, and I hate myself. I’m such a whore I can’t believe I did that” I said, as I started to sob,

“Hey, hey you’re most definitely not a whore! El, it was my fault. I shouldn’t have let you smoke, and I could’ve tried to stop that from happening, I took advantage of you. I know there’s this whole thing going on between Lou and I, but I took it way too far. You don’t deserve me, he needs someone like you and I shouldn’t have come in between that. I’ll tell him if you want, I’d rather him hate me than you, babe” Harry replied while putting me up on his lap, rubbing my back to comfort me,

“No, I’ll tell him, I don’t want to come in between the band and ruin that too. You know Harry, you’re a lot sweeter than everyone says you are, I like it” I spoke as I finally stopped crying,

“Thank you. And you know, if you ever change your mind about Louis, I’ll be waiting for you. Because I like you, I like you a lot, and I’ll stick around for you, but until then I’m willing to be your best friend for a while” Harry said, as he stood up and started passing me my clothes,

“That sounds lovely, Harry thank you. And I’ll be sure to keep that in mind! Do you mind if I use your shower?” I asked him,

“Nope, it’s all your beautiful” he replied as he walked out of the room, into the main part of the suite,

I stepped into the bathroom, and shut the door behind me. I got into the shower, put the water on hot and began washing. I thought about how I would tell Louis what had happened between Harry and I, and whether I should even tell him or not, I decided I wouldn’t tell him right now, but I would tell him when I wanted to bring this up again. I can’t believe I’ve only known the boys for less than 24 hours, and all of this has happened...ugh I’m a whore.

I got out of the shower and noticed a pile of Zayn’s clothes and a note on top. I took the clothes and put them on over my underwear, which I decided I’d just wear until I got home, and I picked up the note as I walked out into Harry’s bedroom, empty. Weird. I began reading  the note;


I am so sorry about last night, I shouldn’t have left you too out there alone, Harry gets really crazy and reckless when he smokes and I should’ve known better to stay because it was your first time. I’m sorry. Harry told me what happened between you two, and I’m not disappointed nor will I tell anyone, trust me. I don’t think you are a whore, you weren’t in a proper state of mind to make decisions like that, but hopefully Louis will understand that. If you want to talk about this, I’m in my room so just come in!

Zayn xx

I smiled to myself, alright maybe this won’t be so bad, if Zayn understands Louis must right? God, I hope so...

I walked over to Zayn’s room and knocked on the door,

“Come in!” he shouted from what seemed like the other side of the room,

I walked in to see Zayn with no shirt on, showing off his toned colored abs, and multiple tattoo’s, I’ve always been a sucker for tats.

“What? Never seen a guys body before?” he asked throwing a shirt on and breaking the stare that I had going on,

“What? Oh no, just tired...zoning out ya know?” I replied,

“Mhmm, sure babes. Everyone loves ‘em, I understand if you like the view” he said laughing, and winking at me,

“Hahaha alright” I said,

“You can sit down you know,” he said while patting the bed,

“Thanks” I replied as I walked over and sat down,

“So, how are you holding up?” he questioned, looking a bit concerned,

“I’m not really sure, I think I’m’s Harry? Where is he by the way?” I replied,

“He just stormed off after you told me...he might’ve gone to get lunch, it’s nearly 1PM” he said, but it looked like he was keeping something out of that,

“Why would he storm off like that? He told me he was fine...” I said,

“The truth is El, he likes you... a lot. This isn’t like Harry to just fall for a girl so quick, it’s not even like him to fall for a girl at all, so I have no idea what’s going on in that boy’s head. Poor lad, he thought that he could have you, but I guess not.” Zayn replied,

I just sat there shocked, my mouth was wide open, and Zayn looked up and saw my reaction,

“It’s nothing...really don’t worry about it. He’ll probably move on...sometime soon, don’t you worry your pretty little mind. Get going, go see Lou, he probably misses you” he said while getting me up and pushing me out the door.

“Weird...” I whispered to myself,

I walked out of the room, and into the hallway, only to be greeted by Harry,

“Harry listen, I don’t want this to make things complicated, so if we can just forget about this whole thing, I’d appreciate it a lot” I said, 

He stopped walking, turned around and looked at me with a face that if I see correctly, looks like disappointment and hurt. He spoke up,

“Just forget about it? Fine. Forgotten.” he replied, and stormed off down the hallway to the elevators,

“Damn, someone’s hostile” I said quietly, and walked down to the next room to the other boys’ room,

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