Chapter 4

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"Gen... Come on Genevieve, wake up..." The distant voice of Genevieve's father, Kristian Thornsnipe, rang in her ears, and despite the fact she felt stiff as a board, she felt compelled to open her eyes and assure her father she was okay.

It was a very familiar scene, the same one she witnessed when she was young and had a severe case of the flu. Their small log cabin was the same, with the tatty multi-coloured rug thrown on the floor, and the different bunches of herbs hung at intervals around the rafters. When heated by the fire that was busy crackling in the hearth, these herbs would fill the room with a delightfully smoky smell, making the infantile Genevieve sleepy and drowsy.

Silhouetted against the vibrant, burning fire, Kristian Thornsnipe gazed affectionately down at his groggy daughter, who has attempting to heave herself into an upright position, restricted due to her arm being rendered immobile by the copious amounts of bandages wrapped around it. Her father was reassuringly normal to Genevieve, with the same ebony hair, hazel eyes and petite, unfortunately feminine frame.

"I'm right here father, and I'm okay." Genevieve croaked, smiling a weak smile, but Kristian just chuckled heartily.

"I know, Gen. I've been sitting here for the past six hours, and the whole of yesterday, making sure you're alright."

"Six hours?! Why, what happened-"

"Wolves." Kristian said with a sigh, making Genevieve crawl guiltily back inside her shell. "And I wish you would stop going out and getting hurt, Genevieve."

"I'm fine, Dad."

"Your arm says otherwise." He scolded, laying a hand on hers and squeezing it compassionately. "Thankfully Dumbledore was here to help."

"What's a Dumbledore?" Asked Genevieve curiously. Then, walking in from the other room, a man chuckled, startling Genevieve and her father.

"A rather mystic and powerful old codger, who has a slight soft spot for sherbet lemons." The man laughed, a soft sound like silver bells, as he surveyed Genevieve through his half moon spectacles with his bright blue eyes. Genevieve herself was taken aback by how peculiar he looked.

He had a long silver beard, as well as a mane of silvery hair, and a periwinkle blue hat embroidered with silver was perched on his head at a rather daring angle. His robes were of the same beautiful material, sweeping around his ankles like waves of a tropical ocean, and the man's face itself was remarkably friendly.

"Hello Genevieve, I do believe we have been denied introductions. I am Professor Dumbledore, Headmaster at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry." The man said kindly. Genevieve stared back, dumb-founded.

"There's no such thing." She stated angrily, much to the amusment of Dumbledore. "What is it?"

"Your Father assured me you would be like this."

Genevieve turned to her father, mouth agape, and saw he was looking down shamefully. 

"But my mother and father are the most normal people I've ever met-"

"Your mother was. Not me." Kristian said quietly, and Genevieve felt as if she'd received a blow to the stomach. "She didn't approve, and it was her dying wish for you not to grow up a witch. And I made sure of it. But you and your powers keep getting stronger. And I knew one day, something awful would happen and you'd be too grown up to believe me about your gift. So we had to tell you now."

"Powers?!" Genevieve exclaimed, looking down at her trembling hands and scrunching them into fists. "I don't have powers, I'm normal-"

"No Gen, you're not." Kristian informed her stonily. Genevieve had tears welling in her eyes, spilling down her grubby cheeks. 

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