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[Song: Dark Storms (Acoustic) by Our Last Night]

A cold drizzle danced on our skin as we walked down the lonely sidewalk. We were two of the only people walking due to the obvious but we didn't have a car to shield us from the storm as we needed to go somewhere.

Our destination was a small diner in town, the reason being that Ian and I were meeting my aunt and sister for lunch.

This will be my second meeting with the two of them and Ian's first. I never fully explained my situation to them, and I'm not sure I will yet, but I have told them that Ian's been taking care of me.

We enter the diner and find the pair sitting at a booth. We walk over to them and give small greetings before sitting.

“This is Ian,” I tell them.

My sister was the first to extend the welcoming by putting her hand out towards him “I'm Alice.” (made that name up last minute ngl)

Ian shook her hand and smiled, “nice to meet you.”

My aunt looked at him weirdly, just about staring him down. “It’s nice to meet you properly, Ian.”

“Same to you.” I could tell she was starting to make him uncomfortable with the way she was watching him. “I don't mean to run off as soon as I get here but I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick.”

“It's not problem,” my aunt spoke. “Hurry back.”

Ian got up and left the table, but the uncomfortable atmosphere didn't leave with him.

“He's cute,” Alice spoke as soon as Ian was out of ear range. “Is he single?”

“Is that really appropriate?” I roll my eyes at her.

“No harm in asking,” she laughs.

“Can you be serious for one minute, I need to address something with your brother,” my aunt scolded. “Max, I don't think you should be living with him.”

Anger bubbled inside of me. Who does she think she is, just suddenly coming into my life and thinking she knows what's good for me? “I don't think that's something you get to decide.”

“It actually is, being that legally I do have guardianship over you.” I wanted to slap her more than anything with that statement. “You should be in my custody, not some random man.”

“Right, right,” I gritted my teeth in anger. “Some random man that, hmm I don't know, took care of me for my entire life. He's just some random man that puts a roof over my head, makes sure I eat, puts clothes on my back, and makes sure I'm happy. Just a random man, right?”

“You better watch that tone,” she scoffed. “He is just a random man to me and I don't trust him to take care of you.”

I stood up, clenching my fists to my sides. “You don't get to show up after sixteen years and try to control my life. I've managed just fine this long without you, I don't need you now.”

I walk away from the table, ignoring the protests, and walk to where the bathroom is so I can get Ian and we can leave.

When I go in, Ian is looking at himself in the mirror. He turns his head and flashes me a confused look, which quickly goes to concern.

“What's wrong?” He asks.

“I want to go home,” my voice breaks as I speak. I'm no longer the strong angry man I was out there, I'm a fragile broken boy.

Ian brings me into a warm embrace where I fully lose it. My eyes become waterfalls as I break out into depression cries.

“I wish I never met her,” I cried.

“What happened?” Ian asks.

“She thinks she can control me,” I tell him. “She thinks she deserves authority over me.”

“I'm sorry, Max,” he says, kissing my forehead. “Let's go home, okay?”

I nod and we pull away from each other. He takes my hand and we walk out hand-in-hand.

They're waiting outside when we walk out. We turn to walk the other way and my aunt yells something at us “just wait, you'll see that in right about him.”

“Fuck off,” Ian calls behind us and we continue on.

A silence falls over us as walk farther away from the diner. The rain has picked up a bit, soaking our clothes and chilling our skin.

It isn't long before we walk up to our apartment building and go inside. Once in our home, we both change into dry clothes.  

I go into Ian's room when we're both done. “Can I borrow a hoodie?”

“Sure.” Ian pulls one out and gives it to me. I put it on and sit on his bed. Ian sits next to me and takes my hand. “You're freezing, Max.”

“I know, that's why I asked for the hoodie,” I tell him.

“Lay under the covers so you can get warmed up.” I nod and do as he said. He lays under the covers as well, wrapping his arms around me and holding me close.

“I never want to leave you,” I say, looking up at him. “I want to stay with you forever.”

“I don't want you to go either.” He kisses my forehead. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I move up and give him a full kiss on the lips, to which he kisses back without hesitation.

Ian deepens the kiss, and I let him. We kiss for a good few minutes before pulling away.

“God I love you, Max,” Ian says.

I smile, “I love you too, Ian.”

“I think I figured out why I like fire so much, at least why I like it now.” He plays with my hair and looks at the ceiling, thinking about what he's saying. “It reminds me of you. You're a lot like a fire yourself.”

“How so?” I ask.

“You're bright and beautiful, yet dangerous when out of control. Fire is the same way. It's think beautiful thing that could easily hurt you. When under control, fire can be the most amazing thing and it can light up your world. Yet you can never truly control a fire, and if you try you may get burned. You're something amazing, so out of control yet so wonderful. You light up my world and keep me on my toes.”

“Is that a good thing?” I question.

“Yes,” Ian smiles. “It's good, and so are you. You're the best thing in my life.”

“You're the best in mine.” I give him a small peck on the lips and we lay in silence for a while before I end up drifting off.

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