Rescue Mission

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Enma thought that the antidote must has made Skull matured as he didn't even try to piss off Adelheid like what he usually did. Instead, he was behaving like a good little sweet boy like Fuuta.

So, when Enma brought Skull to a seafood restaurant, he didn't expect the 9 years old ex-cloud arcobaleno to burst into tears and wailed around like a baby.

Enma didn't know how to comfort a crying kid. "Waahhhh, don't cry, Skull. What's wrong? Please don't cry. Please...." He practically kneeled and begged Skull to stop crying.

(Despite being 19 years old, Enma always have a panic attack whenever someone cried especially kid.)

He was so close to being reduced into a panic sobbing mess as well when Rauji and Lambo passed by.

Rauji was good in interacting and comforting kids. Lambo was a good example. It only took one minute for the Simon mountain guardian to calm Skull down.

By the time he stopped crying, Skull was burning with a certain resolve in his eyes. (He didn't wear his helmet by the way)

Unfortunately, only Lambo saw his resolve and he decided to join Skull in whatever he was planning to do since he was bored. This is going to be very fun.


Three days later,

The whole Italy was in an uproar when all the seafood restaurant was attacked by armies of invincible human size kraken that dropped from the sky.

Inside an airship, 14 years old Skull gave Lambo a high five before turning towards his monitor.

"Ha, serve them right!! How dare they make Oodako's relatives into dishes!!" said Skull as he continued to observe the attack through that monitor.


Enma tried to destroy all the krakens but it's a tough self-appointed task since the kraken was coated with a layer of lightning flames and they propagated non-stop.

And he's all alone since all his guardians (except Adel who went to kill Skull) were quick enough to run away in the excuse of evacuating the civilians.

He decided to call Tsuna for help.

Unfortunately, his call weren't answered. He didn't need any hyper intuition to know that Tsuna purposely ignored his call. And a tick mark appeared on his forehead followed by a brilliant idea. He smiled.


Tsuna was learning how to hack when his phone rang. He was about to answer the call when he saw the identity of the caller. Wait a minute. Enma lived with Skull. And Skull is one of the arcobaleno who drank the antidote.

Nope. He's not going to answer that call. If he has to suffer this, Enma has to suffer too. That's what best friends are for. Suffering together.

"Errr, Tsuna? Your phone." Irie winced at the sight of the melted phone in Tsuna's hand.

Tsuna tilted his head slightly. "Yes?"

"Your phone is melting in your hand."

"So what? I need new phone anyway."

"I think you really need a break from your work, Tsuna."

"Why? I'm feeling perfectly fine. If anything, you should be the one to take a break. You spend all the time in the lab."


Irie prayed for Tsuna in his heart. He really didn't want his only sane friend (beside the girls) in the Vongola to fell into the same category as anyone else (which always has a few screws loose).


That night, when everyone in the Vongola mansion was asleep, a few black holes appeared in various part of the mansion including Tsuna's bedroom.

Instead of sucking up things, the black holes expelled out hundreds of raging krakens.

And as Tsuna tried to destroy the kraken, a small black hole appeared in front of him and a small piece of note came out.

'A present for you for ditching your best friend.'


A/n: Next chapter is going to be Colonello's turn. ^_^/

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