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[Song: The End of All Things by Panic! At The Disco]

When Max didn't return to his room in the hospital after twenty minute, doctors began to worry. The whole hospital was searched from top to bottom before they were forced to classify him as missing and notify his aunt. The woman arrived ten minutes after the call, with Alice in tow. She was fuming when she learned Max had just been allowed to walk freely.

Security camera footage was reviewed and they all watched as Max just walked right out the front doors. The police were then called and the boy was reported as missing.

It was far too late by the time Max was found. He suffered traumatic burns, burns that left his body almost impossible to identify.

A small investigation was conducted to see how the fire was started. It was quickly determined what had happened and Max was able to be put to rest. He was buried in the same cemetery as his parents, right with them.

Every time she got a chance, Alice would visit the graves of her lost family. She would place one flower one each grave and talk about her life as if they were there with her.

On one particular day, Alice came later in the day. It was nearly pitch black out but she felt the need to pay a visit. When she arrived, someone stood over her brother's grave plot. A slender figure in a black hoodie stood with their back to Alice. She took notice of how the person's hands shook ever so slightly as they gazed down at where Max was laid to rest.

Alice approached the figure quietly and only spoke when she was next to the person. "Did you know him?"

The person jumped at the sudden voice. When they spoke, their voice came out like they were badly playing out a character. "Oh, uh, yeah."

"I didn't know he had any friends other than Ian," Alice said. "When did you meet him?"

"Long time ago," the man replied. He pulled his hood further over his head to conceal his face further. "I should get going."

"Wait," Alice stopped the man from walking off by placing her hand on his shoulder. "At least tell me your name before you go."

The man shook his head. But between Alice's grip on his shoulder and the movement of his head, his hood was forced down.

Alice gasped and retracted her hand. "Ian? Wha- How?"

"It's complicated," Ian sighs. "But I didn't die in the fire that night. I did protect Max but they body they pulled out wasn't mine."

"Oh my god," Alice punched Ian in the chest repeatedly, taking her anger out all at once. "He died for you!"

"I know," Ian said in a hurt tone. "I never wanted this to happen. I didn't even know what happened until he was already here."

"Where have you been?" Alice asked.

"I got out after they had already pulled Max out," Ian explained. "I had a few burns and bruises but other than that I felt alright. But between the smoke and the fact that I was running faster than I could handle, I just collapsed.

"I didn't know how long it had been by time I woke up but I was just in the middle of a random alley and it was now about midday. I went home, not knowing what else to do, but when I got there all our stuff was being carted out and the police were there so I hid. I was hiding at a friend's house for a few weeks when one day he came in and asked about if I knew about the fire at our building. I told him I didn't and he told me that the building had burned down and that..."

Ian trailed off, his eyes growing glassy. He looked at the ground and balled his hands into fists.

Alice nodded in understanding. "What are your plans now?"

Ian shrugged. "What's the point in living in a world with no light?"

"Without light there is no life really." Alice was about to ask what was the purpose of Ian's philosophical question but he spoke before she got the chance.


And with that, Ian left the graveyard.


I'm feeling extra evil for ending it like this. I feel sad just to end it, I really liked this one. But there will be a new story Saturday so let's so how it goes.

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