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A/n: This chapter is not much on Tsuna but I have been very tempted to write this for months already XD


What has he done to deserve this? Jaeger groaned.


That didn't sound right. What have the others done that they didn't deserve this?

Why was he the only one that was not affected by the side effects of the antidote?

Jaeger sighed for the umpteenth time and received a pat on his shoulder by the redhead in return.

Enma casted sympathy looks towards Jaeger. "Well, look at the bright side. At least, you gain back your normal human look."

"It's not worth it. Not with the mental scar that I have to live through the rest of my life." Memories of yesterday's event flashed through his mind again and he banged his head against the wall to stop them.

Mental scar due to the arcobaleno curse was one thing. This was another thing (and whole new level) altogether.



Tsuna thought that since Verde was going to create antidote for the ex-arcobaleno, why not create another antidote that could help the Vindice to regain their human appearance.

After all, no one wants to live for eternity with a zombie-like appearance.

He should have waited for the ex-arcobaleno to return to their normal age before asking Verde to create the antidote for Vindice.

Nevertheless, the ex-arcobaleno has kept him so busy that he forgot to inform the Vindice that there might be side effects for the antidote that they took.


It all started simple enough.

Jaeger should have known something was wrong when he saw Bermuda giggled. His boss never giggled. The glint in his boss did not bode well with him at all.

He shouldn't have let the matter slide and continued his work.


The sight of Big Pino dressing up in a blue frilly dress and tried to flirt with him would forever haunt him for the rest of his life.

The sight of Small Gia performing a strip dance made him wanted to burn his own brain to ash.

Bermuda..... Jaeger shuddered. His boss was the worst.

The only consolation that he has was he was not the only one who was traumatised. Somehow, all the Vindice's members have decided to host a party and invite (kidnap) the mafia bosses to their party.

At least, the mafia world would be in peace for quite some time after this.

He just has to make sure that his colleagues didn't invite the Gesso boss or Reborn. He didn't need people to feed his current boss nor the rest of the Vindice any more crazy ideas.


Too bad, lady luck was not by his side.

When Byakuran somehow invited himself to the party, Jaeger knew he has to take action fast if he wanted to save his already traumatised soul and prevent the Vendicare from collapsing. Somewhere at the back of his mind, he idly wondered if this was still call a party if more than half of the people were perpetually frozen or scared to death.

So, he decided to call for help from Vongola Decimo to rein them in. Perhaps, freeze all of them using Zero Point Breakthrough until the side effects wore off.

Unfortunately, after dealing with the ex-arcobaleno's antics for two weeks, Tsuna has learnt that it was far much easier to roll with the punches instead of trying to stop people.

Thus, it was not a surprise when the first thing that Tsuna did when he saw the party after getting out from Jaeger's portal was to invite himself in and teamed up with Byakuran in what seemed like a snowball fight between them and Alejandro and a dozen of Ginger Bread.

WHAT?!! I thought you are the sane one here, Vongola Decimo. Jaeger didn't have time to ponder more when the rest of Vongola Tenth Generation guardians and the ex-arcobaleno appeared out of nowhere and joined the party.

Something suspiciously sounded like a whimper escaped Jaeger's mouth when he saw Reborn and Bermuda act like good old buddies.

That was when he caught sight of the Simon Decimo who was dragged here by Skull.

Both their eyes were locked at each other. He recognised the look on the young Simon's face. It was the one that mirrored his for the past 24 hours.

A bond of camaraderie was formed between them and both of them nodded.



"That reminds me. What happens to Sawada Tsunayoshi? He looks normal the last time I saw him."

"Who's that? I don't know anyone with that name." The young Simon Decimo sulked.

"I thought you and him are best friends."

"Best friends don't ditch one another when in need." He was still salty about the fact that Tsuna left him to deal with Skull alone.

"...." Jaeger refrained himself from asking what has happened. Whatever it was, it definitely was not good for his current state of mind. He turned towards the other redhead that was lying unconsciously on the other side of the cave. And here was the perk of being the second in command of Vendice. He knew all the underground caves that can be used as temporary hiding that no one else knew.

Jaeger continued to stare at the unconscious figure. That guy has fainted when he approached him and Enma insisted to bring him along. Who is this guy again? He seemed to recall that that guy was also present in the arcobaleno battle fiasco.

"He is Byakuran's best friend, Irie Shoichi. Don't worry, he is normal just like us. That's why I picked him up. He's probably going to wake up soon."

Unknown to both of them, Shoichi has actually woken up just now but fainted again when he saw Jaeger was banging his head on the wall. Nothing good ever came out when someone was banging their head. So, if the Vindice's Strongest Warrior was banging his head, it meant a disaster was happening. At least, that was what Irie's mind supplied to him before his stomach ache did its job.


A/n: I don't have internet access for the next two or three weeks, so I will update this and Sky Arcobaleno Duo next month.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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