Makin' My Gay DownTown

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The drive was supposed to last three hours back home. Obviously, they'd take some breaks between but until then, Justice needed a plan.

As a Solby fanboy, he literally was stuck in a daydream of how to pair them up. A realistic way to get them to confess. If they hadn't anyway, that is.

He glanced over and was met with curious ocean blue eyes.

The blonde male kept his voice down, his face lightening a shade of pink as Colby lolled his head on his shoulder, fast asleep.

Justice smiled and stifled a giggle, "You two are really close."

"Physically, we are."

"Just physically?"

Sam stared in shock and wonder at this male, "What are you..."

Justice shook his head, "Nothing, nothing."

The blue-eyed blondie glanced out the window, occasionally stealing glances at the male asleep on his shoulder.

One of his hands traveled to his brunette hair, gently petting the fluff there.

Justice smiled and watched the blonde pet the other's hair gently, caressing the strands with a level of fondness and adoration in his eyes that were unexplainable.

Sam sighed softly and his gaze shifted towards Justice, his nose nuzzled into Colby's brunette hair.

He bit his lip nervously as the other smiled at him knowingly. "Maybe..." He muttered.

Colby shifted so his arms wrapped around Sam's waist, pulling the other closer so his face was hidden in Sam's neck.

Sam smiled sweetly, nuzzling his cheek into the other's hair with a fond glaze in his eyes.

"You two are so cute together," Justice mumbled, smiling at the sight of his next two targets.

Sam gulped anxiously, "We're not.. ya know."

"I know, you're two straight best friends. But you are cute together."

Sam smiled and glanced at his other half, "...Thanks."


Elton nudged Justice, who had apparently fallen asleep with his cheek against the cold-ish window. "Justy, wake up, buddy."

Justice cracked an eye open to see Corey's arm wrapped carefully around Elton warning the male not to step back because of oncoming traffic near the gas station.

Justice smiled softly, yawning quietly as he stretched out his legs, "Hmm? What's up?"

"We need to refill, can you watch the car for us?" Corey's face was slightly red as he hid behind Elton, hiding a certain area.

Elton's face was dusted light pink as well. Justice glanced to Elton's midsection where Corey's arms were loosely wrapped, and grinned, "Okay."

Elton nodded thanks and left to the gas pumps, Corey trailing behind him and into the store.

Justice glanced to his right to see Sam and Colby, both sleeping, with their arms and legs intertwined and their faces pretty much nosing each other's throats.

He chuckled and took a selfie, posting it on his Instagram. He wrote a sly caption; "On a trip with my favorite halves of a whole: @ samandcolby !! <3 <3 <3 Such QTs!"

Within minutes, the picture exploded with comments of '#SOLBY' and 'They are such goals'.

Justice chuckled and closed Instagram, clicking on the ghostly icon with the yellow background; Snap Chat.

He aimed the selfie cam at himself again, applying the puppy filter.

He rearranged it so he was glancing at the two halves sleeping in each other's arms, his face off to the side for the viewers to see.

He held the record button and spoke very quietly, just loud enough for his phone to pick it up, "The infamous Sam and Colby, sleeping side by side, er, sorry, sleeping in each other's laps. This is going to be a fun trip for me, Serenities!"

(Serenities are his followers n shit, idk, just thought it up because his last name is Senre, sounds like Serene. +Seh-re the 'n' is silent btw)

He uploaded it to his story just as Corey was back, his face clear of any blush. He stuck around in the cold air outside with Elton, who was finishing pumping gas into the car.

Justice smiled and exited into the somewhat freezing weather, holding his phone at Elton and Corey.

Elton chuckled, grinning to the camera. Corey wrapped an arm around Elton's waist, another snaking its way around his neck.

Elton glanced over at him and formed a somewhat lovestruck look, passion eradicating in his eyes and reflecting onto Corey's expression.

The two leaned closer after hearing the click of Justice's camera. They pressed their foreheads together and grinned like children.

Justice stepped closer and zoomed in to hide the gas pump, blurring the background with his phone camera and snapping the photo.

He smiled and put his phone in his pocket. "Hold on, one more," Elton winked at Justice, "Just don't post this one, okay?"


Justice pulled his phone from his pocket again and held it up, focusing it on the two males. Elton's hand left the pump and he pushed it back into its original place.

He closed the car's gas tank lid and wrapped both hands around Corey's neck, one of his palms pressing against Corey's cheek in a romantic manner.

He heard the male behind the camera gasp as he pressed his lips to Corey's mouth.

The man in the bun reciprocated immediately, melting into the kiss, and forgetting who was watching.

Justice snapped a photo and grinned widely, leaving the two alone in the snow for their cute moment.

He entered the car, opening the door, almost shocked to see Colby leaned over Sam with a giggle. The other was awake as well, glancing up to wave.

"Welcome back, Colby's a piece of garbage."

"I woke him up by tickling him."

Justice glanced at the group and giggled, he was going to love this next year or so.

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