Chapter 7

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A few very enjoyable hours later, Genevieve, Elissa, Bizelda and Senemare entered the hall, chatting and laughing excitedly. Gen felt so accepted by these girls, and had grown close to them over a couple of hours, which astounded her. She never thought she'd be so friendly with people her own age.

"So, which one's your dad?" Senemare whispered as they walked past the Staff table, glancing at it nervously. Genevieve turned her head, curls bouncing and scanned the table, eyes narrowed. She suddenly found her father, deep in conversation with a plump lady wearing a raggedy hat, who she assumed must be Professor Sprout after the girl's stories. On her fathers right, was a gigantic man with a thick beard and hair, wearing a shabby moleskin coat. He had beetle black eyes, but were surprisingly friendly, and a smile lurked near the surface of his beard.

"Who's that?" Genevieve asked quietly. Bizelda, tuning into the conversation, turned her head and regarded the Giant kindly.

"Oh, That's Hagrid! He's the groundskeeper, and our Care of Magical creatures teacher. He's lovely."

"And which one did you say was your father?" Elissa butted in, grinning. 

Once again, Gen turned her head to find him. "Oh he's the one-" She paused briefly as her father raised his goblet and took a hearty swig. Gen gulped. "Drinking." She added quietly. All three other girls regarded Genevieve's father with a sort of admiring  curiosity.

"He's rather handsome, isn't he?" Elissa said, and Gen spluttered as they sat down at he long tables, teeming with food.

"Yes, he is." Senemare and Bizelda agreed and nodded, before picking up bowls in front of them and spooning something onto their plates.

Gen, a rather puzzled look on her face, sat hunched at the table, stabbing at some type of vegetable with her fork. Elissa, suddenly noticing Gen's subdued attitude, shuffled closer to her friend and lent in.

"You Okay? You're not offended we called your dad attractive are you?" Elissa questioned nervously.

"No, I'm not." Gen said haughtily, and Elissa furrowed her brow. "It's just..." She tailed of, gazing at her father. "I didn't think anyone could find my dad handsome other than my mother."

"How does your mother feel about you two coming here to Hogwarts?" Elissa asked, and to Genevieve's relief, Senemare interrupted with Bizelda, giggling. They were sitting opposite Elissa and Gen, and Bizelda was covering her mouth as she squealed, and Senemare was bright pink.

"Fred and George just winked at us!" Senemare squealed.

Elissa groaned and rolled her eyes. Gen couldn't help but be amused by her reaction. "Who are Fred and George?"

"The Weasley twins. Come from a big family of Gryffindor's. Red heads, quite poor-"

"They're lovely!" Bizelda giggled. "And hilarious too!"

"They're the school Pranksters. Them and Lee Jordan." Elissa informed Gen with a smirk, and Gen chuckled.

"Not to mention, they're like, best friends with Harry Potter!" Senemare sighed dreamily.


Elissa choked on her mouthful of chicken. Senemare's jaw dropped and Bizelda gasped.

"You don't know who Harry Potter is?!" Elissa exclaimed. Gen shook her head calmly. "He's only the boy who defeated You-Know-Who when he was one year old!"

"Who's You-Know-Who?"

"You can tell you've been brought up as a muggle, you know." Senemare sighed.

"A what?"

"DEAR LORD GIRL." Elissa roared with laughter, startling a couple of first years. "We have alot of explaining to do when we get back up to the common room."


"Chatting up a couple of first years again are we Fred? George?" Ron teased as his brothers sat down next to them at the table. Fred punched his brother on the arm and George scowled. 

"No, a few of those cute girls from Slytherin. And we only winked. It's hilarious, they spaz out." Fred informed, glancing momentarily over at the girls who were deep in conversation with the two girls opposite."Their friend is really scary, the six foot one. But they've got a new one, it seems."

"Who?" Harry glanced up over the daily prophet him and Hermione were reading intently, and saw the girl Fred and George were talking about. "She's pretty."

Ginny, who was sat opposite Harry, scowled, and as Ron looked over, studying her intently, Hermione blushed and dug her nose deeper into the words on the page.

"Yeah, she is. But guess what? Malfoy can't stop staring at her?" George laughed.

At this, all of the group looked up and over to the Slytherin table. And sure enough, Draco Malfoy, the cockiest boy on earth, was staring dumb-founded at the beautiful girl halfway down the table. His eyes had a sort of a glazed look, and he kept blushing when Crabbe, Goyle or Pansy interrupted his day dreaming.

"Apparently, he was having signs of a vessel this morning." Ginny informed them, and Hermione raised her eyebrows.

"At such a young age? Do you think maybe that girl's his-"

"Vessel? I don't know. But I want to speak to her. She looks really nice." Ginny said, finishing off her goblet of pumpkin juice and watching contently as it refilled itself instantly. 

"We should speak to her. Being stuck in Slytherin with Malfoy must be awful." Harry grimaced.

"I'm sure she doesn't feel that way." Hermione scowled at Harry, and Ron snickered. "And what's so funny, Ron?"

"Do you fancy Malfoy? Wanna take a shot at taming that slimy, snake of a git?"

"No! He's repulsive-"

"That's what they all say." Fred and George smirked, gazing over at the two girls once again.


"Gen... Malfoy's staring at you." Bizelda whispered, glancing to her left. Gen casually turned her head to the right and saw the blonde boy gazing at her, a dreamy look in his eyes.

Gen felt the blush rising quickly in her cheeks. Having a full frontal look at him proved her point that he was quite gorgeous. 

He was very slender, with nimble shoulders, his body swamped by his robes similar to hers. His sleek, white blonde hair was rumpled,  and his cold grey eyes were filled with a dazed, hazy glow. His pale skin and clear complexion made her extremely jealous and his pointed features were strangely handsome. He was haughtily good looking.

He was still staring at her, though she'd been looking at him for well over a minute. Cautiously, she lifted her right hand and waved sheepishly , smiling very meekly. He suddenly jumped back, startled, turning deep scarlet, and smiling nervously before turning away. A dark haired girl on his right scowled at her.

"Who's that girl next to him?" Gen asked, wrinkling her nose. Senemare grunted.

"Pansy Parkinson. A tart. Bitch. Every bad thing under the son. She hates the fact Draco's looking at you."

"Draco likes her?" Gen asked, fighting the rising disappointment in her stomach and the sudden urge to cry.

"No. Hates her. We were speaking to Crabbe and Goyle. They're actually alright."

"Those two guys with him?"

"Yeah. Draco's like Slytherin royalty. All girls fancy him-" 

"Not us, by the way." Bizelda tuned in. 

"And all the boys wanna be his best friend. You'll be envied by every girl,"

"Other than us." Bizelda chirped again. 

"-In the school. Beware of Draco." Senemare finished nervously, and Genevieve nodded, but every now and again would keep glancing at the mop of blonde hair, which was now trying to be discreet as he watched her, blushing when ever he saw her eyes. 

Last Words Should Always Be I Love You ~ A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now