Meet 'n' Greet

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Sam and Colby couldn't believe they're ears. Elton had just told them they'd be meeting a special friend of his.

"Who is it? Do we know them already?" Sam badgered on for answers, eager to meet whoever this person was.

Elton shook his head, "Nope, but you're going to know them soon. Oh, um, don't mention anything gay to him, okay?"

"Is he homophobic?"

Elton chuckled and shook his head, "Far from it."

The two best friends glanced at one another and shrugged, "Alright. When are we meeting him?"

"As soon as this fucker texts me back."

As if on cue, his phone vibrated. The trio glanced at the screen, reading the texts and grinning as the elevator doors opened up.

'I'm on the fourth floor, waiting for the elevator. Are you in the lobby?'

The doors opened to reveal a petite male with bright green, forest emerald eyes that twinkled with each individual light surrounding him.

He had bright blonde tips covering his left eye that led to a more darker blonde than brunette and finally black, shadowed roots.


The male smiled a small closed-mouth grin that showed a beam of bright joy in his eyes. The two males grinned and waved at him.

"You two are Sam and Colby, nice to meet you, I'm Justice."

Elton grabbed his wrist and pulled him in, "Corey's waiting in the car, we have to hurry."

The male held onto a rolling cart for his things, a bright pink color that matched his varsity jacket.

His pants were a fluorescent rose color that matched his neon-bright lavender shoes.

The male has freckles dashing across his cheekbones, bridge of his nose that were hidden by the dorky black bold nerd glasses, and a novelty necklace on reading, 'Boujee'.

Colby applauded him for that and complimented the necklace, causing the male's cheeks to dust a bright pink when he smiled and thanked him.

Sam smiled, the guy definitely had an innocent, refreshing tone about him. It was almost the opposite of the too-sexy, turn-on, hot-model Colby Brock.

Sam chuckled, he felt like the median of the two all of a sudden. They were a trio of the morning to night, innocent to sin.

The viewers would absolutely love their videos with this guy. "So, how long are you planning on staying?"

Elton piped up as the male glanced at him, "I thought we'd let him stay in our house for a good year or so."

"So he's a new roommate?"

"Yeah, not sure about sleeping arrangements though."

"I can take the couch," The man smiled, suggesting something the trio didn't want to do to the boy.

"Nah. I'm sure Sam and Colby can share a room again."

The boy looked troubled and shook his head, "I don't want to take anyone's room."

Sam and Colby simply glanced at each other and giggled, "We've shared a room before."

Justice sighed softly, "I mean, alright..."

Colby nudged the boy, "It's fine, really. How old are you?"

"I'll be 25 this Christmas. A few days before Christmas actually."

Sam grinned, "You're a Sagittarius like me then?"

Justice nodded, "December 22nd."

Sam held his hand up for a high five, easily receiving one from the new roommate.

"Can I call you Justy?"

Justice glanced at Colby and nodded, "A lot of people seem to be calling me that lately. I've heard Jay a lot as well but I think that name better suits, Jay Walker."

Elton nodded, leading the trio out to the car as the elevator doors rang open. He passed the hotel front and out into the slightly fall weather.

"Hard to believe we're going to Canada in a week."

Sam agreed, "And then Russia, then Italy, and a bunch of other places in Europe."

Justice smiled, "I bought the tickets last weekend on sale, we're going to Russia first, then Denmark, Germany, and finally Italy."

"When are we going to Canada?"

Elton turned to Colby with a huge grin, "For Christmas week."

"better let momma know, Colbs," Sam snickered.

Colby glared at him, "You better tell your obsessive girlfriend then."

Sam gaped at him with pure shock before laughing, "What? She's not obsessive."

"Before we left, she literally clung to you for a whole two weeks, Sammy. I couldn't record with you at all," Colby whined.

"My bad," Sam sighed, rolling his eyes at Colby.

Justice smiled softly, glancing at the two, "Colby, do you have a girlfriend?"

The brunette stuttered and bit his lip nervously, "No, but I'm not gay if that's what you're wondering."

"Would it hurt to be gay?" The male inquired, narrowing his eyes at Colby and suddenly losing his smile.

Colby waved his hands above his shoulders defensively, "I didn't mean it that way, I promise. I just, I'm straight. I'm not gay, that's all I'm saying."

Justice nodded with understanding, "Have you ever thought about a guy?"

"Geez, with these questions, you'd be thinking I'd be a virgin but I'm not. No, I'm completely straight."

Justice smiled, watching Colby's face turn bright red as he tried defending himself.

He nodded, "Okay, I was just curious. I used to watch your videos and you've been single a long ass time, just how? You're really attractive and your fans are obsessed with your good looks."

Colby blushed again and nodded, "I guess I just don't want a relationship right now."

Justice glanced at Colby's hand as they reached the car, it was laced with Sam's fingers. He smiled and turned to the car, pulling open the door and shifting inside.

"Hey, Justice, right? I'm Corey!"

"Hey, Corey, it's nice to meet you, dude. I've heard a lot about you from Elton."

Tthe male nodded, "I heard you'll be taking us to explore abandoned, haunted, and fun places in other countries?"

"Absolutely. You guys aren't spending a dime, except for souvenirs I guess."

"You're awesome. Uncle Elton, I like this guy, where'd you find him?"

"High School. He's 25."

"NO WAY. He seriously looks 19."

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